Monday, March 28, 2011

A Rose, A Casey, Tammy Woods And A BIG FAT LIE...Redux...


I received this email from someone regarding the circumstances surrounding Moody and the big fat lie about what she was supposed to have done. Now anyone with any kind of brains later figured out that everything that was said about Leslie (Moody) and what she was accused of, was a lie that was twisted and manipulated by scum-sucking Rose licking Robert Casey and by, you guessed it, our own resident lying scheming conniving piece of shit Rosemarypooperhead Hirst Blankenship. She is truly more evil than any of you can imagine and put Moody through the wringer and made her life a living hell. As someone who was there when all this shit was going down, I watched in horror, as well as everyone who went into that chat room, as Rose Hirst and Robert Casey played a cat and mouse game that ultimately ended with Ms Monroe losing her life in an accident. I clearly state now that Leslie did NOT deserve any of the horrible disgusting outlandish things that happened to her and those who participated should be strung over hot coals and flogged, not to mention held legally liable for the events that transpired because of their actions. With that said, here, with the letter writer's permission, the whole story:

This goes back near 10 years ago to around September 1999 and it would be nothing to mention if not for the vindictiveness of certain individuals who involved themselves in this concocted rumor. By police professionals no less. Shameful really.

A few of us were in the cop chat room “Off Duty Cops” and witnessed what went down between Moody and LdyBluQQ4u, known later to us as Leslie Monroe and of course we knew Tammy Woods. Some of us knew Tammy from being police officers ourselves. My husband and I both served. I retired. What we knew of Leslie and Tammy is they were friends of sorts, we later came to find out they actually talked quite a bit on the phone with each other. Leslie/Moody used to come into the chat rooms and there were a few of the women there who didn’t care for her, while on the other hand Tammy was always being the favorite since she frequently used her position as a police officer to emote some kind of credibility to her outlandish behavior. None of us really cared we liked a lot of the people in that room it was fun back then. Leslie was no princess, she enjoyed beating up the trolls and cop haters who would frequent our room then, she was a bit of a bad ass. She also took on a few of the room regulars so this made her unpopular with those few she’d take to task. Again we didn’t really care. We think that’s probably what caused this rift to evolve, it became a who’s who popularity and jealous thing that grew. Where Rose Hirst fits in is she was frequently in the room, back then she wasn’t into the business of others as she is today or we should say not as much. We knew her more as a drama queen. She frequently talked about her sexual activities with her then soon to be husband John Hirst. At first we laughed but really what kind of respectable woman comes in a public chat room and discusses having sex while on her menstruation period? We ignored most of her babbling. She was friends with many of us because she also went to many of the Police Week gatherings.

Notably what happened that caused the start of all this is, Tammy was on leave she’d had an on job injury, so she was taking a lot of pain medication and of course she liked her booze. She came in after we had a huge fight between a couple of instigators, and started in on Moody. Tammy was looking for a fight so I guess Moody was as good a target as any. Moody showed us the IM’s from Tammy but this was after Tammy posted a twisted version of some of it back into the room that night. At first many of us couldn’t believe that Tammy would forge the conversation but the fight between them got bigger and bigger. Tammy sent a lot of us the conversation but according to Moody it was made up, Tammy had changed it, to look more threatening. Moody had always maintained she stopped talking with Tammy for she could see she was getting nowhere with Tammy that night. We also later came to find out Tammy did this forging stuff before with another boyfriend, Tony, but she got away with it like she did on Moody, so it made Tammy more cocky. Moody showed us the real conversation. Without going into all the back and forth stuff it became very heated. Of course the room regulars who didn’t like Leslie took that opportunity to air their dislike of her, again in the room and to take in sides with Tammy. After all why would a professional police person do this? I was one of the few who gave Leslie Tammy’s full name and the name of Tammy’s Chief. Up to that point Leslie had none of that so you see how could she be threatening a police woman and her son if she didn’t know what Tammy’s real identity was? Later Leslie would be accused of seeking out this stuff, again an email came to all of us indicating Leslie was searching for her. I knew none of this was true again, Leslie didn’t know where to start until I gave her the information. There is a web site, Dirty Cop in PA that has a lot of the IM’s that started all this. It’s pretty silly in hindsight to think that near 10 years later this made up rumor is still going and for this long.

