Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Waste Of Human Flesh....YOU Rose

Ohhh my bad "blogger", I will include you next time I make a list of possible conspirators. (snicker).

Rose is such a fucking dumbass... she gives dumbasses a bad name. Rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore can't help it people, stupidity is in her genes. Besides, Rose is the epitome of social services white trash, they can tell the moment she walks in by the smell she leaves.

TICK TOCK HOSEMARY TICK TOCK. I can't wait to see the look on your face...
I will be laughing hysterically.
Party at my hotel room after Rose's court date!

YOU Rose are such a waste of human flesh, your mother should have swallowed you.

Hugs and kisses Rosenhosenstein Wasteofhumanflesh Hirst.
Your old roomie,

p.s. Keep letting Nanci (NOTSexySoCalledMafiaHitWoman) give you legal advice, it's gonna make it soooo much easier. Besides, I didn't remember seeing Paralegal on her resume, and I highly doubt she's associated in any way with "the family" because if she was, she surely would know to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT. If not, well, Nanci you should know, if you are INDEED in "the family", you know what happens to people who "talk too much", right?


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