Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rose Revealed dot dot dot

I had to repost this after being sent a link and found this gem sitting there. I maintain that Rosiepoop NEVER tells the truth, only what she thinks you want to hear to make her a "victim". She always cries "I'M  A VICTIM IN ALL OF THIS, A VICTIM OF A CRIME. I SHOULD SUE ALL OF YOU FOR VICTIM HARASSMENT". Uh yeah ok killer, as it shows below you are NOT a victim, you are a dumbfuck. You see, Rose, you are the kind that would say, "Turds float becos they have farts in them", you have a face that was launched to fail. I LOVE Martian becos he tells you off, he tells it like it is, and you can't stand it when someone does that. Well, tough shit.

Fuck you Rosemary Rosiepoop.


The Martians have landed said...

Rose in all her glory, "pleaing", begging, acting the VICTIM, when what this deranged whacko is, is a balled-faced, stone cold called LIAR:

My spouse disserted me three weeks ago.

No, Rose, John did not "dessert" you what he probably did was get part of his working brain back and walked out in frustration of dealing with you moving back in on him from your wonderful fiasco with Rob Mangiafico, you know? The guy YOU ran off with for better sex and a better life?

He has a full time career and he has let our cars get repo'd,

Don't you mean he's let YOUR clunker be repo'd? LOL.

... the house is in foreclosure,

Don't you mean your TRAILER, dear? LOL. A dumpy one at that. To think you had the audacity and gile to attempt to ridicule other people on AOL for their living conditions when you yourself are the biggest fraud of all. LOL.

my name is not on it, and he has left me with NO money.

Why should your name be on HIS trailer? You are a big liability for all that pussy of yours being pushed from one AOL man to another. The poor man is just stupid about you. We have to figure you got him twisted in the head.

I moved back in with him from Massachusetts, we were only seperated a five months

That's not exactly accurate don't you think? YOU moved out on him after the big "discovery" of you fucking that con whacko boyfriend of yours in your martial bed. You really are delusional aren't ya dumplin? How did you explain your wanton affair going on behind the scenes with Jay? LOL. Where is this site, let us Martians clear the real story out here for ya Rose. Fucking whacko.

and I quit a great job, he moved me back

Didn't you kind of omit the big standoff, the shooting, the sitting on your butt fucking this con with a big dick and being alone? No friends, no money, swindling people for the heck of it? You didn't have a "great" job you never got there, don't ya remember Rose????? LOL.

and I was told I could go to school.

No you weren't. YOU told John what YOU had in mind, the simpleton just shook his head and went along with your dumb lying skank ass because it was better then fighting with a whore like you morning, noon, and night.

I am not working, I have no money for an attorney and he knows this.

This is "news" to the internet world you live in? Who are you kidding dear? Oh that's right yourself and Robert, here on his blog and on his cell phone no doubts, since Robert seems to be your ONLY friend. How could you have a job being signed on 24/7?

He is blackmailing me into signing off on my share of his retirement.

Why should the man hand over HIS retirement to a cunt like you for what? Fucking him the last many years? Over? LOL. You are a whacko. Hope the man gets his brain working and unloads a shit head like you on OUT.

He ran back to his parents who bought him a car and is keeping it in their names. He received a 6 thousand dollar settlement from a car accident while we were still together and took it and left.

GOOD for him least he had the presence of mind to figure a money grubbing WHORE like you would want to grab something that isn't hers just for being there.

I was suppose to get 3 grand of it and buy a car so I can work.

But dear? Where on earth would you ever have the time to squeeze in working, harassing people online, and taking care of your grand child going to work everyday?? LOL.

He has now left me with No money, no car, no job, NOTHING.

SO? Join the rest of divorcing folks who get sick and tired of bullshit and divorce each other you WHORE. Amazing John hasn't divorced your scheming lying skank whoring ass before this he must be thick in the head.

I have my 5 month grand daughter with me. I don't know what to do.

Girl who you kidding? You? Don't know "what to do"? YOU? The most scheming, liar, drama queen, whore on the internet has no clues "what to do"???? LOL. You sure don't like anyone speaking anything about that child that belongs to your whore daughter but you figure you have every right to step into other people's lives with no hesitation because they deserve the Rose Hirst intrusion? Very curious equation of bullshit you got going there dear.

I know I can get emergency spousal support and half of that 6 grand to buy a car so I can work.

