I have known Rose a lot longer than most of you in this whole mess and know exactly what shes like and what shes capable of. i quit going in the rooms before the blogging started when people would come in the room, stay a short time then log off and go to work. we respected each other, were happy when they were, sad when they were too and shared each others kids, joys, worries, divorces, marriages, infidelities, trouble paying bills, butthead teenage kids and so on and so on. then when we got home we logged on, said a few words, maybe cooked dinner while we chatted, but the main point i am making is we were friends. we didnt dig into each others lives, look up someones criminal record (unless there was a good reason and it had to be a damn good reason too) or history, court records, we just didn't do that. we were different (yet the same) liked different things, endured different stuff and all our own personalities: the grump, the bitch, the badge bunny or hose sniffer, the resident spell checker, the "mom" & yes the "dad", the kind one for advice, the gruff ones for pep talks and "sense in your head" talks, the medical ones for medical problems, hell we even had a vet. friendships were kept and secrets, for the most part, were kept and people werent stabbing each other in the back. that is until rose and a few others started frequenting the room. for the most part everyone took rose with a grain of salt, they knew she was a whore and she was pushy and if you had a lick of sense in your head you would too. i dont know when she started gaining power, maybe its when the blogs started gaining popularity. what you people need to realize is you are giving her the power she wants and desperately needs. you can take that power back from her, you are partly right now with what youre doing. but what you need to realize is take away what she thrives on and she wilts. nothing like a bully who cant bully anyone anymore, nothing like a gossiping shit starter who no one will listen to anymore... catch the drift? the laws are changing more and more every day and POSs like rose, well, their time is limited. people used to just say, "hey its just the internet", but bunky i gotta tell yah its a whole different ballpark now. she actually took her bullshit to the real world and its catching up to her.
keep up the tight close knit group you have, its a precious thing to have no matter how it started. rose will get hers and sooner than you might think. and it will be something she just wont be able to shrug off or lie her way out of it. "the proof is in the pudding" as they might say. stalker? nawww not enough time. obsessed? hahaha that was a good one. jealous? are you fucking kidding me? have you seen her?
Merry christmas people and give hugs and kisses to the kids, they sound like wonderful happy lovely little kids.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hey Rose Your Pic Came In...
You know the one with you and your fatfuck friend Cynthia and that worthless ugly ass wannabe mafia bitch... yeah I know the redhead is you. Sooo now that everyone knows what your ugly fat self looks like...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Rose's Misfortune...Poor Poor Thing....NOT!
(Snickering), was sorry to hear about your recent misfortune Rose.......NOT!
So Jim kicked you out and took back your brand new car and now you're living back with Ashley? Awww, what happened to that wonderful life with that wonderful man who bought you a new car and was paying all your bills, hmmmmm???
So, if you're now living with Ashley again, does this mean that yer gonna jump right back in the blogging business? All those lies, drama, half-truths and constantly getting the wrong person and/or picture?
Golly gosh darn hoser, and I thought you were on a righteous path, above all this lying cheating backstabbing and the such beneath you. So lemme guess, yer gonna tell Ashley that you will be a fulltime babysitter and grandma so she can go to work party & whatever else she wants to do while you sit at home online, not working or being a decent productive member of society.
Still can't get it right huh Rosemary?? Poor poor pitiful Rosenhosenstein, maybe you can go get TANF or food stamps, yanno all that public assistance that you cut sooo many people down for? What a sight, Rosemary standing in the checkout lane with her handy FOOD STAMP CARD in her grubby dirty scab infested hand, using your tax dollars to buy herself food. Whatta hoot...
So, lemme get this straight... Jim took back the NEW CAR he BOUGHT FOR YOU after KICKING YOU OUT. So what happened to the car that you bought with the money (you said about $3,000) from the divorce settlement with John? Yanno hoser, the divorce hearing you said got pushed through the courts in two weeks...
One of these days you will pull yer head outta yer ass, although I doubt it will be any time soon. One can only hope that Ashley will tire of your bullshit and kick yer ass to the curb and preserve her family, WITHOUT YOUR INTERFERENCE. I was passed along info from a reliable source that most of her problems are YOU, if you just left her the hell alone, all her problems would pretty much cease.
That's a sad thing yanno Rosemary... but well deserved in your case. I know who could verify things and show everyone you are a lying sack of shit.
Such a sad story....
So Jim kicked you out and took back your brand new car and now you're living back with Ashley? Awww, what happened to that wonderful life with that wonderful man who bought you a new car and was paying all your bills, hmmmmm???
So, if you're now living with Ashley again, does this mean that yer gonna jump right back in the blogging business? All those lies, drama, half-truths and constantly getting the wrong person and/or picture?
Golly gosh darn hoser, and I thought you were on a righteous path, above all this lying cheating backstabbing and the such beneath you. So lemme guess, yer gonna tell Ashley that you will be a fulltime babysitter and grandma so she can go to work party & whatever else she wants to do while you sit at home online, not working or being a decent productive member of society.
Still can't get it right huh Rosemary?? Poor poor pitiful Rosenhosenstein, maybe you can go get TANF or food stamps, yanno all that public assistance that you cut sooo many people down for? What a sight, Rosemary standing in the checkout lane with her handy FOOD STAMP CARD in her grubby dirty scab infested hand, using your tax dollars to buy herself food. Whatta hoot...
So, lemme get this straight... Jim took back the NEW CAR he BOUGHT FOR YOU after KICKING YOU OUT. So what happened to the car that you bought with the money (you said about $3,000) from the divorce settlement with John? Yanno hoser, the divorce hearing you said got pushed through the courts in two weeks...
One of these days you will pull yer head outta yer ass, although I doubt it will be any time soon. One can only hope that Ashley will tire of your bullshit and kick yer ass to the curb and preserve her family, WITHOUT YOUR INTERFERENCE. I was passed along info from a reliable source that most of her problems are YOU, if you just left her the hell alone, all her problems would pretty much cease.
That's a sad thing yanno Rosemary... but well deserved in your case. I know who could verify things and show everyone you are a lying sack of shit.
Such a sad story....
With much love, or maybe not (snicker),
Yer old roomie,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Attempting To Give A Damn Rose The Hose....NOT!
You think I give a damn about you? Oh yeah, you keep blathering on and on that I am obsessed with you if I am still blogging you after all these years. Yeah you're sooooooo right hoser. NOT!
Listen you little shitstain, NO ONE gives a shit about you, even your so-called friends. You think they keep all those secrets you tell them? I know what's true and what's not, thanks to your "true" friends. Yeah, you really have a good life and that's why you aren't online blogging and putting someone down or "busting someone out", as you call it.
I also heard that you've been chatting with that fabulously fake attorney Sydney, who's about as real as YOUR FABULOUS NEW CAR AND JOB. You are working in a dump, not the wonderful place you claim to, you can't get work since you screwed over your last workplace, they do check references you twit.
And if you think we believe that John still likes you, is nice to you and gave you such a huge settlement, then you're dumb as a goddamn rock. If he gave you such a huge settlement then why did someone have to "buy you a care" and pay your bills? Why are you struggling with paying bills and all that. Do you really think we are that stupid?
You are staying away from blogging because, I am told by your friends, you now live in a strong anti-stalking state. You pussy. Where is all that bravado you flung at everyone from your nasty ugly yellow stained beaver tree chompers and your famously boring blog?
Yeah you don't read anyone's blog but you sure as hell reply to the posts in your blog. Yeah we believe it all hoser, the day you become a saint which would be NEVER.
Just admit it Rosemary, it won't be long before you start doing the same shit again. You have been doing the same thing for how many years now? Ruined how many chat rooms now? Ruined how many friendships now? All for the fuck of it.
Your time is about up Hoser, and what will you say to that ab-fab boyfriend you have when he finds out the REAL truth about you, hmmmm???
Your former roomie (and the rest of them that remember you going in those rooms)
p.s. they put up a sign for you, it's waiting...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
So I Hear Rosehoser.....
...is foot stomping mad she can't figure out who I am. Awww Rosemary, you mad? Oh quit stomping those ugly bunion toe crust fungus infected malformed feet and think about it.
I know you aren't the smarted thing around, and you have trouble spelling (anyone remember the 'deformation of character' thing hehe), but if you let your pea sized brain think some you would figure out who I am. You know I'm not Karrie, you're just saying that so your friends will think you are smart enough to figure it out.
But truth be told, yer dumber than a goddamn dirt clod.
Your so-called friends are giving you up right and left, so stuff that in your buick sized twat.
I've been told you are so frickin mad that no one knows who I am you are literally cross-eyed.
I find that fucking funny as hell. Whatsa matter hosie, no one will tell you? A few of them might possess a clue but they won't tell you, isn't that a hoot...
Yer upset that I won't buckle under your bullshit two-faced conniving scheming name calling ways. Nope, not gonna do it cos I know how you are. I have watched you do your bullshit for a long time now. Your ex-roomies from Chat With A Cop and Luv Cops N Firemen think this whole thing is a gas, watching you lie your ass off and then claim to know nothing. They have dug up old chat logs, pics and everything else under the sun and offered them to me. Remember all that crap you told everyone back in those days? I do believe its gonna come back to haunt yah hosie BIG TIME.
Now as far as you actually having Karrie's "pussy pics", that's another big fat lie, about as fat as yer lardass friend Cindy. If you had those then you would have blogged them already. You say you didn't because you are waiting to do a BIG blog post about it? Oh horseshit Rosemary, you are one big mouth and would LOVE to fuck Karrie over, but you don't dare. YOU ARE SCARED OF HER AND WHAT SHE KNOWS ABOUT YOU. And we also know about your Nasty Nancy friend, now are you SURE she is your loyal friend? Well hoser you really should quit eating your boogers and douche yer twat more often, I can smell yer nasty crotch all the way here.
I wrote you a ditty, an original poem and you come back with "I'm gonna take your man"? I hate to tell you this postule face but the men I know wouldn't touch you with a ten meter cattle prod, wouldn't even pay you to have sex (remember you saying every woman is a whore?!?), if you were the last person on the planet. They would rather do a cow. That's a damn shame hoser.
Awww yer feelings are hurt? Stomping foot mad cos you can't figure out who I am? Oh hoser get over yourself, yer dumb as a goddamn brick, and ugly to boot. Now who exactly told you that YOU are pretty? Were they drunk or high as a kite? Most everyone that has seen your pics think you are butt ugly and you should be arrested. Should I even start about your woodchuck bucky beaver tree destroying nasty yellow stained ugly ass chompers?
You really need to shut your ugly bucky beaver toothed mouth and act respectable, which I know is impossible.
Just because nothing you see is happening right now doesn't mean nothing is happening. PLEASE keep thinking that, cos it's gonna be a gigglefest when it does. So you want to be famous huh... well I might be able to help you there, except it won't be the kind of famous you long for. Well, even Susan Smith has fans, and she drove her kids into a lake while they were still strapped in their carseats.
Just remember Rosenhosenstein, not everyone is what you think. Your friends aren't friends, but yer so frickin stupid you don't see that.
She's a victim my ass......
I know you aren't the smarted thing around, and you have trouble spelling (anyone remember the 'deformation of character' thing hehe), but if you let your pea sized brain think some you would figure out who I am. You know I'm not Karrie, you're just saying that so your friends will think you are smart enough to figure it out.
But truth be told, yer dumber than a goddamn dirt clod.
Your so-called friends are giving you up right and left, so stuff that in your buick sized twat.
I've been told you are so frickin mad that no one knows who I am you are literally cross-eyed.
I find that fucking funny as hell. Whatsa matter hosie, no one will tell you? A few of them might possess a clue but they won't tell you, isn't that a hoot...
Yer upset that I won't buckle under your bullshit two-faced conniving scheming name calling ways. Nope, not gonna do it cos I know how you are. I have watched you do your bullshit for a long time now. Your ex-roomies from Chat With A Cop and Luv Cops N Firemen think this whole thing is a gas, watching you lie your ass off and then claim to know nothing. They have dug up old chat logs, pics and everything else under the sun and offered them to me. Remember all that crap you told everyone back in those days? I do believe its gonna come back to haunt yah hosie BIG TIME.
Now as far as you actually having Karrie's "pussy pics", that's another big fat lie, about as fat as yer lardass friend Cindy. If you had those then you would have blogged them already. You say you didn't because you are waiting to do a BIG blog post about it? Oh horseshit Rosemary, you are one big mouth and would LOVE to fuck Karrie over, but you don't dare. YOU ARE SCARED OF HER AND WHAT SHE KNOWS ABOUT YOU. And we also know about your Nasty Nancy friend, now are you SURE she is your loyal friend? Well hoser you really should quit eating your boogers and douche yer twat more often, I can smell yer nasty crotch all the way here.
I wrote you a ditty, an original poem and you come back with "I'm gonna take your man"? I hate to tell you this postule face but the men I know wouldn't touch you with a ten meter cattle prod, wouldn't even pay you to have sex (remember you saying every woman is a whore?!?), if you were the last person on the planet. They would rather do a cow. That's a damn shame hoser.
Awww yer feelings are hurt? Stomping foot mad cos you can't figure out who I am? Oh hoser get over yourself, yer dumb as a goddamn brick, and ugly to boot. Now who exactly told you that YOU are pretty? Were they drunk or high as a kite? Most everyone that has seen your pics think you are butt ugly and you should be arrested. Should I even start about your woodchuck bucky beaver tree destroying nasty yellow stained ugly ass chompers?
You really need to shut your ugly bucky beaver toothed mouth and act respectable, which I know is impossible.
Just because nothing you see is happening right now doesn't mean nothing is happening. PLEASE keep thinking that, cos it's gonna be a gigglefest when it does. So you want to be famous huh... well I might be able to help you there, except it won't be the kind of famous you long for. Well, even Susan Smith has fans, and she drove her kids into a lake while they were still strapped in their carseats.
Just remember Rosenhosenstein, not everyone is what you think. Your friends aren't friends, but yer so frickin stupid you don't see that.
She's a victim my ass......
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Rose The Hose Is An Idiot
Gee Rose you really are a fucking retard aren't you...
Hence, read the below email to me and my reply to her:
TANGIBLEROSE@aol.com to me
show details 12:22 AM
Franklin North Caroline. Well hello there
show details 12:34 AM
No not even close Rosemary but good try. You will NEVER find out by trying to run my IP address, if that is even my IP address you stupid fuck. Throw yourself in front of a frickin bus already PULEEEZ!!! Oh yeah. some people told me to tell you that you are ugly as fuck and wouldn't consider sex with you unless you put a bag over your head and the alleyway was pitch black.
