Friday, January 16, 2009

Rose The Hose Does She EVER STOP?!?


Maddy also confided about the 6000 dollars she took out of her husband's bank account and gave to Rob, who she was supporting the entire time. She told her husband someone must of stole the money, what a retard he is...........................Rob did pay her 600.00 on September 20th 2006, which leaves Rob owing Maddy 5900 dollars.

Ok, if you do the math, which involves SIMPLE subtraction, you get a totally different amount than what rose the hose brown toofies buck a chuck woodchuck dollar store trailor trash whore has..... 6000 - 600 = 5400. So how the hell does this brain surgeon come up with 5900?

Rose Rose Rose or is it Rose the Hose, you are burying yourself deeper and deeper and screwing it up for yourself more and more. BTW Rose, me and another person are the ones that gave you that name a loooong time ago, and it’s funny as hell that it’s still sticking to this day, although I give a thumbs up to the “bucky beaver woodchuck” one that kills us hahaha. If you don't cut your shit out REALLY soon you may be famous for something other than what you want. I spoke with the reporter Dan myself and he told me flat out he thinks you are a “fucking loon & a habitual psychotic liar”, although he won't touch this "he said she said" situation because of First Amendment issues, he does think it might be a newsworthy story. Soooo hosemary woodchuck bucky tooth beaver mouth, you might get your wish to be somebody, just not in the way you want it to be. Oh, and for the record I have met you Rose in the past and I know your teeth are ugly yellow stained buck teeth. End of story.

Wow, what a way to be known, a psychotic habitual mentally ill internet bully and stalker. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side and the cold hard facts and when you look at the simple cold hard facts, YOU ARE THE ONE FALLING SHORT. Dan doesn't wanna touch this, honestly because he “doesn't want Rose to start stalking him too”. Really says something doesn’t it HOSEMARY. He has read all blogs involved and he told me Rose that you are “the laughing stock of that office, a big soap opera that everyone follows and laughs at”, YOU. Same thing in a lot of offices that have been following this soap opera debacle, YOU are the resident LOONY BIRD and biggest lying whore they have ever had the displeasure to hear about. Most of them thought this shit only happens in TV shows but here you are Rose, proving that it really happens in real life. You would be surprised at how many people and offices are following this Rob story. BTW, they are rooting for the other side, NOT your side. Just FYI pumpkin…

You putting innocent children’s pictures on your blog without their parent’s permission, not to mention a blog that has nudity on it, shows that you have no morals or sense at all. Ok so tell me, exactly how would you explain it to the public at large, why you are doing what you are doing?

“they are bullying me so I had to”…
“they started it so I decided to finish it by putting innocent children’s pics on it”…
“they called me a whore and a liar so I retaliated by putting all that on my blog”
“I was fuming that he (Rob) had other women in his life so Icontacted them off of a funeral guestbook and started harassing them”…
“I had Rob’s daughter and called his mother for money, even thought I didn’t really have his child, yet I won’t show proof I had the girl because its none of your business”…
“I put their names and addresses and phone numbers on my blog because they first put my cell number on their blog, even though secretly I am the one that put it on there so I could blame them and open up another reason to put theirs on mine.”
“They are endangering my husband’s life because he is a LEO and no matter what I have done said or posted on my blog, he is more important than any other person, including innocent children”
“I am hot and they aren’t, they are fat and flabby and every man east of the Mississippi wants me, I JUST KNOW IT!!!”

Everyone asks the same things:

Why were you excluded from all the other things, like celebrations and children he sired, although he didn’t admit it or mention them to you?
Why did you try to steal Rob’s body from the morgue after the M.E. accidentally called you and you tried to pretend you were the person they were trying to contact?
Why did you contact those women from the funeral guestbook and harass them?
If you say you know his family so well, why didn’t you call his family while the standoff was going on? Any normal person would have been on the phone IMMEDIATELY, trying to get him to calm down and put the gun down. YOU DIDN’T. The police on scene even took your phone away from you because you were giggling on the phone with friends instead of calling his family.
Why are you using your husband to hide your activities? Is he that much of an idiot that he let the man you were screwing into HIS HOUSE, much less his MARITAL BED?
How could you fake a pregnancy (a common ploy used by women trying to hang onto something that they desperately want, but aren’t getting), and call his mother begging for money, after you allegedly gave birth to his daughter?
If you knew Rob so well and “had so many plans”, why don’t you know about his past, including work history, schooling among other things?

