Posted on another blog:
Anonymous said...
Cindy went to college? Oh you mean her fantasy life. Where she was a state employee accountantz married to a transit cop. With a nice house in the suburbs and two girls out of a long marriage. And now retired on disability. The reality is shes been to junior college never finished was far from an accountant doesnt even know basic accounting terms. Her husband was far from a cop sprinkler installer. Had an out of wedlock child before her marriage. Guy never paid a dime in support. She lived in a small small house in a low income area that was foreclosed on. Saw her not be able to answer any basic questions on retirement so dont believe that one either. Seen her say she is looking for a job a few times in the room too.
March 25, 2011 9:11 PM
Cindy dear, is it the fat that makes you stupid or is it a natural thing? Inquiring minds sooo want to know...
Anonymous said...
Cindy went to college? Oh you mean her fantasy life. Where she was a state employee accountantz married to a transit cop. With a nice house in the suburbs and two girls out of a long marriage. And now retired on disability. The reality is shes been to junior college never finished was far from an accountant doesnt even know basic accounting terms. Her husband was far from a cop sprinkler installer. Had an out of wedlock child before her marriage. Guy never paid a dime in support. She lived in a small small house in a low income area that was foreclosed on. Saw her not be able to answer any basic questions on retirement so dont believe that one either. Seen her say she is looking for a job a few times in the room too.
March 25, 2011 9:11 PM
Cindy dear, is it the fat that makes you stupid or is it a natural thing? Inquiring minds sooo want to know...
Well...from another blog you mean the "Uglier" blog?
Oh yes.
My comment is to all those dorks posting all that personal stuff on this loser Cindy. Let me say first not in a million years am I defending this Cindy chick, she looks and acts like a stone cold loser. The words that have been posted from her own font make her appear to be an AOL baffoon with an IQ of possibly double digit.
It's too bad people don't have self control anymore not that any AOL chat room person is sane to begin with or has any self control but really. What's the point of going on about these losers? The anonymous people which appear to be Rose's friends or even herself going on about Cindy and any other women Rose can't stand has been going on over 10 years now. Even if you are a friend of Rose, she'll diss you pretending to be someone else in the process. That's so crazy, about Rose Hirst (Blankenship?) that is.
The best thing that could happen is the lot of you get killed by some deranged ass or you kill yourselves.
Cindy, Zeek, Ham, Rose, and all of them losers.
The best thing that could happen to Ms. Blankenship (is that what we are calling the skanky drugged out looking ho these days?) short of being murdered of course is, that EVERYONE ignores her. Listen I'm not suggesting any of us go over to her trailer and kill her ok that's not what I'm saying. She has goated enough people to want to kill her, daring them to do it and who knows someone may just lose their cool and do it.
A bunch of us did this ignoring her stuff years back, anytime she came in the rooms and tried her lol'ing bit and the chitty chat as if nothing was wrong, we ignored her. This drove her INSANE. She would IM people demanding they talk with her, again ignored, drove her even more insane.
Unfortunately with all the Wilted blog people, Rose got a good blood-letting and a good drama feeding, she's fat like a tick full of blood on those fronts.
Why waste your time on such lowlifes who have no real lives but to sit in a chat room lol'ing and lmfao and omg'ing it all day and night. How silly. Like the one poster mentioned *over there* on the *other blog* best to stay to one's own life and let the other shit go.
Except of course someone who is actively stalking or OCD'ing you. That's different.
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