Now Robert Casey is a whole 'nother bag of shit, he has no morals and is one nasty foul mouthed fat dumpy miserable asshole that will rile up anyone including God, just for laughs. That's why Casey got his ass fired from his job as a Deputy Sheriff and his ass kicked by members of his own department. I bet none of you know he got his ass threatened once with a bullet between his eyes if he didn't stop his shit and he backed down, but he would never admit it to anyone because that would show what kind of a pussy he is.
Rose keeps commenting she never reads these blogs but she constantly rags on and on in the comments section of every single blog out there, including mine, up until recently. Hoser is a fucking idiot, as most of you know but she's too chickenshit to comment on here, even when it was still open to the public. She talks a high game but she's an ugly old saggy worthless washed out "has been" (snicker girls hahaha), that has no life now and hasn't had for a long time.
Rose stole John Hirst from his then wife and married him becos he was a cop. She still was fucking around on him, although she was using him as a shield for her many online bullying, harassment and stalking she did to many. Then she got Jay involved and he drove his truck off a bridge, fuck I would too if the prospect of being around her was involved. Then she set Rob up to be killed when he wouldn't go along with her bullshit and let her act like the 5 year old foot stomping twat she is, (and we all know how that ended). Now she had this Jim for a short time, but he came to his senses and left her ass, although, again, she would never admit it. You see thats just classic Rose, she is desperately lonely and wouldn't DARE let anyone think SHE was DUMPED, so she keeps this charade up until she can figure out a graceful exit for her, with Jim being at fault. Anyone who knows Rosiepoop knows this. Jim dumped her ass a looong time ago, so this "me and Jim are just fine and he bought me a car and a new puppy" is a buncha horseshit.
She is calling me all sorts of names (big whoop like I'm gonna lose any sleep over that), and says I am the one with the problem, when SHE is the one that runs to her GoDaddy blog and answers my posts line by line. Gee hoser, are you really that lonely and bored that all you can do is a line by line rebuttal (http://www.dictionary.com/ for the big words dear), of every post I do?
EVERYONE ELSE is OBSESSED and JEALOUS of Rose, we're SICK and NEED HELP and MEDS, according to her, the "medical expert". That line is about as laughable as her being sexy. Ugh that is a disgusting thought, Rose SEXY? Have you seen her boobs? They look all depressed hanging almost to her waist and her skin color is that of a cadaver, death pallor I believe its called. And, in case you have actually gone to the Bobso blog and read any of the post's comments, there's comment after comment, usually all within a few minutes of each other, saying "oh I would fuck Rose she's hot", or "Rose is sexy I would do her" blah blah blah ad nauseam. I can sit there and picture Rose hammering away with her drug infested skeleton fingers each and every comment......yet..... you NEVER see ANY of the kind of comments anywhere but there. And every single comment saying that is ANONYMOUS. Go figure...
And YES ROSE HAS A BUM TICKER. She takes meds for it and for psychiatric problems. Don't let her tell you different. She takes serious meds for her nerves, which most of it is caused by herself, but she won't tell you that. Maybe one day Rosiepoop will keel over from the stress she creates and we could make it a national holiday, or maybe Cindy will accidentally sit on her and squash what little brains she has in her ugly egg shaped nappy haired head. Or maybe Rosiepoop will get so lonely she will go lesbian with Cindy or Lynnzy, and ol fat pudgy Cin-Cin or Lynnzy will roll over on her. Trust me on this, she told a few people she was desperately lonely, even when she was conning people with ol Rob.
Well kids thats all for now, please feel free to comment and if you would like to post a piece, please email it to me at january20094u@yahoo.com and I will review it and post it. Please feel safe to post here, digusting pieces of vile shit like Rosiepoop and her minions and Zeeke and the Zombies are not allowed here. She can't even read the comments. Don't you know this will just eat her ass alive when she knows we're posting about her and she can't come here, or her minions? I am sitting here giggling as I type. Poor Rosiepoop, maybe someone should put her out of her misery. Well, if she thinks she's that sexy she can always do porn movies, those guys will fuck anyone (snicker).
Oh yeah, her latest "I know who you are" states that Martian and I are the same person. GAWD will this twit ever get it right. First I'm Becki's mom, then I'm Karrie, then I'm Syd, now I'm Martian? Geez Rosiepoop you gotta think better than that. Try laying off the booze AND the pills, it might help. Well, no maybe not I mean you are a fucking twit. Maybe since you like it in the ass so much you lost that last brain cell when your latest fuck blew it in your ass. Tsk tsk Rosemary...still haven't gotten it right...try again.
Cheerio mates, welcome to the club!
-Old Roomie 2002
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