Monday, January 3, 2011

BIG FAT Cindy and DUMBASS Rose...

Blood clots, usually starting as leg clots are from an inactive lifestyle. Yes some medications can cause them but the more frequent cause is obesity coupled with an inactive lifestyle, mostly people who lie flat or sit all the time causing the clots to cause problems.

And from the pics I can see that Cindy is morbidly obese. Morbidly obese people are usually shut-ins, many sit in front of computers for hours on end only exacerbating their medical conditions. They usually suffer from depression and lack general self-esteem. They turn to the only thing that makes them feel better, which is their vice; sometimes it's drugs and/or alcohol but a lot of times it is food, hence the morbid obesity.

They are usually miserable people and love to make other people suffer as they do. It's really sad, we see it a lot, but unless they admit they have a problem they won't recover. Lapband surgery helps a lot of morbidly obese people, but it can also be stretched right back out and/or rupture the stomach.

Just FYI...

Oh and Rose? First cousin produced children usually cause the most problems genetically. For someone who claims to be in the medical field you sure don't know a damn thing.

But we all know that you don't do shit nurse wise. Just because you wear scrubs doesn't mean you are medical personnel.

There is a website that lists all nurses, all medical assistants and other branches and SURPRISE!! YOU ARE NOT ON THAT WEBSITE UNDER ANY NAME OR EVEN YOUR BIRTHDATE!! Imagine that. I think someone should warn the place you work about your so-called "qualifications" and your online activities.

Your hidden ownership can be subpeonaed, along with your really dumb friend the Bob blog owner (we all know who it is, there are ways of locating such information you insipid wasted blob of truncated flesh). You know as well as I do, as we all do, that you and those blogs are sitting time bombs and I, as well as the rest of these poor people who put up with your shit CAN'T WAIT to see you shoot yourself in the face and foot.

As you always do Rose, just counting the days until you're on "Snapped" along with your ridiculous Houston/Spring,TX blogging hick buddy. Yeah you'll be famous alright, just not in the way you want to be, or him.

And Cindy?'re NEXT...


Anonymous said...

WOW Cindy is huge....and you see the real Rose ...UGLY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Hirst finally let that shithole "secret" blog of hers go down or she was finally shut off? And her fired texas deputy butt buddy definitely got his blog shut off for TOS. Ugly people.

Couldn't happen to a nicer couple.


Anonymous said...

WOW is this Cynthia C Ulrich AKA Cindy32863 on AOL?
Just think now when people google like Cindy does to dig up stuff on people for Rose you can google Cindy and find out now too what kind of person she is!

Anonymous said...

I work with a guy that is Skinny, and he suffers from blood clots. It is not due to being fat and inactive. He was a runner and a skier and very active. His was due to a medication with side effects. So you don't have to be fat and inactive to have blood clot issues.

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

Fully understood and point taken. Never said that you ONLY have to be fat to have blood clots. But this is not a skinny woman and her clot problems are due to her inactivity overeating and sitting at a computer all the time chatting. I notice by your IP address that you're one of the chatters from the room, thank you for your input.

Anonymous said...

Does my IP address tell you who I am?

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

Yes 12:21 and would you like me to tell the Alexandria,VA city school system that you were on a blog website during school hours? We can see everything about you, including the fact that it uses WINDOWS XP and the resolution of your monitor, among other things.

Any more stupid questions?

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