Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guessing Who Old Roomie Is...The Board Game...

old roomie is pantry is crab is grumpy is karrie is redsky is (fill in the name) is (make up a name) is (fill in name of local homeless drunk) is (fill in name of person who drives an SUV) is.....WHO FUCKING CARES?

This is about ridiculous as it gets. I'm surprised you haven't accused Christopher2K as being old roomie.

Cindy, really now girl get over yourself.

And Rosehose, "it's on"? Yeah ahuh right as if. You talk enough shit to full up a grain bin and we all know it and we laugh about it behind your back. You'd be surprised at who laughs at you and still calls you a "friend".

Same for you Cindy. Go on and hand out "Karrie's" contact info, you're only embarassing yourself. If you read that carefully you'll figure out what I am saying. Rose only knows so much truth and she's so fulla shit and a consummate liar.

You two are like rotten moldy peas in a pod and you are BOTH in my sights: Rose as you always are and Cindy? You ain't seen shit yet. Go ahead with your bad fat self and bring it on.

A saggy worn out stretched thin ugly ooooooold hag (Rosehoser) and a morbidly obese fat crackalackin waddle walkin can't tie yer shoelaces rolypoly (Cindy).

Here's a hint Cindy: Rose knows better than to fuck with Karrie cos she knows Karrie will rain hellfire down on her, that's why she doesn't pursue anything further than she has. But she would never admit it, cos it would make her look like the dumbass fool that she is.

Gawd I know you sit there and giggle your ass off Christopher when you read these sad diatribes on these people, but what can I say? You know they're idiots.

Oh, BTW STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BREED. Someone please pass that on to Cindy and Rose and their minions/zombies.

Now Christopher, how about we sit down and have a cup o' tea, Earl Grey hot, and discuss something intelligent while these brainless nitwits sod off and plan their next bicycle attack...

Cheers mate...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Breaking News......

Cindy is

Here is a pic taken of her friends at a get away. (Cindy wouldn't get in the picture because she said they were too fat and she is way skinny).
*DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for blindness, insanity, limping of genitals or any other gross outs occuring because of ginormously fat Cindy and her friends.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ode To Fatass Cindy...

We're Begging You Cindy....GET HELP!!!

We here at the ACK blog have been concerned about Cindy's frame of mind lately. The bloggers here do have a heart and try to do things we feel are appropriate.

First there were the blood clots, then the over eating, then the alleged suicide "online" of all places. Now Cindy, dear, if yer listening (or reading whatever), please pumpkin face, GET HELP. There are a lot of organizations that can help you with your problems. I know your self-esteem is at an all-time low, but hanging around lumps of shit like Rosemarypooperhead Hirst only make it worse.

You have to cut down on the ho ho and twinkie stuffing in your pie hole, because that makes a lot of your weight elemental. I know cakes and cookies hard to resist, but just pretend every time you see one that Rosiepoop has rubbed her nasty disease flushed vagina all over the frosting. Now thats enough to knock an Irish drinker off his stool.

Pasta and pizza are a weight loss no-no, ask Rosiepoop she has it coming out of every nasty greasy orifice she has. Well you could start looking at Billy/Zeeke and that would make anyone retch until their intestines came out. He might think he is some badass but anyone who really knows him knows is a Pussy with a capital P. When he has been faced with guys he has pissed off or ones he pisses off when just out on his own, he cries like a baby.

Just like Rose. I saw her backed into a corner after pissing some woman off, and she was talking ninety miles a second trying to convince this girl not to beat the shit out of her. She also got her ass royally beat one tinme at another place, and when the girl wasn't around she started talking shit about the bitch was lucky she didn't kick her ass. It got back to the girl and she came after Rosiepoop again and the whole suckup story started again, saying whoever told it to this woman was lying and trying to start unnecessary shit. If we weren't laughing so hard we would have told her that Rose was talking shit again.

So Cindy, my dear, try just walking around the block a few times, it will help take weight off you every day. And it will give you the strength to walk away from Rosemarypooperhead. So let me provide you with the starting picture for you to remember what you look like now.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Awww Fake Sydney Is At It Again...

You just can't help yourself can you. still at it trying to pretend you're a skinny gorgeous attorney. But you won't list your "self-employed" bankruptcy/family law firm's name. Now isn't that interesting...I know plenty of attorneys that will automatically list their firm name for networking purposes. And yet you won't even answer questions, basic questions that an attorney asks you. I can't believe you're still doing this shit. I guess we're gonna have to expose you all over again. And before you start the "stalking Karrie" mantra again, for the last frickin time this IS NOT Karrie.

YOU started this shit, I am gonna end it. Again, and again until you quit faking yourself and using innocent people for your own demented needs. Yanno fat people find love all the time, why can't you just accept that you're fat?

Just think what your website will do, what it will do to your website when people find out what a fat liar you really are. Do you really want me to send out your busted fake blog website again? Sheesh you are a fat fuckin idiot.

Fuck you Meloney...

Monday, January 3, 2011

BIG FAT Cindy and DUMBASS Rose...

Blood clots, usually starting as leg clots are from an inactive lifestyle. Yes some medications can cause them but the more frequent cause is obesity coupled with an inactive lifestyle, mostly people who lie flat or sit all the time causing the clots to cause problems.

And from the pics I can see that Cindy is morbidly obese. Morbidly obese people are usually shut-ins, many sit in front of computers for hours on end only exacerbating their medical conditions. They usually suffer from depression and lack general self-esteem. They turn to the only thing that makes them feel better, which is their vice; sometimes it's drugs and/or alcohol but a lot of times it is food, hence the morbid obesity.

They are usually miserable people and love to make other people suffer as they do. It's really sad, we see it a lot, but unless they admit they have a problem they won't recover. Lapband surgery helps a lot of morbidly obese people, but it can also be stretched right back out and/or rupture the stomach.

Just FYI...

Oh and Rose? First cousin produced children usually cause the most problems genetically. For someone who claims to be in the medical field you sure don't know a damn thing.

But we all know that you don't do shit nurse wise. Just because you wear scrubs doesn't mean you are medical personnel.

There is a website that lists all nurses, all medical assistants and other branches and SURPRISE!! YOU ARE NOT ON THAT WEBSITE UNDER ANY NAME OR EVEN YOUR BIRTHDATE!! Imagine that. I think someone should warn the place you work about your so-called "qualifications" and your online activities.

Your hidden ownership can be subpeonaed, along with your really dumb friend the Bob blog owner (we all know who it is, there are ways of locating such information you insipid wasted blob of truncated flesh). You know as well as I do, as we all do, that you and those blogs are sitting time bombs and I, as well as the rest of these poor people who put up with your shit CAN'T WAIT to see you shoot yourself in the face and foot.

As you always do Rose, just counting the days until you're on "Snapped" along with your ridiculous Houston/Spring,TX blogging hick buddy. Yeah you'll be famous alright, just not in the way you want to be, or him.

And Cindy?'re NEXT...