This is where Rose fits in on all of this. Rose was supposed to be Moody’s friend but Rose was sending us a lot of their emails, telling Leslie she was her friend, but turning around and then telling people she knew Leslie had threatened Tammy. Leslie’s account got hacked into too, and her emails were going all over the place, but Rose would make it sound like she had no clues about it and would laugh at Leslie’s misfortunes. Rose was told over and over there was no merit to the stuff Tammy had made up but Rose seemed to get a thrill off of watching people attack Leslie over and over on this stuff. Rose knows better too. Rose has been told this truth too many times for her to say she didn’t know (anymore) or she didn’t believe when indeed she turned around and gave all kinds of false information(s) over to her friend Robert. Depending on who was in the rooms with us and if Rose was being bashed on, would be the times Rose would bring up the rumor. Rose was always good for pulling this get somebody else in trouble. Rose did that to get the people who were mad at her to turn their attention elsewhere. Rose will go with how she knew Moody wasn’t a cop killer, but how she knew Moody had threatened a cop. Rose has got away with this little ride for a very long time for it gives Rose a lot of attention she never seemed to get on just her own shitty drama. If that isn’t just dumb what else is there? She’s picked into this fight as has Robert Casey for it seems to give them great pleasure in causing distress to Leslie.

If like most of us, they had put on their thinking caps how could a girl in a chat room still be walking around free as a bird if she had indeed threatened a cop and her kid? See this is where Rose and Robert have had a field day most people on AOL do not think too far, just what they are told, so the rumor grew. Robert was the worst of this to call Leslie a convicted cop killer. How crazy is that? What a nut. Robert has some issues, he used to enjoy that no one knew what he was really like ie, being a bail guard, or what he really looked like. Or all his little secrets that have all come out. He loved making stuff up about people. Most people sucked up to him figuring he would leave them alone which sometimes he did and sometimes he didn’t. He’s another one that needed to be weeded out, and evidently he lost his job over bugging people on AOL. Crazy stuff. It’s interesting that Rose ended up calling Robert her friend Robert doesn’t have friends, he has people he likes to annoy it seems to get his jollies off doing that. I remember speaking to some of the deputies who worked in the same department and they didn’t speak too well of him, in fact there was a few of his own who wanted him dead. That isn’t too good.

Moody tried to get things squared away but the rumor took on a life of it’s own. She told us how people from this group were calling her at her insurance company playing cat and mouse with her attorney associate. They also kept the BS level going in the chat rooms, she didn’t even have to be there anymore. People Instant Messaged Leslie (so obviously they kept her on their IM list didn’t they?), to tell her they wanted her dead or how “crazy” Leslie was. I don’t know if I didn’t like someone I sure wouldn’t be calling them or IMing them now that sounds crazy. Again if people were really using their brains this would not have gone on this long. If there hadn’t been this mob mentality we think a lot of this stuff would have dissolved. It went from one chat room to another. Lots of emails, to no avail. One group of people to the next. For people who kept saying this was just AOL it really was remarkable how crazy it got. She left AOL for a while, she had told me she cancelled her account. I had heard Robert had picked that up and then kept a lie going how Leslie “lost” her AOL account, that was never the case, Leslie showed me her cancellation because she had so many people not believing her all of a sudden. She had let it lay for over a couple of years I think until someone from another room contacted her about Robert Casey who was harassing still yet another woman. They wanted Leslie’s help in helping them file an FBI report, since Moody had gone through all the steps the person asking for help figured Leslie could help them.

In the meantime Tammy had kept the ruse up not sure why she felt after years of the rumor going around to not just fess to it, that it was a joke to her but she didn’t do that. The Chat with a Cop group added fuel to all this, there is a long story. My point here is, for fools who tread into this stuff should have known better especially for grown adults so it’s a mystery why they are not counted in as the “nuts” in this drama rather then putting the blame on Leslie.

