Ok, Charter Communications.....Parsons Energy And Chemical Group...ring a bell? Should I give them a call? You left your IP ident there. We all know what a piece of shit you are, scum sucking Rose licking fat piece of shit that was fired and got the shit beat out of him because he was, and still is a worthless lifeless souless piece of shit like his butt buddy Rosemary Hirst Blankenship.
So how's the refrigerator sales Rob ol buddy? You know I got CLOSE family living in the Spring area and they don't take too kindly to people fucking with family, and yes some of them are law enforcement. You sure you wanna go down this alley? You see what this got Rose.
Yeah Rosemarypooperhead, how does it feel? How does it feel to have every last bit of your life and stuff spread everywhere for everyone to see? You didn't give a damn about anyone or anything no matter how bad it hurt people. So how does it feel? At least I have scruples and don't put up pictures of innocent babies like your granddaughter, but you didn't have any problem putting up innocent pictures of those babies that Rob fathered. This is TAME compared to what you have done, would you like for me to do what YOU did? And when you scream harassment and stalker, do we get to take pictures of you in the courtroom as we bring up and show the judge exactly what YOU have done?
YOO TOO Robert Casey? You already lost your ass once in a courtroom, would you really like YOUR SHIT to be brought up? Especially when your IP addresses can be traced? Interesting how many visits you and your ass buddy Rosemarypooperhead make to my blog daily.
Fucking freaks.
Damn you look fat as fuck in this pic, thank GOD you covered the shit up.
Time to get a lift Rosie.
We see Rose is up to her old tricks again, demanding everyone get a life while she sits out on her buddy's blogs running off at the mouth. Someone should land a ship on her? We might. Yah we had many of her IP hits to a blog we were stationed at yet the crazy one stood there in chat rooms and blogs pleading knowing nothing. Ok. If you say so. Our Mother ship wants to know if we are having guests will it be a party of 1 or 2, including our bro Bob Casey?
Hi, it seems Rose Hirst and Robert Casey are still up to old tricks anymore you know Roomie 2002 you ought to run a story on Moody. I have a few people who knew the whole thing shall I get a hold of them? It would sure show out what total liars Rosey and Roberty are. Course these 2 liars will never change their pitch but maybe the real story might be good read here on your blog? Click on my link to see the viper who started this horrible cop killer rumor on Moody.
where is the bob casey blog? rose is taking over zeekes too and making quite the fool of herself.
Here is article about Robert Casey:
BTW, I love this blog :)
Thank you ,but you should leave the an off your web address. What you were trying to say is:
ok wel sometimes my type gets mixed up but, I guess you found the correct site
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