Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ode To Fatass Cindy...

We're Begging You Cindy....GET HELP!!!

We here at the ACK blog have been concerned about Cindy's frame of mind lately. The bloggers here do have a heart and try to do things we feel are appropriate.

First there were the blood clots, then the over eating, then the alleged suicide "online" of all places. Now Cindy, dear, if yer listening (or reading whatever), please pumpkin face, GET HELP. There are a lot of organizations that can help you with your problems. I know your self-esteem is at an all-time low, but hanging around lumps of shit like Rosemarypooperhead Hirst only make it worse.

You have to cut down on the ho ho and twinkie stuffing in your pie hole, because that makes a lot of your weight elemental. I know cakes and cookies hard to resist, but just pretend every time you see one that Rosiepoop has rubbed her nasty disease flushed vagina all over the frosting. Now thats enough to knock an Irish drinker off his stool.

Pasta and pizza are a weight loss no-no, ask Rosiepoop she has it coming out of every nasty greasy orifice she has. Well you could start looking at Billy/Zeeke and that would make anyone retch until their intestines came out. He might think he is some badass but anyone who really knows him knows is a Pussy with a capital P. When he has been faced with guys he has pissed off or ones he pisses off when just out on his own, he cries like a baby.

Just like Rose. I saw her backed into a corner after pissing some woman off, and she was talking ninety miles a second trying to convince this girl not to beat the shit out of her. She also got her ass royally beat one tinme at another place, and when the girl wasn't around she started talking shit about the bitch was lucky she didn't kick her ass. It got back to the girl and she came after Rosiepoop again and the whole suckup story started again, saying whoever told it to this woman was lying and trying to start unnecessary shit. If we weren't laughing so hard we would have told her that Rose was talking shit again.

So Cindy, my dear, try just walking around the block a few times, it will help take weight off you every day. And it will give you the strength to walk away from Rosemarypooperhead. So let me provide you with the starting picture for you to remember what you look like now.


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