Many many more are asking other questions as well, most that you won’t answer or gloss over with insults to try and take the light off of you. We understand you think you are “hot”. Well, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, and I really don’t think you are that pretty, but that is just my opinion, (along with the entire office here, except for one guy who works in the IT division, but he will do anyone no matter what they look like).

The one thing we are trying to get across to YOU ROSE is, take those people’s kids off of your blog. Then you can lose your mind and Rob yourself to death all you want. No one really cares at this point and life goes on. All you are is a mouth in the room and everyone realizes that. There are a lot of people from YOUR past that are coming back and contacting these people and “ratting you out” as you put it. There has to be a reason for that, huh Rose. 5-6 years ago we just ignored you, then just left the rooms that you eventually got closed down because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You have now drug your crap to other rooms and you keep going to others doing the same stuff over and over and people got tired of it enough to start giving you back the same stuff. It used to be, hey “it’s just the internet” but things changed and precedents were set because of stalkers and bullies like YOU. You are in dire danger of getting your own precedent set by a civil suit being prepared against you. No matter how much you wail against it, brag that MD doesn’t care that minors are on a blog with naked pics etc etc etc, your actions are being recorded and filed. YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
I don’t know if your husband John is stupid or gullible, but because he has been notified of your actions and chose to ignore them, either because of your deception or his ignorance, HE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Funny thing is, we all checked his profile on AIM and it says SINGLE. Is he wising up to you? Is he fixing to throw you out and let you sway in the wind on your own and be held accountable for what you have done?

All you have to do Rose is stop with the kids. No one gives a shit about you, no one really does. Your own family doesn’t give a shit about you, the reporter who did your victim story after you set Rob up to be killed, (and yes EVERYONE in this office and others truly believe YOU SET ROB UP TO BE KILLED), he thinks you’re a habitual bold-faced liar who wouldn’t know the truth if they shoved it clean up your ass. The funny thing about this being the daily soap opera read for many offices is, it can work its way to the PROPER AUTHORITIES. And you are so stupid, so hell bent on having the last word, you can’t see what you are doing is vastly approaching Constitutional rights, which CANNOT be ran over like you have been doing. You keep bragging that you were with Rob last and from everything we have read, it looks like that is the reason he died. Isn’t that something to brag about Rose?

Whether you realize it or not, you are exhibiting psychotic behavior and Borderline Personality Disorder. We know you can’t help yourself, but if you don’t stop, YOU are the one that is going to lock your own self up. Freedom of speech only goes so far and if you’re bucking for popularity, you might get the kind that you really don’t want. But hey, guys, even Susan Smith gets fan mail, even after she sent her kids, still strapped into their car seats, to their wet drowning death. Your war of words I have seen myself. I have sat in a chat room and watch the entire drama unfold. Many many times I have wanted to say something because of the knowledge I hold of you and your past, but I kept it to myself. Even people who have ONLY read your blog, have concluded that something is not right with you. Someone could believe that some of the stuff is true, but who the heck cares what those other people do? Everyone has skeletons in their closet, YOU especially because YOUR skeletons are tumbling right out of yours with lightning speed. People do what they want in their lives, and so do you. YOU just choose to shove it down people’s throats and brag, then cry foul when it’s brought up, JUST LIKE YOU DO. From what I know of your past, you’re too damn stupid and ignorant to stop what you are doing, so by all means, KEEP IT UP. That way, it will be easy as hell to prove what all of us have known all along, ever since we ALL, and I mean ALL of us first met you; YOU NEED TO BE LOCKED UP.

After you are exposed for the vile disgusting sorry excuse for a human being that you are, how are you expecting to find employment? All it takes is just one bit of exposure, then the house of glass comes tumbling down. Well, then again you could go back to topless dancing with your saggy boobs you could wrap around their head and the side and back fat you have, well there are fatty lovers out there. I think they call them BBW lovers or “fatty chasers”. Then again you could go whore yourself out like you used to in your younger days. Ohhh yeahhh, you forgot about telling your good friends back then about that huh.