Ugh Rosemary thats a damn shame hahahahahahah
kisses from yer old roomie
Is that all you could come up with hoser? Is that your best shot? Dayum you are really fucking stupid. I bet you were trying all sorts of things, including running the IP address on the email I sent or checked my name out online and you came up with that.
M-O-R-O-N..... (shaking head).
M-O-R-O-N..... (shaking head).
Listen up you little shitstain, I know you wouldn't have a clue, even if we all searched our couch cushions for change to buy you one so I will give you a hint here and help your retarded ass out:
1) Are you SURE that is my real IP address? You know anyone could change them at will with the proper program.
2) Are you SURE that's my real name? I know you're absolutely convinced I am Karrie, but that makes me laugh until my sides hurt. Go on with your bad self and keep thinking that you stupid twit.
3) Are you SURE the friends you talk to are your REAL TRUSTED friends? Think real hard now Rosemary but don't hurt yourself doing it, I know your pea brain can overheat at times. We can tell by the constant screeching and foot stomping sessions you have.
Look, I know your Speak'N'Spell is more than likely broken so rest your lip flapping and hammering with your fat little fingers on your worn out keyboard, and let me reveal a few things for yah.
I hear Ashley's baby's daddy is a deadbeat, never there and wasn't even when Cassie was born. And he doesn't pay child support and Ashley is already screwing some other dude since Cassie was 6 months old. Oops, was I not supposed to say that? teehee... like mother like daughter...
Did you tell your close friends that after you gave up your now ex-husband Jeffery and got him busted for drugs (along with your stupid ass), you moved to a trailor with an old man and had everything paid for as long as you had sex with him 4 times a week? Hmmmm?!?! Wait, you DID say that all women are whores, or did you conveniently forget that? Well at least you practice what you preach...snicker
You're calling me a two-faced cunt for not revealing who I am, but you also conveniently forgot all the times you hid under false screen names, and other's actual screen names and dogged people, collected info to blog, ran people's IP addresses (which you admitted to on YOUR OWN BLOG no less hahaha), and lied through your yellow stained teeth all while you were doing it. Geezus christ on a frickin pogo stick hoser...
I thought I would share some comments made by someone who checked out your profile pictures:
"What's with the Billy-Bob teeth? Is she pregnant in the unfortunate bikini picture? Can I borrow her teeth for a minute? I have a tree I need to cut down. Thanks"
Awwwww don't cry, you're ugly and fat. Get over it. Gotta run for now but I thought I would leave a parting thought.....
Chin up Rosemary...at least someone loves you....BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA....
hugs & kisses from yer old roomie,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Why Rose Should Duct Tape Her Mouth...
Notice what Rosiepoo pastes here:
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: and Karn the commenter is actually Karrie
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: karri is an old roomie who rose fucked with
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: she has 2 bloags about rose shes from back in 2002
She is a sorry ass reader if she thinks this means I am Karrie. Go ahead you dumbass, give her a call and see how much she will kick your ass for fucking with her again. GOD you are a dumb fuck Rosie.
Why didn't you post what the rest of this said huh?!? I was sent this conversation too, you leave things out when you cut & paste dontcha hoser. Should I tell the whole conversation hoser? I was sent this when you sent it out to certain people, so that tells you right there that youtr friends are friends only part of the time.
I'm not gonna tell you who nooooo, that would blow their cover and they wouldn't be able to give me updates on what shit you are pulling lately. Here's a hint: it's someone you have trusted for a while and you would never guess who it is, but I know........
You dumbass.... do us a favor and jump infront of a train or bus. I know you can't have kids so I know you won't breed again, besides stupid people shouldn't breed.
Fuck you hoser your time is coming....soon
yer old roomie,
p.s. should I get Karrie's number and call her and tell her what you've been saying so she can come after your ass?!? hmmmmmm?!??? I know someone who has her number.... hell you even posted it...shame on you because I am told it's an unpublished number...
Monday, November 9, 2009
You're fucked now Rose. There is a group of us that are fixing to blow you out of the water.
Good life my ass....
You need to get offline and stay off, you're so goddamn stupid Rose, it hurts.
Now go fuck yourself.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I Know A Secret......
I know for sure that Rosiepoo doesn't have a "gorgeous rich big-dicked" boyfriend...
Should I let the cat out of the bag Rosenhosengrossass...........
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA..... you're fucked Rosiepoo....
Should I let the cat out of the bag Rosenhosengrossass...........
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA..... you're fucked Rosiepoo....
Friday, November 6, 2009
I Couldn't Have Said It Better...A Repost From The "Girls" Part 2
One should watch their word's if one does not want rumor's and facts twisted. As we see in remarks she made..... by same person the story gets twisted and changed. We only want to clear up any rumor's that have been made and make sure fact's are understood......but reading word's of this person only makes you wonder....which is true and which is not....so you all try to make since of this...I sure in the hell can't! Maybe if one starts specking the truth things woould be understood right. Also stop her bullshit and people would leave her alone.
Reged: 06/05/09
Posts: 4
Re: Legal Separation [Re: confusedinmd]
Date from Divorce Support Forums: Viewing forum: Maryland that help and whats
been the truth what's going on (Now remember Hosebag has been going in room bragging ALL ALONG that thing are going all her way and she was getting EVERYTHING in divorce.
Posted by itsmesillyone at 06-28-2009 This is Hosebags last post on update how things are going...Hmm all changed fast in three weeks....ANYONE dealing with attorneys knows it takes longer than this get butt's going.....also behold in information everything is seattled.....
Lets move on....
John and I decided it was time to legally separate.................I mean, it's only been going on since 2006............
We actually sold the mobile home...................of course we didn't make a profit, but then again, we got what as due for the mortgage loan..................
Oh and my repo car was sold and left me a balance of ONLY two grand, which is being paid..............................
My spouse disserted me three weeks ago. and he has let our cars get repo'd, the house is in foreclosure, my name is not on it, and he has left me with NO money.
(NOW ....NOW which should we believe. All in three week's thing's changed that fast...WOW. With things being so hard right now and just refinancing our own home into a 15 year I am amazed your place sold and was financed that fast . Banks are NOT giving loans so easy to people right now.....darn sucks after being in a home so long and with someone that long and get nothing out of a home.
Look also at this .....He has a full time career .......and down below here you said he hit hard time's ! Hate to say this ..but this not adding up here already.)
John hit hard times before I even moved back to Maryland and the reason why I moved back to Maryland is so that Ashley could be near her FAMILY since she was due to give birth to my gorgeous grand daughter........................You know the one who's father is alive and he takes very good care of his daughter...................
I moved back in with him from Massachusetts, we were only seperated a five months and I quit a great job, he moved me back and I was told I could go to school. I am not working, I have no money for an attorney and he knows this.
( Another two different stories......Now why would you quit a good job to move back with someone that hit hard times? More like it seems your the on that hit the hard time's and expected John bail your ass out of it.
So what's stopped you in the time you moved back to start school beside's AOL!
If Ashley's baby father is so wonderful than why ..even in time since she moved up to Mass. and it was this wonderful marriage has she lived with you....)
I have my 5 month grand daughter with me
(Don't you mean something like I have my daughter and 5 month old granddaughter with me.... and a wonderful soon ex son in law that help's when he can..... or do you really mean your 5 month granddaughter is with you . (tilt head)
wouldn't sign off on my share of his retirement, so he decided to not pay the car payments...............or his mortgage, run back to mommy and daddy, which I said he should go..............and pretty much wanted me to crumble under pressue...................and accept a 3 grand settlement < YEAH RIGHT> So, I asked for advice on a fucking forum.
Now this sounds like what happened alright now let's figure out why John would feel his way...... maybe reason for HIM to be so bitter to you.
He filed a counter-complaint for divorce claiming adultery as the reason for our separation. He also mentioned my pregnancy, which unbeknownst to him, ended in miscarriage.
I admit to having had a relationship outside of our marriage and to being pregnant, but it wasn't the reason we separated. My relationship started 7 months after we separated and I became pregnant after 15 months of separation
(in September 09', which is the reason I filed for divorce).
I don't like that he's chosen to lie about the reason for our separation. Should I be concerned about the adultery claim, or can I just accept it as the reason for divorce?
( Hosebag you know as well as we do you moved Rob into John and your home with so many lie's . He was boyfriend to a friend of your's and he wanted be closer to her (read other friends ...boyfriend to a so called friend) Unknow to John he would leave home to that full time career job he had and you would sack Rob in his bed....Oh let's not forget scam of both of your's that you drew John in a opportunity which in fronted Rob $5000.00 dollars and you guys sucked him out of.....or the other times YOU took John's money to entertain Rob and your fun in John's behalf.
You need to wonder why this man would care about your well being anymore?)
He is blackmailing me into signing off on my share of his retirement. He ran back to his parents who bought him a car and is keeping it in their names. He received a 6 thousand dollar settlement from a car accident while we were still together and took it and left. I was supposed to get 3 grand of it and buy a car so I can work. He has the now left me with No money, no car, no job, NOTHING.
(Think top statement explain's why this may have been done......LMAO ...look's like John finished job Rob wanted to do and also got away alive! Also think blackmail is to strong a words for person that from my understanding told John like it or not I'm moving back in ...it's a 50/50 thing and I own half. My be just a rumor.....but think we all can see who is making rumor's up to try to look better.)
I don't know what to do. I know I can get emergency spousal support and half of that 6 grand to buy a car so I can work.
(Hate tell you but being with someone without a legal separation makes everything in same pot..... so any money spent is spent.)
I got the advice..............................
I got my attorney from my first divorce to actually take my divorce case..........................
So my advice to women who are in the same boat.....................
Don't crack under pressure and you can find attorneys out there that will HELP you...................pro bono, payment plans, legal aid, etc etc. If you are a woman who is contesting a divorce there are free attorneys out their that work with organizations.
Does anyone know what I can do or any attorneys who would take my case if I sign something stating that once my divorce is final and I receive 50 percent of my share of the retirement, the attorney will get their cost?
(Let's see if you are using the attorney from first divorce and had advise why go to Divorce Support Forums: Viewing forum: Maryland ? Also anyone know's takes longer than three week's to work out...sell and did you find a job to pay attorney....or you going though state get free help that you cut soooo many people down for!)
Some say Rose you should have just waited and took that cash settlement that John holds so dear to him, but, fuck it, I settled for about twenty five grand when it is all said and done. I mean John worked so hard for his retirement and who am I to take half of it............................< ten years of it>..............................yes, twenty five grand may not be a lot, but I am very happy and John really isn't a bad person, a bad husband, yes, a bad person, NO......................and we are still great friends.........................
He is blackmailing me into signing off on my share of his retirement. He ran back to his parents who bought him a car and is keeping it in their names. He received a 6 thousand dollar settlement from a car accident while we were still together and took it and left. I was supposed to get 3 grand of it and buy a car so I can work. He has the now left me with No money, no car, no job, NOTHING.
I am desperate and scared. He is mentally abusing me by this and trying to force me into settling for NOTHING
IT'S GREAT TO BE ME....................
One should watch their word's if one does not want rumor's and facts twisted. As we see in remarks she made..... by same person the story gets twisted and changed. We only want to clear up any rumor's that have been made and make sure fact's are understood......but reading word's of this person only makes you wonder....which is true and which is not....so you all try to make since of this...I sure in the hell can't! Maybe if one starts specking the truth things woould be understood right. Also stop her bullshit and people would leave her alone.
Reged: 06/05/09
Posts: 4
Re: Legal Separation [Re: confusedinmd]
Date from Divorce Support Forums: Viewing forum: Maryland that help and whats
been the truth what's going on (Now remember Hosebag has been going in room bragging ALL ALONG that thing are going all her way and she was getting EVERYTHING in divorce.
Posted by itsmesillyone at 06-28-2009 This is Hosebags last post on update how things are going...Hmm all changed fast in three weeks....ANYONE dealing with attorneys knows it takes longer than this get butt's going.....also behold in information everything is seattled.....
Lets move on....
John and I decided it was time to legally separate.................I mean, it's only been going on since 2006............
We actually sold the mobile home...................of course we didn't make a profit, but then again, we got what as due for the mortgage loan..................
Oh and my repo car was sold and left me a balance of ONLY two grand, which is being paid..............................
My spouse disserted me three weeks ago. and he has let our cars get repo'd, the house is in foreclosure, my name is not on it, and he has left me with NO money.
(NOW ....NOW which should we believe. All in three week's thing's changed that fast...WOW. With things being so hard right now and just refinancing our own home into a 15 year I am amazed your place sold and was financed that fast . Banks are NOT giving loans so easy to people right now.....darn sucks after being in a home so long and with someone that long and get nothing out of a home.
Look also at this .....He has a full time career .......and down below here you said he hit hard time's ! Hate to say this ..but this not adding up here already.)
John hit hard times before I even moved back to Maryland and the reason why I moved back to Maryland is so that Ashley could be near her FAMILY since she was due to give birth to my gorgeous grand daughter........................You know the one who's father is alive and he takes very good care of his daughter...................
I moved back in with him from Massachusetts, we were only seperated a five months and I quit a great job, he moved me back and I was told I could go to school. I am not working, I have no money for an attorney and he knows this.
( Another two different stories......Now why would you quit a good job to move back with someone that hit hard times? More like it seems your the on that hit the hard time's and expected John bail your ass out of it.
So what's stopped you in the time you moved back to start school beside's AOL!
If Ashley's baby father is so wonderful than why ..even in time since she moved up to Mass. and it was this wonderful marriage has she lived with you....)
I have my 5 month grand daughter with me
(Don't you mean something like I have my daughter and 5 month old granddaughter with me.... and a wonderful soon ex son in law that help's when he can..... or do you really mean your 5 month granddaughter is with you . (tilt head)
wouldn't sign off on my share of his retirement, so he decided to not pay the car payments...............or his mortgage, run back to mommy and daddy, which I said he should go..............and pretty much wanted me to crumble under pressue...................and accept a 3 grand settlement < YEAH RIGHT> So, I asked for advice on a fucking forum.
Now this sounds like what happened alright now let's figure out why John would feel his way...... maybe reason for HIM to be so bitter to you.
