Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rose's Reply To My Previous Post (You gotta see this one hahaha) to me

show details 10:34 PM (1 hour ago)

Awwww is someone so jealous lol Yes it is true lol I don't date broke men lol

He owns his own business, bought my car, and is one handsome guy..........

I love that you are so jealous, I mean, Nanci, Beth, Billy, Mark, Lolita, and Lynnzy have met him...........................

I am back in I have to work.............nooooooooo, but I do lol

He has a big dick and can use it..........he loves my TIGHT PUSSY.............std? come on now if I had an std...........the hasbeens gave it to me lol

I know you are fishing to find out who this man is, but trust me cupcake, you will only be more jealous...............
You are one stupid beaver bucky toothed cunt with a bad case of headupthebuttits. This obsession that I am Karrie is hilarious. As "well" as you know Karrie do you really think I would have already done something? Go on with your bad self thinking this is Karrie, it makes it much easier for me to do things.

EVERYTIME you say I am Karrie I start laughing as well as the "girls". They know for a fact that I'm NOT Karrie. Sheeeshhh hahahahaha.

I could give a fuck what you are doing and i know well you don't have a man or anything.

Go fuck yourself Rose um "cupcake" (that is about the most retarded fucking thing I have ever seen), keep up thinking I am Karrie because when you start shit with her. and her not being me, you will get your ass whooped, not to mention charges filed against you for stalking and harassment.

You are about a dumb fucking cunt.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rose And Her "NEW" Boyfriend (snicker)

Here she goes again….

So she says she has a great man and he’s not into AOL or anything like that and he’s willingly supporting her and blah blah blah… yeah ok…

Rose you are a complete twit if you think we believe any of that shit. If you do have a non-AOL man then you found him on one of those dating sites and have been lying your ass off to him, probably HIM not telling YOU the whole truth too. Most of the men on those sites are desperate and fat and lonely, and for a whore like you, to answer their ad, they would think they hit the jackpot, (ewww).

We all know you can be very manipulative, so it’s a foregone conclusion that you’ve probably conned him out of a few things including money to get you where you want to be. And when you’ve gotten everything out of him that you want or need, you’ll dump him like the fool he is. I bet the poor sap has marginal looks and has an ok job, maybe a small title, or is a “consultant”, he probably dresses kinda funny or wears slightly oddball clothes; doesn’t brush his teeth all that well and has a yellow tooth smile, or a black tooth grin like yours, doesn’t shower every day or jerks off in the shower and I bet you found his jerk off towel in his bedroom. They way you give up that nasty crotch and that wide open “need a board strapped across your ass to hang on” asshole, he thinks he’s struck gold. If he hasn’t had any pussy for a loooong time I bet hoser’s pussy is the best thing since sliced bread, even though it’s loose as hell and hard to stay in. I bet he’s even really small down there, right hoser? But you aren’t complaining because he gives you money and you can go out with the “girls” at night, and can go sleep with whatever big nasty dick you come across. But what is he gonna say when you give him an STD?

What I don’t understand is, why you keep doing this and hurt these lonely guys so much. I know it’s the only way you know how to operate but damn hoser, have a little heart. Oh yeah, forgot, you don’t have one, just a hardened stone there.
We know you don’t have a new car, a family, much less a job but I guess you didn’t tell him that, did you dear. I bet you’re gonna cough up the story that they fired you for no reason or someone got you fired and then you get to stay home and get right back online. You can’t stay away from it, no matter what guy you’re with. YOU ARE ADDICTED. And after all this time you have been online in a chat room, you aren’t going to be changing your ways now.

You claim Rob tried to kill you (can you blame him folks?), and you went next door to get the people to call the cops (even though you had a cell phone, what’s up with that?), and then you guys went to get dog food? Hmm, things aren’t adding up here, and of course Rosethehose has an excuse for everything. And you were on the phone with your friends, giggling, while this was going on? WTF??? The cops even took your phone away from you because of what you were doing. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Don’t worry kids, Rose will be back online with another blog, talking some more shit before long, she can’t help herself. Well, we can at least tell her that so when she fucks up and shoots her mouth off, she can be nailed.

What goes around comes around, and YOU are next hoser. Yeah I can hear the shit talk from you and your minions. Funny thing is, NONE of you and your minions have dared to comment on here.

What’s the matter hoser & minions?
Too scared? (snicker)

You are a dumbfuck hoser.
Your time is coming.