There was a time when Leslie and Rose were pretty good friends too until Rose refused to do the things she had kept promising she was going to do for Leslie. In fact I had heard Rose had confided in several people she was just stringing Leslie along she had no intentions of helping her then as Rose is known for she went in a chat room and humiliated Leslie, made it sound like Moody was a nut and she wasn’t going to turn in an officer for that. Leslie had come to me to ask if I would help file against Tammy Woods over this stuff I said I would. No one ever called me for PA, Tammy’s department. I’ve always pondered if Rose turned on Leslie, called up Tammy’s department and told them not to listen to Leslie? People seemed to have enjoyed turning on Moody. There was one woman she had told me about that gave her a lot of grief. Of course Rose hooked in with many of them and the whole thing turned into more drama. The worst of them being a Christy Collins. Her AOL screen name was and various other regular room members she cared to clone. Rose and Christy made it their mission to continue to malign Moody’s reputation by going to a place that she hung out at, leaving disparaging comments about Leslie, again in an attempt to play Leslie off as some kind of nut when indeed Rose and Christy were the ones who acted foolishly. When I saw Leslie’s letter to Rose’s husband that has been printed all over I could see that Rose again attempted to demean Moody for being truthful about the situation that Rose has caused no less. See my way of thinking is none of this stuff would be an issue whatsoever if Rose had walked away and left instead Rose picked it up and kept it up, but from reading her responses it was all Moody’s fault. Don’t think so. Robert does the same thing, he’s never wrong, it’s always what someone else is doing it really is amazing for the devious stuff he’s been involved in that he’s still around and on blogs no less! He’s got to be an old man now, that has got to be crazy.

There is a lot to go on about, I don’t think I will at this time for if Leslie is really dead then she should be left alone. If it turns out she’s not dead then maybe she doesn’t want anymore of this BS in her life? Something for those of you pondering about all this might want to consider? Rose needs to move on I see a terrible vindictiveness in her now something she didn’t used to have and it seems she’s got a whole new group of people she’s angered. Seems to be a lot of blogs out there, there has got to be some point this all needs to be let go don’t you think?

I’ll try to contact a few other friends over this situation see if they have anything they remember about what happened to Moody but really I think the two people who are keeping this going need to let it go….


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cindy Cindy Cindy....

Posted on another blog:

Anonymous said...

Cindy went to college? Oh you mean her fantasy life. Where she was a state employee accountantz married to a transit cop. With a nice house in the suburbs and two girls out of a long marriage. And now retired on disability. The reality is shes been to junior college never finished was far from an accountant doesnt even know basic accounting terms. Her husband was far from a cop sprinkler installer. Had an out of wedlock child before her marriage. Guy never paid a dime in support. She lived in a small small house in a low income area that was foreclosed on. Saw her not be able to answer any basic questions on retirement so dont believe that one either. Seen her say she is looking for a job a few times in the room too.
March 25, 2011 9:11 PM

Cindy dear, is it the fat that makes you stupid or is it a natural thing? Inquiring minds sooo want to know...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Envious People...

I adore envious people. Can't be me or even come to my level, without first getting off your lazy ass all the while whining...

Oh, and a hint for Rose, Cindy & Zeeke?

Never do anything you don't want to explain to the paramedics......

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Rose, A Fatboy Casey, Officer Woods And A BIG FAT LIE...

Dirty PA Cop said...

The word seems to be that Ms. Tammy Woods is being investigated by the New York Police Department, possibly her whole department for her misuse of police activities starting with what Woods did to Leslie Monroe aka Moody. You hear this bitch Woods is now a dog rescuer? What bet do you make she's never mentioned the dirty shit she's done to people she don't like?