He filed a counter-complaint for divorce claiming adultery as the reason for our separation. He also mentioned my pregnancy, which unbeknownst to him, ended in miscarriage.
I admit to having had a relationship outside of our marriage and to being pregnant, but it wasn't the reason we separated. My relationship started 7 months after we separated and I became pregnant after 15 months of separation
(in September 09', which is the reason I filed for divorce).
I don't like that he's chosen to lie about the reason for our separation. Should I be concerned about the adultery claim, or can I just accept it as the reason for divorce?
( Hosebag you know as well as we do you moved Rob into John and your home with so many lie's . He was boyfriend to a friend of your's and he wanted be closer to her (read other friends ...boyfriend to a so called friend) Unknow to John he would leave home to that full time career job he had and you would sack Rob in his bed....Oh let's not forget scam of both of your's that you drew John in a opportunity which in fronted Rob $5000.00 dollars and you guys sucked him out of.....or the other times YOU took John's money to entertain Rob and your fun in John's behalf.
You need to wonder why this man would care about your well being anymore?)
He is blackmailing me into signing off on my share of his retirement. He ran back to his parents who bought him a car and is keeping it in their names. He received a 6 thousand dollar settlement from a car accident while we were still together and took it and left. I was supposed to get 3 grand of it and buy a car so I can work. He has the now left me with No money, no car, no job, NOTHING.
(Think top statement explain's why this may have been done......LMAO ...look's like John finished job Rob wanted to do and also got away alive! Also think blackmail is to strong a words for person that from my understanding told John like it or not I'm moving back in ...it's a 50/50 thing and I own half. My be just a rumor.....but think we all can see who is making rumor's up to try to look better.)
I don't know what to do. I know I can get emergency spousal support and half of that 6 grand to buy a car so I can work.
(Hate tell you but being with someone without a legal separation makes everything in same pot..... so any money spent is spent.)
I got the advice..............................
I got my attorney from my first divorce to actually take my divorce case..........................
So my advice to women who are in the same boat.....................
Don't crack under pressure and you can find attorneys out there that will HELP you...................pro bono, payment plans, legal aid, etc etc. If you are a woman who is contesting a divorce there are free attorneys out their that work with organizations.
Does anyone know what I can do or any attorneys who would take my case if I sign something stating that once my divorce is final and I receive 50 percent of my share of the retirement, the attorney will get their cost?
(Let's see if you are using the attorney from first divorce and had advise why go to Divorce Support Forums: Viewing forum: Maryland ? Also anyone know's takes longer than three week's to work out...sell and did you find a job to pay attorney....or you going though state get free help that you cut soooo many people down for!)
Some say Rose you should have just waited and took that cash settlement that John holds so dear to him, but, fuck it, I settled for about twenty five grand when it is all said and done. I mean John worked so hard for his retirement and who am I to take half of it............................< ten years of it>..............................yes, twenty five grand may not be a lot, but I am very happy and John really isn't a bad person, a bad husband, yes, a bad person, NO......................and we are still great friends.........................
He is blackmailing me into signing off on my share of his retirement. He ran back to his parents who bought him a car and is keeping it in their names. He received a 6 thousand dollar settlement from a car accident while we were still together and took it and left. I was supposed to get 3 grand of it and buy a car so I can work. He has the now left me with No money, no car, no job, NOTHING.
I am desperate and scared. He is mentally abusing me by this and trying to force me into settling for NOTHING
IT'S GREAT TO BE ME....................
I Couldn't Have Said It Better...A Repost From The "Girls" Part 1
Pamzilla said...
Lets see.. Rose was in the room tonight stating that she will wear a bathing suit ,take a pic and put it on a blog.. EEWEWEYY
Rose the only men you can possibly trap are those you meet on the net..this is some funny shit....hmm...how come you aren't going to the big gathering Merrys having at her beachhouse ?? Well Rosemary ,Because you are a low life loser who uses and abuses men for money because NO ONE would pay you on the pole or in person when they see how god ugly you are and homely looking and with rotten teeth for christs sake go to a dental clinic you nasty looking cum guzzling cunt.....fucking lazy too...
So i hear John Finally got his money to speed race outa the trailer LMFAO ! .....I can see him now,going to the mailbox ohhh wait wait....he had the 6000.00 check sent to mommys n daddys house instead LOL knowin' what a sneeky whore you are !!!
I can't wait to call him and tell him that I will back him up in court over you stealing all that money from him ...just gonna make sure you don't ever see a dime from him !!
i'm still laughing at the way he left your rotting puzzy !(wink)
Lets see.. Rose was in the room tonight stating that she will wear a bathing suit ,take a pic and put it on a blog.. EEWEWEYY
Rose the only men you can possibly trap are those you meet on the net..this is some funny shit....hmm...how come you aren't going to the big gathering Merrys having at her beachhouse ?? Well Rosemary ,Because you are a low life loser who uses and abuses men for money because NO ONE would pay you on the pole or in person when they see how god ugly you are and homely looking and with rotten teeth for christs sake go to a dental clinic you nasty looking cum guzzling cunt.....fucking lazy too...
So i hear John Finally got his money to speed race outa the trailer LMFAO ! .....I can see him now,going to the mailbox ohhh wait wait....he had the 6000.00 check sent to mommys n daddys house instead LOL knowin' what a sneeky whore you are !!!
I can't wait to call him and tell him that I will back him up in court over you stealing all that money from him ...just gonna make sure you don't ever see a dime from him !!
i'm still laughing at the way he left your rotting puzzy !(wink)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Rose's Reply To My Previous Post (You gotta see this one hahaha)
TANGIBLEROSE@aol.com to me
show details 10:34 PM (1 hour ago)
Awwww is someone so jealous lol Yes it is true lol I don't date broke men lol
He owns his own business, bought my car, and is one handsome guy..........
I love that you are so jealous, I mean, Nanci, Beth, Billy, Mark, Lolita, and Lynnzy have met him...........................
I am back in school..........do I have to work.............nooooooooo, but I do lol
He has a big dick and can use it..........he loves my TIGHT PUSSY.............std? come on now if I had an std...........the hasbeens gave it to me lol
I know you are fishing to find out who this man is, but trust me cupcake, you will only be more jealous...............
You are one stupid beaver bucky toothed cunt with a bad case of headupthebuttits. This obsession that I am Karrie is hilarious. As "well" as you know Karrie do you really think I would have already done something? Go on with your bad self thinking this is Karrie, it makes it much easier for me to do things.
EVERYTIME you say I am Karrie I start laughing as well as the "girls". They know for a fact that I'm NOT Karrie. Sheeeshhh hahahahaha.
I could give a fuck what you are doing and i know well you don't have a man or anything.
Go fuck yourself Rose um "cupcake" (that is about the most retarded fucking thing I have ever seen), keep up thinking I am Karrie because when you start shit with her. and her not being me, you will get your ass whooped, not to mention charges filed against you for stalking and harassment.
You are about a dumb fucking cunt.
show details 10:34 PM (1 hour ago)
Awwww is someone so jealous lol Yes it is true lol I don't date broke men lol
He owns his own business, bought my car, and is one handsome guy..........
I love that you are so jealous, I mean, Nanci, Beth, Billy, Mark, Lolita, and Lynnzy have met him...........................
I am back in school..........do I have to work.............nooooooooo, but I do lol
He has a big dick and can use it..........he loves my TIGHT PUSSY.............std? come on now if I had an std...........the hasbeens gave it to me lol
I know you are fishing to find out who this man is, but trust me cupcake, you will only be more jealous...............
You are one stupid beaver bucky toothed cunt with a bad case of headupthebuttits. This obsession that I am Karrie is hilarious. As "well" as you know Karrie do you really think I would have already done something? Go on with your bad self thinking this is Karrie, it makes it much easier for me to do things.
EVERYTIME you say I am Karrie I start laughing as well as the "girls". They know for a fact that I'm NOT Karrie. Sheeeshhh hahahahaha.
I could give a fuck what you are doing and i know well you don't have a man or anything.
Go fuck yourself Rose um "cupcake" (that is about the most retarded fucking thing I have ever seen), keep up thinking I am Karrie because when you start shit with her. and her not being me, you will get your ass whooped, not to mention charges filed against you for stalking and harassment.
You are about a dumb fucking cunt.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Rose And Her "NEW" Boyfriend (snicker)
Here she goes again….
So she says she has a great man and he’s not into AOL or anything like that and he’s willingly supporting her and blah blah blah… yeah ok…
Rose you are a complete twit if you think we believe any of that shit. If you do have a non-AOL man then you found him on one of those dating sites and have been lying your ass off to him, probably HIM not telling YOU the whole truth too. Most of the men on those sites are desperate and fat and lonely, and for a whore like you, to answer their ad, they would think they hit the jackpot, (ewww).
We all know you can be very manipulative, so it’s a foregone conclusion that you’ve probably conned him out of a few things including money to get you where you want to be. And when you’ve gotten everything out of him that you want or need, you’ll dump him like the fool he is. I bet the poor sap has marginal looks and has an ok job, maybe a small title, or is a “consultant”, he probably dresses kinda funny or wears slightly oddball clothes; doesn’t brush his teeth all that well and has a yellow tooth smile, or a black tooth grin like yours, doesn’t shower every day or jerks off in the shower and I bet you found his jerk off towel in his bedroom. They way you give up that nasty crotch and that wide open “need a board strapped across your ass to hang on” asshole, he thinks he’s struck gold. If he hasn’t had any pussy for a loooong time I bet hoser’s pussy is the best thing since sliced bread, even though it’s loose as hell and hard to stay in. I bet he’s even really small down there, right hoser? But you aren’t complaining because he gives you money and you can go out with the “girls” at night, and can go sleep with whatever big nasty dick you come across. But what is he gonna say when you give him an STD?
What I don’t understand is, why you keep doing this and hurt these lonely guys so much. I know it’s the only way you know how to operate but damn hoser, have a little heart. Oh yeah, forgot, you don’t have one, just a hardened stone there.
We know you don’t have a new car, a family, much less a job but I guess you didn’t tell him that, did you dear. I bet you’re gonna cough up the story that they fired you for no reason or someone got you fired and then you get to stay home and get right back online. You can’t stay away from it, no matter what guy you’re with. YOU ARE ADDICTED. And after all this time you have been online in a chat room, you aren’t going to be changing your ways now.
You claim Rob tried to kill you (can you blame him folks?), and you went next door to get the people to call the cops (even though you had a cell phone, what’s up with that?), and then you guys went to get dog food? Hmm, things aren’t adding up here, and of course Rosethehose has an excuse for everything. And you were on the phone with your friends, giggling, while this was going on? WTF??? The cops even took your phone away from you because of what you were doing. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Don’t worry kids, Rose will be back online with another blog, talking some more shit before long, she can’t help herself. Well, we can at least tell her that so when she fucks up and shoots her mouth off, she can be nailed.
What goes around comes around, and YOU are next hoser. Yeah I can hear the shit talk from you and your minions. Funny thing is, NONE of you and your minions have dared to comment on here.
What’s the matter hoser & minions?
Too scared? (snicker)
You are a dumbfuck hoser.
Your time is coming.
So she says she has a great man and he’s not into AOL or anything like that and he’s willingly supporting her and blah blah blah… yeah ok…
Rose you are a complete twit if you think we believe any of that shit. If you do have a non-AOL man then you found him on one of those dating sites and have been lying your ass off to him, probably HIM not telling YOU the whole truth too. Most of the men on those sites are desperate and fat and lonely, and for a whore like you, to answer their ad, they would think they hit the jackpot, (ewww).
We all know you can be very manipulative, so it’s a foregone conclusion that you’ve probably conned him out of a few things including money to get you where you want to be. And when you’ve gotten everything out of him that you want or need, you’ll dump him like the fool he is. I bet the poor sap has marginal looks and has an ok job, maybe a small title, or is a “consultant”, he probably dresses kinda funny or wears slightly oddball clothes; doesn’t brush his teeth all that well and has a yellow tooth smile, or a black tooth grin like yours, doesn’t shower every day or jerks off in the shower and I bet you found his jerk off towel in his bedroom. They way you give up that nasty crotch and that wide open “need a board strapped across your ass to hang on” asshole, he thinks he’s struck gold. If he hasn’t had any pussy for a loooong time I bet hoser’s pussy is the best thing since sliced bread, even though it’s loose as hell and hard to stay in. I bet he’s even really small down there, right hoser? But you aren’t complaining because he gives you money and you can go out with the “girls” at night, and can go sleep with whatever big nasty dick you come across. But what is he gonna say when you give him an STD?
What I don’t understand is, why you keep doing this and hurt these lonely guys so much. I know it’s the only way you know how to operate but damn hoser, have a little heart. Oh yeah, forgot, you don’t have one, just a hardened stone there.
We know you don’t have a new car, a family, much less a job but I guess you didn’t tell him that, did you dear. I bet you’re gonna cough up the story that they fired you for no reason or someone got you fired and then you get to stay home and get right back online. You can’t stay away from it, no matter what guy you’re with. YOU ARE ADDICTED. And after all this time you have been online in a chat room, you aren’t going to be changing your ways now.
You claim Rob tried to kill you (can you blame him folks?), and you went next door to get the people to call the cops (even though you had a cell phone, what’s up with that?), and then you guys went to get dog food? Hmm, things aren’t adding up here, and of course Rosethehose has an excuse for everything. And you were on the phone with your friends, giggling, while this was going on? WTF??? The cops even took your phone away from you because of what you were doing. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Don’t worry kids, Rose will be back online with another blog, talking some more shit before long, she can’t help herself. Well, we can at least tell her that so when she fucks up and shoots her mouth off, she can be nailed.
What goes around comes around, and YOU are next hoser. Yeah I can hear the shit talk from you and your minions. Funny thing is, NONE of you and your minions have dared to comment on here.
What’s the matter hoser & minions?
Too scared? (snicker)
You are a dumbfuck hoser.
Your time is coming.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Had To Post This....
Was gonna do another post on Rosemary HIrst, the ugliest gross lump of flesh ever put on this earth but this one said it better. Thank you to whomever composed this, this even better than I ever could write...
