old roomie is pantry is crab is grumpy is karrie is redsky is (fill in the name) is (make up a name) is (fill in name of local homeless drunk) is (fill in name of person who drives an SUV) is.....WHO FUCKING CARES?
This is about ridiculous as it gets. I'm surprised you haven't accused Christopher2K as being old roomie.
Cindy, really now girl get over yourself.
And Rosehose, "it's on"? Yeah ahuh right as if. You talk enough shit to full up a grain bin and we all know it and we laugh about it behind your back. You'd be surprised at who laughs at you and still calls you a "friend".
Same for you Cindy. Go on and hand out "Karrie's" contact info, you're only embarassing yourself. If you read that carefully you'll figure out what I am saying. Rose only knows so much truth and she's so fulla shit and a consummate liar.
You two are like rotten moldy peas in a pod and you are BOTH in my sights: Rose as you always are and Cindy? You ain't seen shit yet. Go ahead with your bad fat self and bring it on.
A saggy worn out stretched thin ugly ooooooold hag (Rosehoser) and a morbidly obese fat crackalackin waddle walkin can't tie yer shoelaces rolypoly (Cindy).
Here's a hint Cindy: Rose knows better than to fuck with Karrie cos she knows Karrie will rain hellfire down on her, that's why she doesn't pursue anything further than she has. But she would never admit it, cos it would make her look like the dumbass fool that she is.
Gawd I know you sit there and giggle your ass off Christopher when you read these sad diatribes on these people, but what can I say? You know they're idiots.
Oh, BTW STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BREED. Someone please pass that on to Cindy and Rose and their minions/zombies.
Now Christopher, how about we sit down and have a cup o' tea, Earl Grey hot, and discuss something intelligent while these brainless nitwits sod off and plan their next bicycle attack...
Cheers mate...
This is about ridiculous as it gets. I'm surprised you haven't accused Christopher2K as being old roomie.
Cindy, really now girl get over yourself.
And Rosehose, "it's on"? Yeah ahuh right as if. You talk enough shit to full up a grain bin and we all know it and we laugh about it behind your back. You'd be surprised at who laughs at you and still calls you a "friend".
Same for you Cindy. Go on and hand out "Karrie's" contact info, you're only embarassing yourself. If you read that carefully you'll figure out what I am saying. Rose only knows so much truth and she's so fulla shit and a consummate liar.
You two are like rotten moldy peas in a pod and you are BOTH in my sights: Rose as you always are and Cindy? You ain't seen shit yet. Go ahead with your bad fat self and bring it on.
A saggy worn out stretched thin ugly ooooooold hag (Rosehoser) and a morbidly obese fat crackalackin waddle walkin can't tie yer shoelaces rolypoly (Cindy).
Here's a hint Cindy: Rose knows better than to fuck with Karrie cos she knows Karrie will rain hellfire down on her, that's why she doesn't pursue anything further than she has. But she would never admit it, cos it would make her look like the dumbass fool that she is.
Gawd I know you sit there and giggle your ass off Christopher when you read these sad diatribes on these people, but what can I say? You know they're idiots.
Oh, BTW STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BREED. Someone please pass that on to Cindy and Rose and their minions/zombies.
Now Christopher, how about we sit down and have a cup o' tea, Earl Grey hot, and discuss something intelligent while these brainless nitwits sod off and plan their next bicycle attack...
Cheers mate...
Ms. Hirst (what do we call her now that she's a DIVORCED woman?) Ms. Shit head? LOL. There's your LOL RoseHo. What's this "it's on" bullshit? She got another blog to run her mouth on Roomie? What a dumbass she is. Grow up Rose get a life and STFU already you dummy.
New internet laws, can't sit at your laptop anymore running off making shit up on people anymore. Course suing your skank ass wouldn't mean dick since that's about all you got, is sucking dicks. LOL. There's another LOL for ya stupid.
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