Rose actively sent all this cop killer rumor stuff around with the thinking if she ever got called in on it, she'd just plead insanity that she didn't know the rumor was false. Hence why Rose changed her pitch in the chat room claiming that Moody was not a cop killer. Rose's favorite thing to do on Moody was to state how Rose knew she hadn't tried to have Woods killed but Rose being the Drama Queen she is, couldn't help but take a free ride on spreading the gossip around on Moody, that she "knew Moody threatened Tammy and Tammy's son". We got hold of an IM where Moody informed Ho Ho the whole thing was made up to discredit her and run her off of AOL and cause Moody all kinds of problems with these turds calling her at her business. Imagine a bunch of grown adults acting like they were playing High School games on a Friday night!

Yes, you heard it Rose thought she was pretty cool spreading that little lie about the chat rooms and in IM's, why anyone ever listened to Rose is another matter. Another thing Rose was fond of doing was telling people how she stood up for Moody was the only one that called her friend. With friends like Ho Ho who needs enemies! Moody had many a friend in that chat room. That's how Moody was given Woods full name and how Moody was told to contact Woods Chief of Police about the matter, from Woods fellow cop pals. Go figure.

Course Woods was playing her shitty rumor hard, keeping the lie going having had a history of be-littling women she didn't like or who interfered with her plans. Woods would run her boyfriend's lovers by using her police position and garnering very private information by it.

See where this all ties into the stuff Rose has been doing of late to the people from the Marylander room is, Rose has a history of mocking and demeaning people who think lowly of her. Look what Rose did about her best friend, who was kind to Rose, that being Karrie. Rose really is a classless, clueless dumb hick. If Rose was any kind of a decent human being she wouldn't indulge herself in these shitty chat room games nor would she be posting private information about people who can't tolerate her shitty drama whoring self. What some of us have witnessed about Ho Ho in the last many years, is she has no shame left of herself anymore. Least when she hooked up with John Hirst she was a bit more civil and more human.

Whatever shitty rumor that's going about with her and John reconciling you can bet it's just that a rumor. We mean, what would this poor bastard want with a skank whore lying drama stirring bitch like her? She tried to extort money from the man's investment profile what does this tell you? If and we do mean if he ever took her back he'd have to have stroked out or have double dipped his IQ back to double digit to take in a shit like her. It's no doubts another rumor like that other one Ho Ho was fond of circulating about her other man that gave her so many gifts, who was that again? Here's her LOL. The bitch.

Oh where Moody and Rose split the sheets so to speak was when Rose had been leading Moody on about helping her, to defend her with Woods police people. When it came time for Rose to step up and speak with a Lieutenant/Sargent/IA Rose stepped back and turned on Moody. The dirty bitch couldn't even back her own word, the fucking liar Rose is. So Moody cut Rose loose. To hear Rose tell this story however is shaded with how Rose lol didn't want to lol turn on lol Tammy because lol Tammy was a good person and lol a good cop. Rubbish.

Add in that other fuckwad Robert Casey a lowlife fat lying harassing piece of shit who jumped in on this false rumor stuff no wonder Moody is dead. Rose knew Casey would take the bait and run and all Rose would have to do is continually deny she did or said "anything" whatever "Robert does he does on his own" Uh huh. If Moody isn't dead, it's no doubts to get these asses out of her life since obviously they couldn't seem to back it off of her in the first place. Really crazy shit and they have the nerve to demean Moody about their crazy behavior? We've posted some more stuff on our blog we got feel free to go take a look.

What we've viewed over the last many years of Rose is she's a total shit head no redeeming qualities. If she wasn't flat broke we think there would be a few lawsuits lined up on her skank ass....
Blog Editor's note: All the info is there and shows to what great lengths Tammy Woods and Rose Hirst went to, to perpetrate this lie over and over, including now disgraced Deputy Robert Casey who was fired for, among other things, "unprofessional conduct unbecoming an officer". That tells you a lot about that lot and where Rosehoser gets her bullshit from. I think it's time that former Officer Tammy Woods has her past to come back to haunt her. After all, you can't hide the truth forever, and to help finally repair Leslie's (Moody) good name, even if it is post mortum, to good standing. Thats why they always tell you, always be careful what you post becos it never goes away.