A Rose Hirst, bully and stalker if ever there was one stated thusly:Tell me, so I can dig into your life....You know we had to read that a couple of times to believe you a loser of all losers would actually demand someone who is sick and tired of YOU, their identity so you could "dig into your life". Least you finally admitted what a stalking piece of shit YOU really are lady. Amazing you have the gall to sit on here and all the other places you "hang out" and taunt people to come beat your ass. Who knows? They may, just not at your schedule. Haven't you just got so full of yourself, the big PUSSY you are, why don't you just stop the THREATS and either shit or get off the pot now? Who are you kidding that you have a life. You have nothing but that laptop, your aol connection and a bunch of idiots you keep stirring up for your amusement. Pathetic. There is no one in your life Rose, but YOU. Your husband has had enough of your bullshit, Ashley must certainly be thinking what a nut you are, "friends" you say you have? Really? How can you have any friends with the disgusting manner in which you delve into people's lives, in order to retaliate for whatever it is you think has been done to you. You are a fucking nut if ever there was one. Mind you the losers who persist in arguing with you are no mental giants, it must be thrilling to sit out here day in and day out sucking their lives out of them for your fun time. It really is amazing you are still living any kind of existence, that you are not in a mental institution by now for your crazy shit YOU have pulled on people. Or worse in the grave for being such an asshole and vindictive bitch to anyone who has *tried* to be nice to you and finally someone losing their temper and doing what YOU have demanded so frequently. Really amazing with how many people you, with purpose and intent, aggravated to the point of wanting to hurt you that none of these people have found you in a place, hidden from view, where you could be hurt. We are sure you'll cry victim again but the shit you have done is all here chapter and verse. Your deceptive twists of words, the endless tirads when you delve into someone's life so you can ridicule them for objecting to such a lowlife as you are. The BLOGS you have created in order again to justify your crazy self. Funny you haven't refiled that restraining order you were so proud of wanting everyone to see out here on the internet the gutless piece of shit you are you wanted others to post it by the looks of the outrage you incurred when it was posted by .....whomever. It probably was YOU who posted it and then blamed Bolek for doing it. That sounds like your crafty little manuever you like to indulge in, the game of bashing on yourself, talking in the third person to lure still yet someone else into helping you, as if. When the person you have CONNED jumps on your victim bullshit to supposedly help little old you, then you "research" more on them to be used against that person so on and so on. You really are the most disgusting kind of human being, a con, a liar, a cheat, a manipulater. Hey just like your dead boyfriend. LMAO. The GAME. Really it's something you have mastered for some time now, pretending to be someone else, that you actually admitted you did that, in a chat room really is the height of your arrogance. Too bad everyone's lives that you have harassed doesn't do the turn around as they've all promised and nailed your ass but good. You go ahead and keep taunting, pushing these asses, you may very well get what you so desperately seek, once and for all.What a nut you are.
A Rose Hirst, bully and stalker if ever there was one stated thusly:Tell me, so I can dig into your life....You know we had to read that a couple of times to believe you a loser of all losers would actually demand someone who is sick and tired of YOU, their identity so you could "dig into your life". Least you finally admitted what a stalking piece of shit YOU really are lady. Amazing you have the gall to sit on here and all the other places you "hang out" and taunt people to come beat your ass. Who knows? They may, just not at your schedule. Haven't you just got so full of yourself, the big PUSSY you are, why don't you just stop the THREATS and either shit or get off the pot now? Who are you kidding that you have a life. You have nothing but that laptop, your aol connection and a bunch of idiots you keep stirring up for your amusement. Pathetic. There is no one in your life Rose, but YOU. Your husband has had enough of your bullshit, Ashley must certainly be thinking what a nut you are, "friends" you say you have? Really? How can you have any friends with the disgusting manner in which you delve into people's lives, in order to retaliate for whatever it is you think has been done to you. You are a fucking nut if ever there was one. Mind you the losers who persist in arguing with you are no mental giants, it must be thrilling to sit out here day in and day out sucking their lives out of them for your fun time. It really is amazing you are still living any kind of existence, that you are not in a mental institution by now for your crazy shit YOU have pulled on people. Or worse in the grave for being such an asshole and vindictive bitch to anyone who has *tried* to be nice to you and finally someone losing their temper and doing what YOU have demanded so frequently. Really amazing with how many people you, with purpose and intent, aggravated to the point of wanting to hurt you that none of these people have found you in a place, hidden from view, where you could be hurt. We are sure you'll cry victim again but the shit you have done is all here chapter and verse. Your deceptive twists of words, the endless tirads when you delve into someone's life so you can ridicule them for objecting to such a lowlife as you are. The BLOGS you have created in order again to justify your crazy self. Funny you haven't refiled that restraining order you were so proud of wanting everyone to see out here on the internet the gutless piece of shit you are you wanted others to post it by the looks of the outrage you incurred when it was posted by .....whomever. It probably was YOU who posted it and then blamed Bolek for doing it. That sounds like your crafty little manuever you like to indulge in, the game of bashing on yourself, talking in the third person to lure still yet someone else into helping you, as if. When the person you have CONNED jumps on your victim bullshit to supposedly help little old you, then you "research" more on them to be used against that person so on and so on. You really are the most disgusting kind of human being, a con, a liar, a cheat, a manipulater. Hey just like your dead boyfriend. LMAO. The GAME. Really it's something you have mastered for some time now, pretending to be someone else, that you actually admitted you did that, in a chat room really is the height of your arrogance. Too bad everyone's lives that you have harassed doesn't do the turn around as they've all promised and nailed your ass but good. You go ahead and keep taunting, pushing these asses, you may very well get what you so desperately seek, once and for all.What a nut you are.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Textbook Look At Rosemary...
Had to repost.......thanks Merry & the girls......
.....A Textbook look At Rose.......................
Abuse and violence are behaviors chosen by a woman like Rose to cause physical, sexual, or emotional damage and worry or fear. Women like Rose who behave this way are often promiscuous, selfish, and narcissistic. Such a woman like Rose uses her moods, rage, and impulses to control the people around her and she is not satisfied until they have noticed her. These women choose deceit, fury, and assault to get their own way and then revels in the addicting exhilarating emotional unrest they create. These women such as Rose lie, connive, and extort. To insult and humiliate their partner, some argue and use offensive language in the presence of others including their children. Many steal or destroy their partner's possessions. These women are driven by jealousy and view others as rivals. They treat their partners as possessions and strive to isolate them from friends and family.Many abusive women falsely accuse their partners of infidelity while they have affairs. These women often abuse children or animals.( just like rose has ) . Nearly all exhibit erratic mood changes, feign illnesses or injuries, and most are practiced actresses. They are not sick; they play the triple roles of a terrorist, a tyrant, and a victim.At some point, she will falsely accuse her husband or partner of a crime. False allegations of child abuse continue to be a common feature in divorce proceedings and the courts ignore the problem. Now, the domestic violence accusation has become the woman's weapon of choice. Apart from the monetary and property gains, domestic violence is so easy to fabricate and these women crave the pleasure that comes from destroying their husband or partner. Persons who have experienced an abusive relationship often experience fear or shame or bewilderment. They have tried everything and nothing works. These people have found themselves not knowing what will happen next, riding on an emotional roller coaster that they cannot escape. Most are sad, depressed, humiliated, and just plain exhausted. Many have lost everything they had in the world and are worried about their future. However, these women have no limits. Their outrageous behavior escalates to unbelievable levels and so, no one believes the victim.When faced with the breakup of a relationship, especially a marriage, some women become vindictive, and abusive women become very dangerous. When others (friends, relatives, police, attorneys, and judges) believe her, they join in, and the frustrated husband or partner finds himself a victim of undeserved hatred, defamation, and abuse.The other dangers are that some women kill their partner, or the partner's new companion, or the children, or the relatives, or stage unsuccessful suicides. Sometimes, women fake or inflict injuries on themselves, or use an accomplice, a relative or new lover, to frame her husband or partner. The most common behaviors are pressing false criminal charges, stealing or destroying property, snatching children, and engaging in bad faith litigation.......
Remember Rose You Are Nothing and you Never will amount to anything !...
Rose this is YOU to a "T", seems I'm not the only one who knows you well. Pretty soon everyone will know who YOU are, no hiding it then. Everything has been saved.
Sucks to be YOU Rosemary....how desperately lonely you must be, to be the way you are......
Such a sad little whore.....
.....A Textbook look At Rose.......................
Abuse and violence are behaviors chosen by a woman like Rose to cause physical, sexual, or emotional damage and worry or fear. Women like Rose who behave this way are often promiscuous, selfish, and narcissistic. Such a woman like Rose uses her moods, rage, and impulses to control the people around her and she is not satisfied until they have noticed her. These women choose deceit, fury, and assault to get their own way and then revels in the addicting exhilarating emotional unrest they create. These women such as Rose lie, connive, and extort. To insult and humiliate their partner, some argue and use offensive language in the presence of others including their children. Many steal or destroy their partner's possessions. These women are driven by jealousy and view others as rivals. They treat their partners as possessions and strive to isolate them from friends and family.Many abusive women falsely accuse their partners of infidelity while they have affairs. These women often abuse children or animals.( just like rose has ) . Nearly all exhibit erratic mood changes, feign illnesses or injuries, and most are practiced actresses. They are not sick; they play the triple roles of a terrorist, a tyrant, and a victim.At some point, she will falsely accuse her husband or partner of a crime. False allegations of child abuse continue to be a common feature in divorce proceedings and the courts ignore the problem. Now, the domestic violence accusation has become the woman's weapon of choice. Apart from the monetary and property gains, domestic violence is so easy to fabricate and these women crave the pleasure that comes from destroying their husband or partner. Persons who have experienced an abusive relationship often experience fear or shame or bewilderment. They have tried everything and nothing works. These people have found themselves not knowing what will happen next, riding on an emotional roller coaster that they cannot escape. Most are sad, depressed, humiliated, and just plain exhausted. Many have lost everything they had in the world and are worried about their future. However, these women have no limits. Their outrageous behavior escalates to unbelievable levels and so, no one believes the victim.When faced with the breakup of a relationship, especially a marriage, some women become vindictive, and abusive women become very dangerous. When others (friends, relatives, police, attorneys, and judges) believe her, they join in, and the frustrated husband or partner finds himself a victim of undeserved hatred, defamation, and abuse.The other dangers are that some women kill their partner, or the partner's new companion, or the children, or the relatives, or stage unsuccessful suicides. Sometimes, women fake or inflict injuries on themselves, or use an accomplice, a relative or new lover, to frame her husband or partner. The most common behaviors are pressing false criminal charges, stealing or destroying property, snatching children, and engaging in bad faith litigation.......
Remember Rose You Are Nothing and you Never will amount to anything !...
Rose this is YOU to a "T", seems I'm not the only one who knows you well. Pretty soon everyone will know who YOU are, no hiding it then. Everything has been saved.
Sucks to be YOU Rosemary....how desperately lonely you must be, to be the way you are......
Such a sad little whore.....
Monday, April 27, 2009
A Little Ditty About Rose the Hose
Here is a ditty about Rose the hose
You might know her better as Rosemary
The woman of ill fitting ugly cheap ass clothes
And a buddy named Zeeke the fairy
Got a really chubby friend by the name of Cin-Cin
Hasn’t seen her toes in years
Ate lots and lots of greasy fattening din-din
Her sitting on you, one of your greatest fears
Then there’s Nancy the one who gives legal advice
Thinks she’s the smartest thing around
But she’s dumber than Rose and I don’t have to tell you twice
She meets Rose’s standards pound for pound
Yeah sure Rose is ugly as hell and dumb as dirt
Crappy nasty teeth and limp dirty hair
Doesn’t stop her from being a whore flirt
That someone wouldn’t fuck on a drunken dare
Her filthy mouth you can see for yourself
On a blog she hammers on night and day
With all her belongings sitting on a shelf
She sits online 24/7 and looks for prey
No one really likes her or admits to it too
She could make dead men turn in their grave
From the smell emanating from between her legs
Would make a convict hibernate in a cave
Her grasp of words isn’t too tight
And she’s dumb as a fucking rock
Cos she only comes out in the dark of night
To hunt down beer drugs & cock
See she has an obsession with the kids of a man
She had a hand in killing and we all know what
She can’t take the truth if she was hit with a van
Cos she’s a smelly boneheaded twat
She knows she was being used
But she can’t even own up to that
Always spewing trash and accusing ABUSED!
Ran over just like a doormat
Constantly googling information on people’s lives
Posting things she really should not
Hanging out trying to score dick in bar dives
Thinking she’s “all that” and “hot”
You really should get some help and meds for your delusion
Cos honey you’re way out in left field
Full of shit and denying confusion
Wearing hatred and deceit as your shield
You’ll never be anything but a piece of shit
I couldn’t be any more blunt
Aww com’n hoser don’t chuck a fit
Cos you’ll always be the über cunt!
You might know her better as Rosemary
The woman of ill fitting ugly cheap ass clothes
And a buddy named Zeeke the fairy
Got a really chubby friend by the name of Cin-Cin
Hasn’t seen her toes in years
Ate lots and lots of greasy fattening din-din
Her sitting on you, one of your greatest fears
Then there’s Nancy the one who gives legal advice
Thinks she’s the smartest thing around
But she’s dumber than Rose and I don’t have to tell you twice
She meets Rose’s standards pound for pound
Yeah sure Rose is ugly as hell and dumb as dirt
Crappy nasty teeth and limp dirty hair
Doesn’t stop her from being a whore flirt
That someone wouldn’t fuck on a drunken dare
Her filthy mouth you can see for yourself
On a blog she hammers on night and day
With all her belongings sitting on a shelf
She sits online 24/7 and looks for prey
No one really likes her or admits to it too
She could make dead men turn in their grave
From the smell emanating from between her legs
Would make a convict hibernate in a cave
Her grasp of words isn’t too tight
And she’s dumb as a fucking rock
Cos she only comes out in the dark of night
To hunt down beer drugs & cock
See she has an obsession with the kids of a man
She had a hand in killing and we all know what
She can’t take the truth if she was hit with a van
Cos she’s a smelly boneheaded twat
She knows she was being used
But she can’t even own up to that
Always spewing trash and accusing ABUSED!
Ran over just like a doormat
Constantly googling information on people’s lives
Posting things she really should not
Hanging out trying to score dick in bar dives
Thinking she’s “all that” and “hot”
You really should get some help and meds for your delusion
Cos honey you’re way out in left field
Full of shit and denying confusion
Wearing hatred and deceit as your shield
You’ll never be anything but a piece of shit
I couldn’t be any more blunt
Aww com’n hoser don’t chuck a fit
Cos you’ll always be the über cunt!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rosemary Dear, Your Insanity Is Showing...
