Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why Rose Should Duct Tape Her Mouth...

Notice what Rosiepoo pastes here:

Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: and Karn the commenter is actually Karrie

Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: karri is an old roomie who rose fucked with

Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: she has 2 bloags about rose shes from back in 2002

She is a sorry ass reader if she thinks this means I am Karrie. Go ahead you dumbass, give her a call and see how much she will kick your ass for fucking with her again.  GOD you are a dumb fuck Rosie.

Why didn't you post what the rest of this said huh?!? I was sent this conversation too, you leave things out when you cut & paste dontcha hoser. Should I tell the whole conversation hoser? I was sent this when you sent it out to certain people, so that tells you right there that youtr friends are friends only part of the time.

I'm not gonna tell you who nooooo, that would blow their cover and they wouldn't be able to give me updates on what shit you are pulling lately. Here's a hint: it's someone you have trusted for a while and you would never guess who it is, but I know........


You dumbass.... do us a favor and jump infront of a train or bus. I know you can't have kids so I know you won't breed again, besides stupid people shouldn't breed.
Fuck you hoser your time is coming....soon
yer old roomie,

p.s. should I get Karrie's number and call her and tell her what you've been saying so she can come after your ass?!? hmmmmmm?!??? I know someone who has her number.... hell you even posted it...shame on you because I am told it's an unpublished number...


Anonymous said...

Jim is a truck driver and lives in Oak Grove.Ya...LOL..he sure does live in a condo!!

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