Monday, March 8, 2010

Rose The Clenched-Ass Gas Bag...

Someone has been trying to do the ridiculous Rose thing and post bullshit comments repeatedly, which is no surprise. So that blog will be taking a break, and I will be more than happy to pick up the slack while he's gone on vacation.

BTW Rose, are you feeling lonely? Rejected? Overwhelmed? Obsessed? Jealous? Yeah I know this is where you start yelping that we're jealous and obsessed and stalking you.


Did everyone figure your bullshit out so you're now in another room starting your bullshit all over again?

Gee, we didn't know you liked the Guys & Dolls chatroom so much. Good luck in there, bet they won't be as gullible like the others.

Oh yeah, Jim left a message for you:


Great ass don't need to be hidden :-) said...

Good lord you are editing the buttcheeks on that awesome looking woman? What do you figure is coming here woman? A bunch of grade schoolers who have to be shielded?

WHOOPS. My bad. Grade schoolers *are* coming here! LMAO. But really you'd have to be pretty lame to TOS that pick it is afterall up on the internet.

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