Gee Rose, you have really lost your mind.
I have sat back quietly, for the past few months, and watch the entire drama unfold before my eyes. You are really losing it aren’t you? You didn’t used to be this bad but your obsession has obviously driven you over the line and now you are nuttier than a fruitcake. Better be careful Rose, if someone really reads those blogs of yours they just might lock yer ass up. There is such a thing as involuntary admission, especially if that person is deemed a danger to others or themselves…or children they want to maim.
I applaud these people fighting back against you with bravado, these strong vibrant individuals you call “jealous has-beens” & “used up ex’s”. I honestly can’t see any jealousy on their part, only them wanting to make you shut up and mind your own business, which you can’t do no matter what happens. You just couldn’t shut up and keep your memories with Rob and go on with your life. You had to try and take others memories and try to smash them to bits because YOU ARE THE ONE JEALOUS OF THOSE WITH MEMORIES THEY CHERISH OF ROB. It makes one wonder if your life with him was as wonderful as you say it was.
Sure, there are 3 sides to every story: this side, that side and the cold hard facts. And I have to tell you that your version of events aren’t adding up or making sense no matter how hard you stomp your feet or scream or cuss or call everyone cunts or threaten them. And if you’re sooooo damn sexy, where are all the men who supposedly want your “sexy hot ass”. I don’t see any male worth a damn paying you ANY kind of attention whatsoever.
So what did YOU get on Valentines Day Rosemary? Where were you?
Ahhh online I bet, while I got a beautiful Open Hearts necklace with diamonds from my husband and a lovely box of chocolates and a very romantic meal, along with 2 dozen roses. I bet you sat your worthless lying scheming conniving ass online all day. Did ya get to go to Taco Bell for Valentines Rose, big day for you there huh.
I am awaiting the results of the state committee on that Stalking and Online Harassment bill to be made public. And I know for a fact that the news organizations are watching you like a hawk, making YOU into a story that starts with “You wouldn’t believe that anyone would get away with something like this nowadays, but…”. Yeah, your 15 seconds of fame and you’re branded the online stalker that got a law passed because she showed how insanely jealous she was and how her pedophile ways exposed her for what she was; a deranged jealous mentally unstable lunatic who tried to scheme and lie her way out of anything, like shit slides offa anything… like YOU.
You disgust me and make my skin crawl, any thought of physically coming into contact with you makes me sick to my stomach, including any of my children coming into contact with you. The things that have come out of your mouth and the things you have blogged make me wonder exactly where the human race is going, when someone as gross and disgusting as YOU is allowed to roam free. Geez, I would even give the Somali pirates more humane treatment than I would YOU. YOU are the kind of domestic terrorism that the government is trying to prevent. Slowly but surely you and your blogs are making their way up the government and law enforcement food chain, wonder what will happen when it reaches the White House? I know for a fact that shit like yours would be addressed right away with Obama’s administration, especially for all the stalking you are doing.
Funny how you wouldn’t show up for your court date on the protective order, was there something you were scared of? Maybe it was because the exact people you were trying to get in trouble had enough to show just cause that YOU NEEDED TO BE LOCKED UP. That judge would have been presented with evidence that you filed a false claim and that would have been that, your bullshit would have been over because the next time you tried to file a claim you would have been told, uh no I don’t think so. And since you didn’t show up this time, the next time you try to pull this bullshit it won’t go as smoothly but you’re so goddamn dumb you can’t figure that one out. You utterly amaze me hosehead, did you patent stupidity or is it just that natural for you?
And you got a lotta nerve talking about all those women, or the “girls” as they are affectionately known. You used to be a fat slob, like some of your friends, until you started stuffing things up your nose and such, but it still shows that you are chubby. Your tits look like they’re depressed to be on your body, with what they’re looking down all the time, even when slung up in a bra. You have NO business talking about how much any of them weigh, they have children, some less than 5 years of age. Your last child was Ashley, so what’s YOUR FUCKIN EXCUSE?
Your jealousy and hatred is ugly Rosemary, just like YOU. And it seems your daughter is following in your footsteps, boy I bet you’re REAL proud of that huh hoser. One could argue that Ashley doesn’t know any better because she was brought up in this shit, the only example she had was YOU, so that says a lot. A lot of us are praying that she takes her baby and gets the hell away from you before she loses that precious child because of your bullshit. Ashley I have nothing against you child, but you really need to get away from your self-destructive mother. I know this is the only life you have ever known but you can better yourself. Plenty of other people have had worse circumstances and they have bettered themselves and gone on the have healthy productive lives. Don’t let your mother be your undoing, get some help now and stay the hell away from your crazy ass psycho mother.
Rosemary, get it through your thick ass skull that these people aren’t backing down. Move on and go about your business and leave them be. I know you want to get fucked as much as possible, so why don’t you take your deluded self and go to some dating website or dating chats and go find a man, preferable not on AOL. Is it really gonna take you going to jail or being locked up in a mental institution to make you understand that?
Remember, in jail and in the loony bin they don’t let you online…..
Yer old roomie “2002”
I have sat back quietly, for the past few months, and watch the entire drama unfold before my eyes. You are really losing it aren’t you? You didn’t used to be this bad but your obsession has obviously driven you over the line and now you are nuttier than a fruitcake. Better be careful Rose, if someone really reads those blogs of yours they just might lock yer ass up. There is such a thing as involuntary admission, especially if that person is deemed a danger to others or themselves…or children they want to maim.
I applaud these people fighting back against you with bravado, these strong vibrant individuals you call “jealous has-beens” & “used up ex’s”. I honestly can’t see any jealousy on their part, only them wanting to make you shut up and mind your own business, which you can’t do no matter what happens. You just couldn’t shut up and keep your memories with Rob and go on with your life. You had to try and take others memories and try to smash them to bits because YOU ARE THE ONE JEALOUS OF THOSE WITH MEMORIES THEY CHERISH OF ROB. It makes one wonder if your life with him was as wonderful as you say it was.
Sure, there are 3 sides to every story: this side, that side and the cold hard facts. And I have to tell you that your version of events aren’t adding up or making sense no matter how hard you stomp your feet or scream or cuss or call everyone cunts or threaten them. And if you’re sooooo damn sexy, where are all the men who supposedly want your “sexy hot ass”. I don’t see any male worth a damn paying you ANY kind of attention whatsoever.
So what did YOU get on Valentines Day Rosemary? Where were you?
Ahhh online I bet, while I got a beautiful Open Hearts necklace with diamonds from my husband and a lovely box of chocolates and a very romantic meal, along with 2 dozen roses. I bet you sat your worthless lying scheming conniving ass online all day. Did ya get to go to Taco Bell for Valentines Rose, big day for you there huh.
I am awaiting the results of the state committee on that Stalking and Online Harassment bill to be made public. And I know for a fact that the news organizations are watching you like a hawk, making YOU into a story that starts with “You wouldn’t believe that anyone would get away with something like this nowadays, but…”. Yeah, your 15 seconds of fame and you’re branded the online stalker that got a law passed because she showed how insanely jealous she was and how her pedophile ways exposed her for what she was; a deranged jealous mentally unstable lunatic who tried to scheme and lie her way out of anything, like shit slides offa anything… like YOU.
You disgust me and make my skin crawl, any thought of physically coming into contact with you makes me sick to my stomach, including any of my children coming into contact with you. The things that have come out of your mouth and the things you have blogged make me wonder exactly where the human race is going, when someone as gross and disgusting as YOU is allowed to roam free. Geez, I would even give the Somali pirates more humane treatment than I would YOU. YOU are the kind of domestic terrorism that the government is trying to prevent. Slowly but surely you and your blogs are making their way up the government and law enforcement food chain, wonder what will happen when it reaches the White House? I know for a fact that shit like yours would be addressed right away with Obama’s administration, especially for all the stalking you are doing.
Funny how you wouldn’t show up for your court date on the protective order, was there something you were scared of? Maybe it was because the exact people you were trying to get in trouble had enough to show just cause that YOU NEEDED TO BE LOCKED UP. That judge would have been presented with evidence that you filed a false claim and that would have been that, your bullshit would have been over because the next time you tried to file a claim you would have been told, uh no I don’t think so. And since you didn’t show up this time, the next time you try to pull this bullshit it won’t go as smoothly but you’re so goddamn dumb you can’t figure that one out. You utterly amaze me hosehead, did you patent stupidity or is it just that natural for you?
And you got a lotta nerve talking about all those women, or the “girls” as they are affectionately known. You used to be a fat slob, like some of your friends, until you started stuffing things up your nose and such, but it still shows that you are chubby. Your tits look like they’re depressed to be on your body, with what they’re looking down all the time, even when slung up in a bra. You have NO business talking about how much any of them weigh, they have children, some less than 5 years of age. Your last child was Ashley, so what’s YOUR FUCKIN EXCUSE?
Your jealousy and hatred is ugly Rosemary, just like YOU. And it seems your daughter is following in your footsteps, boy I bet you’re REAL proud of that huh hoser. One could argue that Ashley doesn’t know any better because she was brought up in this shit, the only example she had was YOU, so that says a lot. A lot of us are praying that she takes her baby and gets the hell away from you before she loses that precious child because of your bullshit. Ashley I have nothing against you child, but you really need to get away from your self-destructive mother. I know this is the only life you have ever known but you can better yourself. Plenty of other people have had worse circumstances and they have bettered themselves and gone on the have healthy productive lives. Don’t let your mother be your undoing, get some help now and stay the hell away from your crazy ass psycho mother.
Rosemary, get it through your thick ass skull that these people aren’t backing down. Move on and go about your business and leave them be. I know you want to get fucked as much as possible, so why don’t you take your deluded self and go to some dating website or dating chats and go find a man, preferable not on AOL. Is it really gonna take you going to jail or being locked up in a mental institution to make you understand that?
Remember, in jail and in the loony bin they don’t let you online…..
Yer old roomie “2002”
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
An Open Post To The "All Knowing All Seeing" Commentor on Bobso Blog
"Running my font" "My blog died"
OMG I am sitting here laughing hysterically at you and your stupidity. "Running my font" Do you ever log off AOL and do you actually know how to use the English language, and no HICK does not count.
Nope, still not Karrie but if you know Karrie as well as you say you do, then you know she won't even hesitate to call in police and Federal authorities for anyone calling her home number. There are only a few that know that number and my sources tell me that is an unpublished number. Soooo this traces right back to YOU ROSE. And any harassing phone calls can be traced by calling in phone company records and calling any number and harassing them, especially unlisted numbers is NOW A FEDERAL CRIME.
oh and BTW I didn't make my blog up to gain popularity and could care less if YOU Never go to my blog again. As far as the other blog, well go tell them you think their blog "died" and see how much you get laughed at. YOU see to be the ONLY ONE REPEATEDLY BRINGING UP MELONEY/HOPE/SYDNEY so why are YOU obsessed over her? She isn't getting any more time on my blog and I meant it.
Now I could take one exception and put the link up to that blog about the fake attorney Meloney/Hope/Sydney, YOU are still checking it out obviously, and you seem desperate to get that link on my blog. So if you act childish enough and stomp your feet hard enough, I may put the link on it for everyone to see just how much she isn't an attorney. After reading the blog I don't think she is. Do I hate her? No, I don't know her except for the evidence that is presented on the blog. Sure, SOME of the evidence presented is circumstantial - but if ALL THE EVIDENCE presented on that blog were in a courtroom it would convict. Even had a judge friend look at the piece and he said if they were shown all that, they would convict.
But I know that’s beyond your brain capacity. She is just not believable, just like YOU ARE NOT BELIEVABLE.
One more time, not Karrie, I could give a shit about your opinion and you're obviously too damn scared to go comment on all the other blogs with trackers. chickenshits. Scared someone is going to find out who you are and nail you to the wall? Plenty of people are checking out my blog and that includes most of the offices that are following your bullshit obsessions with the ex's, which includes YOU ROSE. You still don't get it do you, you aren't getting to me or the ex's, we laugh at you daily and we have full rich lives that don't include obsessing over someone. If you are that obsessed with Meloney/Hope/Sydney then PLEASE go make your own blog and show why you think she is real. Then go on my blog and leave the link. But you won't, you chickenshit, you're too scared.
Now this is the last time I am coming to YOUR blog because I really don't want to be seen on your filthy blog. So go on, rant away, call me names, finger point finger point cuss cuss name call name call blah blah blah.
You are burying yourself daily so au revior, kiss my ass.
OMG I am sitting here laughing hysterically at you and your stupidity. "Running my font" Do you ever log off AOL and do you actually know how to use the English language, and no HICK does not count.
Nope, still not Karrie but if you know Karrie as well as you say you do, then you know she won't even hesitate to call in police and Federal authorities for anyone calling her home number. There are only a few that know that number and my sources tell me that is an unpublished number. Soooo this traces right back to YOU ROSE. And any harassing phone calls can be traced by calling in phone company records and calling any number and harassing them, especially unlisted numbers is NOW A FEDERAL CRIME.
oh and BTW I didn't make my blog up to gain popularity and could care less if YOU Never go to my blog again. As far as the other blog, well go tell them you think their blog "died" and see how much you get laughed at. YOU see to be the ONLY ONE REPEATEDLY BRINGING UP MELONEY/HOPE/SYDNEY so why are YOU obsessed over her? She isn't getting any more time on my blog and I meant it.
Now I could take one exception and put the link up to that blog about the fake attorney Meloney/Hope/Sydney, YOU are still checking it out obviously, and you seem desperate to get that link on my blog. So if you act childish enough and stomp your feet hard enough, I may put the link on it for everyone to see just how much she isn't an attorney. After reading the blog I don't think she is. Do I hate her? No, I don't know her except for the evidence that is presented on the blog. Sure, SOME of the evidence presented is circumstantial - but if ALL THE EVIDENCE presented on that blog were in a courtroom it would convict. Even had a judge friend look at the piece and he said if they were shown all that, they would convict.
But I know that’s beyond your brain capacity. She is just not believable, just like YOU ARE NOT BELIEVABLE.