And poor Ashley. Well, she was brought up in this kind of lifestyle and raised by Rose the hose, so you know she doesn’t know any better, this is the kind of life she is used to, just like abused children will go right back to their abusive parents because they don’t know any better. But that can be argued against because there are plenty of people out there who were abused, physically, mentally or sexually and chose NOT to do that to their kids. So what is YOUR excuse Rose?

Tick tock hosemary…. (periods since you are so fond of putting them after your words). Your time is coming and you and I both know you won’t be able to lie your way out of this one because facts are facts. And by that I mean TRUE FACTS, not what YOU think are facts because we all know, by your actions, your ideas and perception of facts is distorted, quickly approaching wormhole proportions.

BTW hosemary, love the pic of your granddaughter, she’s lovely, I hope and pray that Ashley has the sense to get the hell away from you before her baby gets taken from her, BECAUSE OF YOU. And all your old roomies (from 2002 or so), which I am in constant touch with because of your bullshit, send their coldest regards and hope your fingers fall off so you can’t type any more.

Hugs kisses and I hope someone shoves a fist down your throat and a foot up your ass,
Your former roomie,


Anonymous said...

Nice One you have here

scootergrl18 said...

Lordy had mercy lol

Blogger said...


Anonymous said...

Funny the first thing Ashley thinks is that her kid would be taken away why would she even think that ?
She must have a guilty conscience

Anonymous said...

I believe what floors me the most about this entire mess is the fact that Rosehoses alleged husband ,John,is so demented and he is suppose to be a "peace officer".
I still have a hard time thinking someone like Rose could behave this way ,totally disrespecting her own daughter and now her granddaughter is overwhelmingly vile for me to think about...
Rose "supposedly" took her brand new baby granddaughter and Ashley to Golden Corral to meet a man to fight him.. It is appalling to think Rose endangered her own family this way..
What if that man was a maniac and walked past Rose strait to that baby or even Ashley..
I've seen Rose before, sitting in Robs car (fuming)..
He said to me " Mer,you don't want to meet her, she IS NOT the type of person you would ever want to know." and I said "Bobby,you know me better than that to make judgements" and he said " Merry,listen to me, You DO NOT WANT TO KNOW HER".
That was the very 1st person he ever said that about to me.
I lived the past 20+ years of my life with that man..I knew who he loved, who he didn't, who he truely gave a shit about,who he messed around with, who he cried over and I know the negative and postive things he said about his children and what his plans were..
Its a shame that Rob was so deep in his "mania" when things turned with Beckie and he started talking more to Rose..Just before he met Beckie he had been in and out of Kent general in Dover 3 or 4x in a 3 month period..
Rob said he slept in his car alot when him and Rose fought...HE DID NOT, only 1x ..He had keys to my place in Delaware and YES access to my bank account for nearly 20 years and hey guess what ?? he never took money without replacing it..EVER..I spent Christmas with Rob, as did my family and he told me his plans.. he would set the hoser up ,I didnt agree with him on doing that then, now,I'm glad he did :)
I was the 3rd person notified the morning Rob died,I was in LaJolla Hospital waiting for my husband to come through surgery on his Aorta..
The hardest part for me was to not "lose it" and call Maddy then Tiffany and so on..
Rob was a very different man throughout his life A hard worker, an Adventurer ,A friend, A brother etc and so on.

Anonymous said...

Yes and it's a shame that some kids are now fatherless and the culprit is still loose, waiting for her next victim. She was once described in another post as a vampire. I now truly believe that, but then again, there are ways to disable a vampire, right? I would have used the word "kill" but then Rose would be in a tizzy saying I threatened to kill her. Which would be funny to watch, but com'n guys let's let her keep screwing up and put herself in lockdown.
Won't be too much longer the way things are going.

Anonymous said...

This past week Rose has begung saying that "we" wanted to rape her granddaughter and sneek into ashleys rom at night....
This is what Rose actually said in the chatrom to my sister ,that she wanted to rape my nephew up hid "no-no" hole to cause my sister and brother inlaw pain..
she has twisted it now disgustingly as we had predicted back in Nov 2008..which has ben posted in the Blog ...So Rose is so dumb as to forget this had ben posted that she would do this months ago...
Rose is very into peoples behinds for some sick scary reason..
she is a very vile human being

Anonymous said...

Greeeeeeeeeeeeat story I used it on my blog too, get the word out.

Fuck Rose Hirst the dirty pig cunt.

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