Well again IF you were a hard working girl with a simple little internet problem that was misunderstood, this excuse might be a good bait but who isn't being HONEST here Rose? You never work your whole life is on AOL isn't this afterall what you have boasted you are going to be doing for the rest of your life? "No one is running me off of aol lol many have tried but I'm still here" Uh yes indeed you are.

Does anyone know what I can do or any attorneys who would take my case if I sign something stating that once my divorce is final and I receive 50 percent of my share of the retirement, the attorney will get their cost?

Sure, we can tell you but then that would cost you a bundle of $$$ something you've never really had except for all the AOL $$$ and great life you have pretended to have. :-) Personally we believe John should have thrown you out on your whore ass, let the chips fall where they will and let you experience the cold reality of your laziness once and for all. There is always a homeless shelter you could take a crack at. LOL.

I am desperate and scared. He is mentally abusing me by this and trying to force me into settling for NOTHING.

You? "desperate and scared"? The biggest bad ass by her own explanations to anyone that attempts to get you out of their lives when you go and go and go. Like that posting of pussy pics and dick pics? As if a scum sucking skank like you is a notch above these other AOL losers? You and them are one in the same in our opinions but hey we ain't discussing the Maryland losers you've been picking on for the last year now are we?

In any case Rose, the Wilted asses don't have a real clue on how to handle you, a few of us do. Bloggy sound familiar? AOLSUCKER sound familiar? Some of us know what a devious asshole you are and the above glory story-making that was sent to us WAS amusing but truth be told your days for sitting on that ass of yours and pushing people's buttons IS slowing down. Now are you going to try to take Robert down with you, when you finally get flushed down that sewer of shit you've been swimming in or are you going to go quietly?????

We still maintain YOU are deranged you have an unnatural fixation on getting even with people for your supposed "good"'s too bad we won't get the news when you finally get what karma is going to hand you, like it's flashed when these celebrities go, now that would be KILLER.

:-) Off to go to work we are.

Thanks Martian you fucking ROCK!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Our associate had found that little doozy and we let him loose to have at little Ms. Innocent. Rose the great imitator. Cocky bitch. LOFAO.

Bayview said...

She's quite the short bus rider.

Anonymous said...

Rose Failure refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective. Many have meet that standard just by what has been posted and shown how nasty...sick and a liar you are. Make's many with ability to move forward with pleasure of success and no need to fill your sick ego any longer of your behavior here with your AOL life. People that don't come around as much does not show a win by any mean's's they have found better things to do with their live's beside's being on AOL and nothing to do with concern's of you....but as you see we can still be around here and play and have fun you may think or believe you scared them away you have not meet that and I can honestly say you have failed here.
Now if you have meet your desirable or intended objective by showing sick behavior....nothing good in life but come on here and and throw temper fit's fault's of other's that have been shown your own are no better or by far go beyond anyone else's....bring down family and friend's with you....brag of everything you have and in real don't have....want be a bully with font's and owner of sick blog's and carry on with many multiple personality ....what a coward you really are.... no better goal's or ablity to grow up and last that you are a Hottie where many think that on screen and font's, but in real life are trashy and screw whatever. Than indeed you have shown your desirable or intended objective and are successful.

Anonymous said...

just for you rosie ho ho caked cunt

Bonnie said...

"I am desperate and scared. He is mentally abusing me by this and trying to force me into settling for NOTHING."

HAHAHAHAHA She is desperate and scared??? HAHAHAHAHA Just more of her "poor little me" attempts at making someone feel sorry for her!

"He is mentally abusing me" another HAHAHAHAHA Only reason she is claiming this is because....she can't have her way! I can Guarantee you that IF there was any abusing going on in this divorce, it was Rose doing it! She is one sick, mentally derrranged bitch!

I was told and, I believe it that, John is the one that caught her in bed with Mangiafico and, if that is the case, he can sue for divorce on the grounds of adultry in which case, she wouldnt get a damn thing!

John is so lucky that he and Rose did not have any children together. I liked where the blogger said that Rose should take a CRACK at a homeless shelter "snickers" She would be right at home there, with all the other crack addicts.....her kind of people!

Anonymous said...

Seek medical attention Bonnie Wilson. You are whacked.

Anonymous said...

Yes what is the whacko Bonnie sitting out here for? Can't get ole Zeeky to respond to you girl? Hit the pavement or better we'll take you to the next planet and drop you off. :-)

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