One more time, not Karrie, I could give a shit about your opinion and you're obviously too damn scared to go comment on all the other blogs with trackers. chickenshits. Scared someone is going to find out who you are and nail you to the wall? Plenty of people are checking out my blog and that includes most of the offices that are following your bullshit obsessions with the ex's, which includes YOU ROSE. You still don't get it do you, you aren't getting to me or the ex's, we laugh at you daily and we have full rich lives that don't include obsessing over someone. If you are that obsessed with Meloney/Hope/Sydney then PLEASE go make your own blog and show why you think she is real. Then go on my blog and leave the link. But you won't, you chickenshit, you're too scared.
Now this is the last time I am coming to YOUR blog because I really don't want to be seen on your filthy blog. So go on, rant away, call me names, finger point finger point cuss cuss name call name call blah blah blah.
You are burying yourself daily so au revior, kiss my ass.
Friday, January 30, 2009
New Post of Rose Hirst's
Here is a recent sample straight from Rose Hirst's unoriginal uneducated un-everything blog:
.................................. I am hot and sexy blah blah blah.........
I don't do anything wrong blah blah blah .............................
I own you blah blah blah .........................................................
my high priced high powered attorney blah blah blah .......
.................................. I am hot and sexy blah blah blah.........
I don't do anything wrong blah blah blah .............................
I own you blah blah blah .........................................................
my high priced high powered attorney blah blah blah .......
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Waste Of Human Flesh....YOU Rose
Ohhh my bad "blogger", I will include you next time I make a list of possible conspirators. (snicker).
Rose is such a fucking dumbass... she gives dumbasses a bad name. Rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore can't help it people, stupidity is in her genes. Besides, Rose is the epitome of social services white trash, they can tell the moment she walks in by the smell she leaves.
TICK TOCK HOSEMARY TICK TOCK. I can't wait to see the look on your face...
I will be laughing hysterically.
Party at my hotel room after Rose's court date!
YOU Rose are such a waste of human flesh, your mother should have swallowed you.
Hugs and kisses Rosenhosenstein Wasteofhumanflesh Hirst.
Your old roomie,
p.s. Keep letting Nanci (NOTSexySoCalledMafiaHitWoman) give you legal advice, it's gonna make it soooo much easier. Besides, I didn't remember seeing Paralegal on her resume, and I highly doubt she's associated in any way with "the family" because if she was, she surely would know to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT. If not, well, Nanci you should know, if you are INDEED in "the family", you know what happens to people who "talk too much", right?
Rose is such a fucking dumbass... she gives dumbasses a bad name. Rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore can't help it people, stupidity is in her genes. Besides, Rose is the epitome of social services white trash, they can tell the moment she walks in by the smell she leaves.
TICK TOCK HOSEMARY TICK TOCK. I can't wait to see the look on your face...
I will be laughing hysterically.
Party at my hotel room after Rose's court date!
YOU Rose are such a waste of human flesh, your mother should have swallowed you.
Hugs and kisses Rosenhosenstein Wasteofhumanflesh Hirst.
Your old roomie,
p.s. Keep letting Nanci (NOTSexySoCalledMafiaHitWoman) give you legal advice, it's gonna make it soooo much easier. Besides, I didn't remember seeing Paralegal on her resume, and I highly doubt she's associated in any way with "the family" because if she was, she surely would know to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT. If not, well, Nanci you should know, if you are INDEED in "the family", you know what happens to people who "talk too much", right?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Who Am I Rosemary? Better Yet Who Are WE?
Who am I, or better yet, who are WE? I have been accused of being quite a few people, most recently a “Karrie” because I expressed an opinion that I believe Sydney, the alleged attorney, is a fake. Well I hate to disappoint your constantly stomping feet HOPE and Rosemary, but I am someone who is starting to receive some very interesting stuff on you, BOTH OF YOU, from a variety of sources. But let’s leave this at Rosemary, for now, because I believe she is the more pressing problem. Meloney/Hope/Sydney, they already did a blog on you, so go pout somewhere else, your 15 minutes are done honeybabysweetikins. And no more comments defending yourself because they will be automatically deleted. Your time is done on this blog and you will receive NO MORE ATTENTION.
End of YOU.
Now, back to Rosemary.
You are almost being eaten alive, Rosemary, trying to figure out who is behind the “ratting you out”, as you put it. People have been telling me and showing me IMS and logs that show you are about to shit yourself with fury about the people that are giving up the info about you. You have NO IDEA who is giving you up, who is emailing me logs, IMs, emails and pics. You have pissed off and backstabbed enough people; the crowd could fill a few hundred football stadiums, so you have a HUGE list to go through sugarpie. I know you aren’t the brightest thing around and a few chicken nuggets short of a happy meal soooo let me give you some badly needed help because your tiny miniscule brain is in desperate need of it, since it doesn’t revolve around sex and that leaves you CLUELESS!!!
You have been at this for a LONG time, 10+ years, so let’s play “WHO IS GIVING UP ROSEMARY”.
Is it:
Bambi? Hoistapint? Hooters? Frost? Shirley? Kevin? Barbie? Kirk? Jackie? Eileen? Joey? Alan? Ian? Nelson? Robin? Reanne? Reslend? Simone? Bruce? Hannah? Sir Bubba? FyrBall? Firedar? Stacy? Drew? Lauri? Vanlla? ProzacGoddess? JohnWilson? UpstateNYEMT? Sparky?
Snerthunter? Geo? Eve? Lily? MDCop? JailCopJerry? Mark Dawg? Lynnzy? BigSteveNJ? MzBigEvil? Cyndi? Lolita? Cari? Nanci? Bob? SydneyzBabe? Meloney Hope? Zeeke? Blogsucka? Nicole? Runt Joey? Cris Blaznnn? Ann ATexas1096? Bobby? Dee? Robert? Gene Torvie? Dave EMS4968? JerryEatzDonuts? Annie? SydneyEsq2006? Jawswatman? Dan? Walter? Chase? Jenn? IrishRescueChik? Toadman? RayJohnson? CrashTestedDummi? DealiciousOne? SMELLMYFINGERS? SheDevil? Jude? Hunter? Amidala? HarrisHawk? DODSGT? ShortNSassy? AmericanETwins? Elleslaw? Coffey? Sarah? CuffsnLace? Michelle? FicticiousSN? Empire? MizaCongeniality? Lou? Tom? James? AndSoo? LicksBugs? Tammi? FDNYNiceGuy? BlondeBuzzz? Johnnie? IM2Feisty4U? XOMAILE? Squadbunny? Whitney? PunkinPie? Lushpuppy? AzBastistaBabe? LuvnAManWithAGun? DDawny? Need4Speed? OneSwtKookie? OnlyCandi inTX? CSICrimegirlie? Gloria? BillyBingo? FireChick0004? SexyBrown4u? Jaysportman? MedicTroll? LuLu? Jason? Barb? Focke? Mike? Mel? QueenGSA? NYLadiDee? SmokeJumper? SMOKEEATER? Mystik? Rosehill? Karrie? Nooshka? Scott BusRadio? MCJazz? TizerLily? CWFFRYCOOK? DragonWhisperer? Tony? Rich? Mack? Carol? Cadoo? Ricki? Lou? Nikki? MysticGulfChic? Dale? Lotus? GhetoCop? CWFGoddess? LongrthnAvg? IcePrincess? DareToBeWild? IAFF92? LongerRanger? StillRebel? CherylRavensFan? ChatRoomGossip? NascarMom? LadyNBlkLace? TaltheGalfrSocal? WickldlyDlicious? Packerbabe? FDRichie? SophiaDollares? TheMySpaceGuy? Santa?
Yeah, that’s quite a long list isn’t it hosemary? Who could it be? After all you’ve done for them and to them huh. Buncha ungrateful hicks aren’t they hosehead. BUT…. I didn’t say it was all of them, most of them or any of them.
But I do…. And what is out there right now about you is only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG.
Tick tock hosemary tick tock….your time is almost up. Hope your day sucks as much as possible. Oh, almost forgot, all your old info giving up roomies send a very deep satisfying FUCK YOU Rose.
Hugs & kisses,
Your old roomie,
p.s. Oh, one more thing. To the person who contacted and asked me to leave a message, yes I would love to see what you have on Rose and her “titty suckers”. Please send the “way to contact you” that you were talking about to my email address january20094u@yahoo.com.
End of YOU.
Now, back to Rosemary.
You are almost being eaten alive, Rosemary, trying to figure out who is behind the “ratting you out”, as you put it. People have been telling me and showing me IMS and logs that show you are about to shit yourself with fury about the people that are giving up the info about you. You have NO IDEA who is giving you up, who is emailing me logs, IMs, emails and pics. You have pissed off and backstabbed enough people; the crowd could fill a few hundred football stadiums, so you have a HUGE list to go through sugarpie. I know you aren’t the brightest thing around and a few chicken nuggets short of a happy meal soooo let me give you some badly needed help because your tiny miniscule brain is in desperate need of it, since it doesn’t revolve around sex and that leaves you CLUELESS!!!
You have been at this for a LONG time, 10+ years, so let’s play “WHO IS GIVING UP ROSEMARY”.
Is it:
Bambi? Hoistapint? Hooters? Frost? Shirley? Kevin? Barbie? Kirk? Jackie? Eileen? Joey? Alan? Ian? Nelson? Robin? Reanne? Reslend? Simone? Bruce? Hannah? Sir Bubba? FyrBall? Firedar? Stacy? Drew? Lauri? Vanlla? ProzacGoddess? JohnWilson? UpstateNYEMT? Sparky?
Snerthunter? Geo? Eve? Lily? MDCop? JailCopJerry? Mark Dawg? Lynnzy? BigSteveNJ? MzBigEvil? Cyndi? Lolita? Cari? Nanci? Bob? SydneyzBabe? Meloney Hope? Zeeke? Blogsucka? Nicole? Runt Joey? Cris Blaznnn? Ann ATexas1096? Bobby? Dee? Robert? Gene Torvie? Dave EMS4968? JerryEatzDonuts? Annie? SydneyEsq2006? Jawswatman? Dan? Walter? Chase? Jenn? IrishRescueChik? Toadman? RayJohnson? CrashTestedDummi? DealiciousOne? SMELLMYFINGERS? SheDevil? Jude? Hunter? Amidala? HarrisHawk? DODSGT? ShortNSassy? AmericanETwins? Elleslaw? Coffey? Sarah? CuffsnLace? Michelle? FicticiousSN? Empire? MizaCongeniality? Lou? Tom? James? AndSoo? LicksBugs? Tammi? FDNYNiceGuy? BlondeBuzzz? Johnnie? IM2Feisty4U? XOMAILE? Squadbunny? Whitney? PunkinPie? Lushpuppy? AzBastistaBabe? LuvnAManWithAGun? DDawny? Need4Speed? OneSwtKookie? OnlyCandi inTX? CSICrimegirlie? Gloria? BillyBingo? FireChick0004? SexyBrown4u? Jaysportman? MedicTroll? LuLu? Jason? Barb? Focke? Mike? Mel? QueenGSA? NYLadiDee? SmokeJumper? SMOKEEATER? Mystik? Rosehill? Karrie? Nooshka? Scott BusRadio? MCJazz? TizerLily? CWFFRYCOOK? DragonWhisperer? Tony? Rich? Mack? Carol? Cadoo? Ricki? Lou? Nikki? MysticGulfChic? Dale? Lotus? GhetoCop? CWFGoddess? LongrthnAvg? IcePrincess? DareToBeWild? IAFF92? LongerRanger? StillRebel? CherylRavensFan? ChatRoomGossip? NascarMom? LadyNBlkLace? TaltheGalfrSocal? WickldlyDlicious? Packerbabe? FDRichie? SophiaDollares? TheMySpaceGuy? Santa?
Yeah, that’s quite a long list isn’t it hosemary? Who could it be? After all you’ve done for them and to them huh. Buncha ungrateful hicks aren’t they hosehead. BUT…. I didn’t say it was all of them, most of them or any of them.
But I do…. And what is out there right now about you is only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG.
Tick tock hosemary tick tock….your time is almost up. Hope your day sucks as much as possible. Oh, almost forgot, all your old info giving up roomies send a very deep satisfying FUCK YOU Rose.
Hugs & kisses,
Your old roomie,
p.s. Oh, one more thing. To the person who contacted and asked me to leave a message, yes I would love to see what you have on Rose and her “titty suckers”. Please send the “way to contact you” that you were talking about to my email address january20094u@yahoo.com.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Rod Blagojevich and Rose Sitting In A Tree......
Know who you remind me of Rose? Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. He got caught saying all sorts of damaging incriminating things involving a vacant senate seat left open by President Barack Obama. But he insists he did nothing wrong and carries on like he is an innocent victim.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, I know, technically he didn't do anything wrong except getting caught with his pants down, running his mouth about getting an advantage financially by allegedly trying to "sell the seat to the highest bidder".
Deny, deny, deny, practice plausible deniability and hope it'll all blow over. Problem is, Rose and this idiot are classic sociopaths. You could list evidence in as much as say….76 pages and they both still wouldn't believe it. Maybe reality will hit them in their white-collar cells.
Two peas in a pod.....Rod Blagojevich and Rose sitting in a tree.....
Sound familiar?
Yeah, I know, technically he didn't do anything wrong except getting caught with his pants down, running his mouth about getting an advantage financially by allegedly trying to "sell the seat to the highest bidder".
Deny, deny, deny, practice plausible deniability and hope it'll all blow over. Problem is, Rose and this idiot are classic sociopaths. You could list evidence in as much as say….76 pages and they both still wouldn't believe it. Maybe reality will hit them in their white-collar cells.
Two peas in a pod.....Rod Blagojevich and Rose sitting in a tree.....
Friday, January 23, 2009
Rose At Her Finest...Redux...To The Old Roomie 2001
Here is my reply to the anonymous commentor "Old Roomie 2001". I couldn't agree more about Rose The Hose, here is my reply to your post correcting the piece I posted below.
Sorry I pasted it exactly as it was put on a comment page I happened to save one time. So whoever originally posted the comment bungled it. I was simply trying to show Rose for the piece of shit she is, and show how she uses and abuses friendships. When she started her shit with the kids, I thought it appropriate to show her current supporter (notice I only said 1 supporter hahaha) and friends exactly what they are in store for. If you stay friends with her or tell her private and sensitive information, then you get what you deserve. She will post your info including contact info for all to see. I was going through old discs when I found this, among other things. Shows exactly how many lies she has told and how she forgets who she tells this shit to, makes her look fucking stupid, does it not?
There is plenty more, I will be posting them shortly for you to peruse.
If any of you have any information, chats, IMS, logs, pics or anything else you would like to share, especially from the past, then by all means, PLEASE send them to my email january20094u@yahoo.com. This may be seen in a legal setting so please do not include anything you wouldn't want seen.
Rose your time is quickly coming, you're just too damn stupid to understand that.
hugs and kisses hosehead (snicker)
Your old roomie,
Sorry I pasted it exactly as it was put on a comment page I happened to save one time. So whoever originally posted the comment bungled it. I was simply trying to show Rose for the piece of shit she is, and show how she uses and abuses friendships. When she started her shit with the kids, I thought it appropriate to show her current supporter (notice I only said 1 supporter hahaha) and friends exactly what they are in store for. If you stay friends with her or tell her private and sensitive information, then you get what you deserve. She will post your info including contact info for all to see. I was going through old discs when I found this, among other things. Shows exactly how many lies she has told and how she forgets who she tells this shit to, makes her look fucking stupid, does it not?
There is plenty more, I will be posting them shortly for you to peruse.
If any of you have any information, chats, IMS, logs, pics or anything else you would like to share, especially from the past, then by all means, PLEASE send them to my email january20094u@yahoo.com. This may be seen in a legal setting so please do not include anything you wouldn't want seen.
Rose your time is quickly coming, you're just too damn stupid to understand that.
hugs and kisses hosehead (snicker)
Your old roomie,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Rose At Her Finest, A Piece From Her Past...
Wanna see exactly what Rose has been doing and for how long? This is from a blog, now gone, that I just happened to save. Should make interesting reading for you.
stop blaming rose for everything dee. you lying cock roach.It ain't Dee you the lying roach it is ROSE. A mental case if eva there was one. Multiple two faced personality disorder a sicko bitch who backstabs her friends: Karrie, Brenda, Ann, Lush, Jason! Who knows how many others? Look how much she talks about Dee and Moody? Anyone seen that stuff over on CRGallery? What a fruitcake yet the bitch comes to all these blogs and says SHE isn't starting the shit? She's got a life? She's getting banged? She's not jealous? Ok. This bitch has the nerve to think being popular in a aol chat room is her life's goal so she demeans who eva calls her out for what she is! Whatta rag! We are sick of you! You can bet this bitch has been on this blog writing against her roomies oh let's guess which name she used? Doesn't matter it's that Rose does this and than lies about it. Your day is coming cupcake.##########################
The Rose Zone [5:59 PM]: one day dee will get she isnt married to a cop he's a truck driver alcoholic mother fucker
The Rose Zone [6:02 PM]: damn what is up with dee anyways i tried to be nice to her
The Rose Zone [6:03 PM]: till she sent out my im stuff with jeff to the blog and wanted to make him look guilty lol
The Rose Zone [6:03 PM]: no she actually says she has more info than the bloggers can imagine
The Rose Zone [6:04 PM]: and people fear her
The Rose Zone [6:13 PM]: i take it as a death threat on the aol sucka blog
The Rose Zone [6:13 PM]: Do you know who this girl is? This big mouth, buck toothed girl? Of course you do! Here is her YAHOO profile. When did she become SEPERATED? I wonder if her husband knows? What kind of idiot puts her REAL name out on the internet, especially if her husband is a policeman and she has no quams boasting about it? Is she itching to get him killed? What will he do when whoever she runs her mouth to, shows up at her front door? Defend his whoring wife? File suits for his lying spouse? I highly doubt it
The Rose Zone [6:31 PM]: sorry omg now i have to call the fuckin police so they can see the blog and the threat wtf
The Rose Zone [6:32 PM]: aol sucka lol my cop husband
The Rose Zone [6:33 PM]: if u read it closely he posts my personal info and john who is a cop and then says something stupid like that
The Rose Zone [6:33 PM]: i say he because i was told it was lushpuppy and dee says its her and Lush and Jason Gheto Cop with Ann too.
The Rose Zone [6:34 PM]: that lush is a moron to say something that moron posts my info then says that lol god i cant wait till the police get here they are going togo down
More to come...stay tuned...
stop blaming rose for everything dee. you lying cock roach.It ain't Dee you the lying roach it is ROSE. A mental case if eva there was one. Multiple two faced personality disorder a sicko bitch who backstabs her friends: Karrie, Brenda, Ann, Lush, Jason! Who knows how many others? Look how much she talks about Dee and Moody? Anyone seen that stuff over on CRGallery? What a fruitcake yet the bitch comes to all these blogs and says SHE isn't starting the shit? She's got a life? She's getting banged? She's not jealous? Ok. This bitch has the nerve to think being popular in a aol chat room is her life's goal so she demeans who eva calls her out for what she is! Whatta rag! We are sick of you! You can bet this bitch has been on this blog writing against her roomies oh let's guess which name she used? Doesn't matter it's that Rose does this and than lies about it. Your day is coming cupcake.##########################
The Rose Zone [5:59 PM]: one day dee will get she isnt married to a cop he's a truck driver alcoholic mother fucker
The Rose Zone [6:02 PM]: damn what is up with dee anyways i tried to be nice to her
The Rose Zone [6:03 PM]: till she sent out my im stuff with jeff to the blog and wanted to make him look guilty lol
The Rose Zone [6:03 PM]: no she actually says she has more info than the bloggers can imagine
The Rose Zone [6:04 PM]: and people fear her
The Rose Zone [6:13 PM]: i take it as a death threat on the aol sucka blog
The Rose Zone [6:13 PM]: Do you know who this girl is? This big mouth, buck toothed girl? Of course you do! Here is her YAHOO profile. When did she become SEPERATED? I wonder if her husband knows? What kind of idiot puts her REAL name out on the internet, especially if her husband is a policeman and she has no quams boasting about it? Is she itching to get him killed? What will he do when whoever she runs her mouth to, shows up at her front door? Defend his whoring wife? File suits for his lying spouse? I highly doubt it
The Rose Zone [6:31 PM]: sorry omg now i have to call the fuckin police so they can see the blog and the threat wtf
The Rose Zone [6:32 PM]: aol sucka lol my cop husband
The Rose Zone [6:33 PM]: if u read it closely he posts my personal info and john who is a cop and then says something stupid like that
The Rose Zone [6:33 PM]: i say he because i was told it was lushpuppy and dee says its her and Lush and Jason Gheto Cop with Ann too.
The Rose Zone [6:34 PM]: that lush is a moron to say something that moron posts my info then says that lol god i cant wait till the police get here they are going togo down
More to come...stay tuned...
Had To Repost This One...

This shows exactly what kind of vile creature Rose Hirst is. This was taken from another blog.
1.) Rose "never" tells lies, it's always "someone" else who is lying.
2.) Rose is just an innocent person, it's everyone else who has troubles in chat rooms.
3.) Rose is popular look how nice she is, she takes the supposed disenfranchised under her wings, her being the great human being she is all. ;-) Rose is truely the most hated person on the internet, on AOL, and in AOL chat rooms. LOL. She's good for pointing out others who are more hated then her when in actuality it's HER who was never liked.
4.) Rose is a pig of a woman who has only one mission in mind, her own of course. She'll fuck anything with a dick and two balls. ANYTHING.
5.) Rose has been fired from every job she's had in the last 10 years for sitting her skank ho ass online IM'ing everyone. Employers tend to frown on this kind of activity since it deters away from what Rose should be doing: WORKING.
6.) Rose is a thief, stealing pills from her work place and getting BUSTED for it, hence her many personalities of using the "Watch Me Bust You" out on the internet.
7.) Rose is the great "investigator" which means she relies on idiots like her good friend (all one of him) to give her information on all the internet people Rose HATES on. Rose being this great investigator "knows" all her "facts" are "true" (gag).
8) Rose has no morals, never did, never will. Again talking down about all her EX friends is Rose's way of "sharing her pain" LOL.
9.) Rose will....NEVER...clue in SHE is the cause for all this dissention. Afterall, Rose NEVER did "anything" to "anyone".
1.) Rose "never" tells lies, it's always "someone" else who is lying.
2.) Rose is just an innocent person, it's everyone else who has troubles in chat rooms.
3.) Rose is popular look how nice she is, she takes the supposed disenfranchised under her wings, her being the great human being she is all. ;-) Rose is truely the most hated person on the internet, on AOL, and in AOL chat rooms. LOL. She's good for pointing out others who are more hated then her when in actuality it's HER who was never liked.
4.) Rose is a pig of a woman who has only one mission in mind, her own of course. She'll fuck anything with a dick and two balls. ANYTHING.
5.) Rose has been fired from every job she's had in the last 10 years for sitting her skank ho ass online IM'ing everyone. Employers tend to frown on this kind of activity since it deters away from what Rose should be doing: WORKING.
6.) Rose is a thief, stealing pills from her work place and getting BUSTED for it, hence her many personalities of using the "Watch Me Bust You" out on the internet.
7.) Rose is the great "investigator" which means she relies on idiots like her good friend (all one of him) to give her information on all the internet people Rose HATES on. Rose being this great investigator "knows" all her "facts" are "true" (gag).
8) Rose has no morals, never did, never will. Again talking down about all her EX friends is Rose's way of "sharing her pain" LOL.
9.) Rose will....NEVER...clue in SHE is the cause for all this dissention. Afterall, Rose NEVER did "anything" to "anyone".
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Things You Find Online These Days...
Hey Rose, do these sound familiar?
Country Carpet
M&T Bank All First Bank
Balto Gas & Electric
American General Finance
Capital One Bank
Montgomery Wards
p.s. been pole dancing lately?
Country Carpet
M&T Bank All First Bank
Balto Gas & Electric
American General Finance
Capital One Bank
Montgomery Wards
p.s. been pole dancing lately?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Just FYI.....Rose Dear...(snicker)
Ashley was kind enough to drop by and leave a comment for us, which is shown below. Notice what is after her comment, which was left on her mother's blog, look towards the very bottom. This started the snickering here that is still going on at this time:
get over it losers.... my kid isn't getting taken away.... and thanks for the comment, she is gorgeous!!!!!!

get over it losers.... my kid isn't getting taken away.... and thanks for the comment, she is gorgeous!!!!!!
Rose The Hose Does She EVER STOP?!?
Maddy also confided about the 6000 dollars she took out of her husband's bank account and gave to Rob, who she was supporting the entire time. She told her husband someone must of stole the money, what a retard he is...........................Rob did pay her 600.00 on September 20th 2006, which leaves Rob owing Maddy 5900 dollars.
Ok, if you do the math, which involves SIMPLE subtraction, you get a totally different amount than what rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore has..... 6000 - 600 = 5400. So how the hell does this brain surgeon come up with 5900?
Rose Rose Rose or is it Rose the Hose, you are burying yourself deeper and deeper and screwing it up for yourself more and more. BTW Rose, me and another person are the ones that gave you that name a loooong time ago, and it’s funny as hell that it’s still sticking to this day, although I give a thumbs up to the “bucky beaver woodchuck” one that kills us hahaha. If you don't cut your shit out REALLY soon you may be famous for something other than what you want. I spoke with the reporter Dan myself and he told me flat out he thinks you are a “fucking loon & a habitual psychotic liar”, although he won't touch this "he said she said" situation because of First Amendment issues, he does think it might be a newsworthy story. Soooo hosemary woodchuck bucky tooth beaver mouth, you might get your wish to be somebody, just not in the way you want it to be. Oh, and for the record I have met you Rose in the past and I know your teeth are ugly yellow stained buck teeth. End of story.
Wow, what a way to be known, a psychotic habitual mentally ill internet bully and stalker. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side and the cold hard facts and when you look at the simple cold hard facts, YOU ARE THE ONE FALLING SHORT. Dan doesn't wanna touch this, honestly because he “doesn't want Rose to start stalking him too”. Really says something doesn’t it HOSEMARY. He has read all blogs involved and he told me Rose that you are “the laughing stock of that office, a big soap opera that everyone follows and laughs at”, YOU. Same thing in a lot of offices that have been following this soap opera debacle, YOU are the resident LOONY BIRD and biggest lying whore they have ever had the displeasure to hear about. Most of them thought this shit only happens in TV shows but here you are Rose, proving that it really happens in real life. You would be surprised at how many people and offices are following this Rob story. BTW, they are rooting for the other side, NOT your side. Just FYI pumpkin…
You putting innocent children’s pictures on your blog without their parent’s permission, not to mention a blog that has nudity on it, shows that you have no morals or sense at all. Ok so tell me, exactly how would you explain it to the public at large, why you are doing what you are doing?
“they are bullying me so I had to”…
“they started it so I decided to finish it by putting innocent children’s pics on it”…
“they called me a whore and a liar so I retaliated by putting all that on my blog”
“I was fuming that he (Rob) had other women in his life so Icontacted them off of a funeral guestbook and started harassing them”…
“I had Rob’s daughter and called his mother for money, even thought I didn’t really have his child, yet I won’t show proof I had the girl because its none of your business”…
“I put their names and addresses and phone numbers on my blog because they first put my cell number on their blog, even though secretly I am the one that put it on there so I could blame them and open up another reason to put theirs on mine.”
“They are endangering my husband’s life because he is a LEO and no matter what I have done said or posted on my blog, he is more important than any other person, including innocent children”
“I am hot and they aren’t, they are fat and flabby and every man east of the Mississippi wants me, I JUST KNOW IT!!!”
Everyone asks the same things:
Why were you excluded from all the other things, like celebrations and children he sired, although he didn’t admit it or mention them to you?
Why did you try to steal Rob’s body from the morgue after the M.E. accidentally called you and you tried to pretend you were the person they were trying to contact?
Why did you contact those women from the funeral guestbook and harass them?
If you say you know his family so well, why didn’t you call his family while the standoff was going on? Any normal person would have been on the phone IMMEDIATELY, trying to get him to calm down and put the gun down. YOU DIDN’T. The police on scene even took your phone away from you because you were giggling on the phone with friends instead of calling his family.
Why are you using your husband to hide your activities? Is he that much of an idiot that he let the man you were screwing into HIS HOUSE, much less his MARITAL BED?
How could you fake a pregnancy (a common ploy used by women trying to hang onto something that they desperately want, but aren’t getting), and call his mother begging for money, after you allegedly gave birth to his daughter?
If you knew Rob so well and “had so many plans”, why don’t you know about his past, including work history, schooling among other things?
Many many more are asking other questions as well, most that you won’t answer or gloss over with insults to try and take the light off of you. We understand you think you are “hot”. Well, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, and I really don’t think you are that pretty, but that is just my opinion, (along with the entire office here, except for one guy who works in the IT division, but he will do anyone no matter what they look like).
The one thing we are trying to get across to YOU ROSE is, take those people’s kids off of your blog. Then you can lose your mind and Rob yourself to death all you want. No one really cares at this point and life goes on. All you are is a mouth in the room and everyone realizes that. There are a lot of people from YOUR past that are coming back and contacting these people and “ratting you out” as you put it. There has to be a reason for that, huh Rose. 5-6 years ago we just ignored you, then just left the rooms that you eventually got closed down because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You have now drug your crap to other rooms and you keep going to others doing the same stuff over and over and people got tired of it enough to start giving you back the same stuff. It used to be, hey “it’s just the internet” but things changed and precedents were set because of stalkers and bullies like YOU. You are in dire danger of getting your own precedent set by a civil suit being prepared against you. No matter how much you wail against it, brag that MD doesn’t care that minors are on a blog with naked pics etc etc etc, your actions are being recorded and filed. YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
I don’t know if your husband John is stupid or gullible, but because he has been notified of your actions and chose to ignore them, either because of your deception or his ignorance, HE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Funny thing is, we all checked his profile on AIM and it says SINGLE. Is he wising up to you? Is he fixing to throw you out and let you sway in the wind on your own and be held accountable for what you have done?
All you have to do Rose is stop with the kids. No one gives a shit about you, no one really does. Your own family doesn’t give a shit about you, the reporter who did your victim story after you set Rob up to be killed, (and yes EVERYONE in this office and others truly believe YOU SET ROB UP TO BE KILLED), he thinks you’re a habitual bold-faced liar who wouldn’t know the truth if they shoved it clean up your ass. The funny thing about this being the daily soap opera read for many offices is, it can work its way to the PROPER AUTHORITIES. And you are so stupid, so hell bent on having the last word, you can’t see what you are doing is vastly approaching Constitutional rights, which CANNOT be ran over like you have been doing. You keep bragging that you were with Rob last and from everything we have read, it looks like that is the reason he died. Isn’t that something to brag about Rose?
Whether you realize it or not, you are exhibiting psychotic behavior and Borderline Personality Disorder. We know you can’t help yourself, but if you don’t stop, YOU are the one that is going to lock your own self up. Freedom of speech only goes so far and if you’re bucking for popularity, you might get the kind that you really don’t want. But hey, guys, even Susan Smith gets fan mail, even after she sent her kids, still strapped into their car seats, to their wet drowning death. Your war of words I have seen myself. I have sat in a chat room and watch the entire drama unfold. Many many times I have wanted to say something because of the knowledge I hold of you and your past, but I kept it to myself. Even people who have ONLY read your blog, have concluded that something is not right with you. Someone could believe that some of the stuff is true, but who the heck cares what those other people do? Everyone has skeletons in their closet, YOU especially because YOUR skeletons are tumbling right out of yours with lightning speed. People do what they want in their lives, and so do you. YOU just choose to shove it down people’s throats and brag, then cry foul when it’s brought up, JUST LIKE YOU DO. From what I know of your past, you’re too damn stupid and ignorant to stop what you are doing, so by all means, KEEP IT UP. That way, it will be easy as hell to prove what all of us have known all along, ever since we ALL, and I mean ALL of us first met you; YOU NEED TO BE LOCKED UP.
After you are exposed for the vile disgusting sorry excuse for a human being that you are, how are you expecting to find employment? All it takes is just one bit of exposure, then the house of glass comes tumbling down. Well, then again you could go back to topless dancing with your saggy boobs you could wrap around their head and the side and back fat you have, well there are fatty lovers out there. I think they call them BBW lovers or “fatty chasers”. Then again you could go whore yourself out like you used to in your younger days. Ohhh yeahhh, you forgot about telling your good friends back then about that huh.
And poor Ashley. Well, she was brought up in this kind of lifestyle and raised by Rose the hose, so you know she doesn’t know any better, this is the kind of life she is used to, just like abused children will go right back to their abusive parents because they don’t know any better. But that can be argued against because there are plenty of people out there who were abused, physically, mentally or sexually and chose NOT to do that to their kids. So what is YOUR excuse Rose?
Tick tock hosemary…. (periods since you are so fond of putting them after your words). Your time is coming and you and I both know you won’t be able to lie your way out of this one because facts are facts. And by that I mean TRUE FACTS, not what YOU think are facts because we all know, by your actions, your ideas and perception of facts is distorted, quickly approaching wormhole proportions.
BTW hosemary, love the pic of your granddaughter, she’s lovely, I hope and pray that Ashley has the sense to get the hell away from you before her baby gets taken from her, BECAUSE OF YOU. And all your old roomies (from 2002 or so), which I am in constant touch with because of your bullshit, send their coldest regards and hope your fingers fall off so you can’t type any more.
Hugs kisses and I hope someone shoves a fist down your throat and a foot up your ass,
Your former roomie,
Maddy also confided about the 6000 dollars she took out of her husband's bank account and gave to Rob, who she was supporting the entire time. She told her husband someone must of stole the money, what a retard he is...........................Rob did pay her 600.00 on September 20th 2006, which leaves Rob owing Maddy 5900 dollars.
Ok, if you do the math, which involves SIMPLE subtraction, you get a totally different amount than what rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore has..... 6000 - 600 = 5400. So how the hell does this brain surgeon come up with 5900?
Rose Rose Rose or is it Rose the Hose, you are burying yourself deeper and deeper and screwing it up for yourself more and more. BTW Rose, me and another person are the ones that gave you that name a loooong time ago, and it’s funny as hell that it’s still sticking to this day, although I give a thumbs up to the “bucky beaver woodchuck” one that kills us hahaha. If you don't cut your shit out REALLY soon you may be famous for something other than what you want. I spoke with the reporter Dan myself and he told me flat out he thinks you are a “fucking loon & a habitual psychotic liar”, although he won't touch this "he said she said" situation because of First Amendment issues, he does think it might be a newsworthy story. Soooo hosemary woodchuck bucky tooth beaver mouth, you might get your wish to be somebody, just not in the way you want it to be. Oh, and for the record I have met you Rose in the past and I know your teeth are ugly yellow stained buck teeth. End of story.
Wow, what a way to be known, a psychotic habitual mentally ill internet bully and stalker. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side and the cold hard facts and when you look at the simple cold hard facts, YOU ARE THE ONE FALLING SHORT. Dan doesn't wanna touch this, honestly because he “doesn't want Rose to start stalking him too”. Really says something doesn’t it HOSEMARY. He has read all blogs involved and he told me Rose that you are “the laughing stock of that office, a big soap opera that everyone follows and laughs at”, YOU. Same thing in a lot of offices that have been following this soap opera debacle, YOU are the resident LOONY BIRD and biggest lying whore they have ever had the displeasure to hear about. Most of them thought this shit only happens in TV shows but here you are Rose, proving that it really happens in real life. You would be surprised at how many people and offices are following this Rob story. BTW, they are rooting for the other side, NOT your side. Just FYI pumpkin…
You putting innocent children’s pictures on your blog without their parent’s permission, not to mention a blog that has nudity on it, shows that you have no morals or sense at all. Ok so tell me, exactly how would you explain it to the public at large, why you are doing what you are doing?
“they are bullying me so I had to”…
“they started it so I decided to finish it by putting innocent children’s pics on it”…
“they called me a whore and a liar so I retaliated by putting all that on my blog”
“I was fuming that he (Rob) had other women in his life so Icontacted them off of a funeral guestbook and started harassing them”…
“I had Rob’s daughter and called his mother for money, even thought I didn’t really have his child, yet I won’t show proof I had the girl because its none of your business”…
“I put their names and addresses and phone numbers on my blog because they first put my cell number on their blog, even though secretly I am the one that put it on there so I could blame them and open up another reason to put theirs on mine.”
“They are endangering my husband’s life because he is a LEO and no matter what I have done said or posted on my blog, he is more important than any other person, including innocent children”
“I am hot and they aren’t, they are fat and flabby and every man east of the Mississippi wants me, I JUST KNOW IT!!!”
Everyone asks the same things:
Why were you excluded from all the other things, like celebrations and children he sired, although he didn’t admit it or mention them to you?
Why did you try to steal Rob’s body from the morgue after the M.E. accidentally called you and you tried to pretend you were the person they were trying to contact?
Why did you contact those women from the funeral guestbook and harass them?
If you say you know his family so well, why didn’t you call his family while the standoff was going on? Any normal person would have been on the phone IMMEDIATELY, trying to get him to calm down and put the gun down. YOU DIDN’T. The police on scene even took your phone away from you because you were giggling on the phone with friends instead of calling his family.
Why are you using your husband to hide your activities? Is he that much of an idiot that he let the man you were screwing into HIS HOUSE, much less his MARITAL BED?
How could you fake a pregnancy (a common ploy used by women trying to hang onto something that they desperately want, but aren’t getting), and call his mother begging for money, after you allegedly gave birth to his daughter?
If you knew Rob so well and “had so many plans”, why don’t you know about his past, including work history, schooling among other things?
Many many more are asking other questions as well, most that you won’t answer or gloss over with insults to try and take the light off of you. We understand you think you are “hot”. Well, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, and I really don’t think you are that pretty, but that is just my opinion, (along with the entire office here, except for one guy who works in the IT division, but he will do anyone no matter what they look like).
The one thing we are trying to get across to YOU ROSE is, take those people’s kids off of your blog. Then you can lose your mind and Rob yourself to death all you want. No one really cares at this point and life goes on. All you are is a mouth in the room and everyone realizes that. There are a lot of people from YOUR past that are coming back and contacting these people and “ratting you out” as you put it. There has to be a reason for that, huh Rose. 5-6 years ago we just ignored you, then just left the rooms that you eventually got closed down because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You have now drug your crap to other rooms and you keep going to others doing the same stuff over and over and people got tired of it enough to start giving you back the same stuff. It used to be, hey “it’s just the internet” but things changed and precedents were set because of stalkers and bullies like YOU. You are in dire danger of getting your own precedent set by a civil suit being prepared against you. No matter how much you wail against it, brag that MD doesn’t care that minors are on a blog with naked pics etc etc etc, your actions are being recorded and filed. YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
I don’t know if your husband John is stupid or gullible, but because he has been notified of your actions and chose to ignore them, either because of your deception or his ignorance, HE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Funny thing is, we all checked his profile on AIM and it says SINGLE. Is he wising up to you? Is he fixing to throw you out and let you sway in the wind on your own and be held accountable for what you have done?
All you have to do Rose is stop with the kids. No one gives a shit about you, no one really does. Your own family doesn’t give a shit about you, the reporter who did your victim story after you set Rob up to be killed, (and yes EVERYONE in this office and others truly believe YOU SET ROB UP TO BE KILLED), he thinks you’re a habitual bold-faced liar who wouldn’t know the truth if they shoved it clean up your ass. The funny thing about this being the daily soap opera read for many offices is, it can work its way to the PROPER AUTHORITIES. And you are so stupid, so hell bent on having the last word, you can’t see what you are doing is vastly approaching Constitutional rights, which CANNOT be ran over like you have been doing. You keep bragging that you were with Rob last and from everything we have read, it looks like that is the reason he died. Isn’t that something to brag about Rose?
Whether you realize it or not, you are exhibiting psychotic behavior and Borderline Personality Disorder. We know you can’t help yourself, but if you don’t stop, YOU are the one that is going to lock your own self up. Freedom of speech only goes so far and if you’re bucking for popularity, you might get the kind that you really don’t want. But hey, guys, even Susan Smith gets fan mail, even after she sent her kids, still strapped into their car seats, to their wet drowning death. Your war of words I have seen myself. I have sat in a chat room and watch the entire drama unfold. Many many times I have wanted to say something because of the knowledge I hold of you and your past, but I kept it to myself. Even people who have ONLY read your blog, have concluded that something is not right with you. Someone could believe that some of the stuff is true, but who the heck cares what those other people do? Everyone has skeletons in their closet, YOU especially because YOUR skeletons are tumbling right out of yours with lightning speed. People do what they want in their lives, and so do you. YOU just choose to shove it down people’s throats and brag, then cry foul when it’s brought up, JUST LIKE YOU DO. From what I know of your past, you’re too damn stupid and ignorant to stop what you are doing, so by all means, KEEP IT UP. That way, it will be easy as hell to prove what all of us have known all along, ever since we ALL, and I mean ALL of us first met you; YOU NEED TO BE LOCKED UP.
After you are exposed for the vile disgusting sorry excuse for a human being that you are, how are you expecting to find employment? All it takes is just one bit of exposure, then the house of glass comes tumbling down. Well, then again you could go back to topless dancing with your saggy boobs you could wrap around their head and the side and back fat you have, well there are fatty lovers out there. I think they call them BBW lovers or “fatty chasers”. Then again you could go whore yourself out like you used to in your younger days. Ohhh yeahhh, you forgot about telling your good friends back then about that huh.
And poor Ashley. Well, she was brought up in this kind of lifestyle and raised by Rose the hose, so you know she doesn’t know any better, this is the kind of life she is used to, just like abused children will go right back to their abusive parents because they don’t know any better. But that can be argued against because there are plenty of people out there who were abused, physically, mentally or sexually and chose NOT to do that to their kids. So what is YOUR excuse Rose?
Tick tock hosemary…. (periods since you are so fond of putting them after your words). Your time is coming and you and I both know you won’t be able to lie your way out of this one because facts are facts. And by that I mean TRUE FACTS, not what YOU think are facts because we all know, by your actions, your ideas and perception of facts is distorted, quickly approaching wormhole proportions.
BTW hosemary, love the pic of your granddaughter, she’s lovely, I hope and pray that Ashley has the sense to get the hell away from you before her baby gets taken from her, BECAUSE OF YOU. And all your old roomies (from 2002 or so), which I am in constant touch with because of your bullshit, send their coldest regards and hope your fingers fall off so you can’t type any more.
Hugs kisses and I hope someone shoves a fist down your throat and a foot up your ass,
Your former roomie,