So you thought you could keep your BIG secret lie for so long? Awww com'n CinCin.... you know we are a lot smarter than that.
You are a complete big fat moron..... lose the ho-ho and those awful twinkies muffin... too many will only make you bigger... ugh I can already hear you getting fatter....
From UGLY MARYLANDERS BLOG comments section, used with loving affection:
Anonymous said...
Looks like Cindy has lied about something else too. Her retirement is bogus. Crabb started asking her what type of retirement she had and she just said disability but couldn't say which ones out of the ones Crabb suggested. Crabb said go look at your paperwork and she said all she got was a frame that says awarded for life. Cindy couldn't name any of the insurance options the state has for retirees, couldn't name the office that administers retirement checks, etc.
The biggest giveaway for me that she is lying was when she said she had this illness while raising two daughters and going to college and working. Um, Cindy you were able to work 22 years with it then.
So she's just another Bonnie sucking up the state dole.
February 23, 2011 4:11 AM
You are a complete big fat moron..... lose the ho-ho and those awful twinkies muffin... too many will only make you bigger... ugh I can already hear you getting fatter....
From UGLY MARYLANDERS BLOG comments section, used with loving affection:
Anonymous said...
Looks like Cindy has lied about something else too. Her retirement is bogus. Crabb started asking her what type of retirement she had and she just said disability but couldn't say which ones out of the ones Crabb suggested. Crabb said go look at your paperwork and she said all she got was a frame that says awarded for life. Cindy couldn't name any of the insurance options the state has for retirees, couldn't name the office that administers retirement checks, etc.
The biggest giveaway for me that she is lying was when she said she had this illness while raising two daughters and going to college and working. Um, Cindy you were able to work 22 years with it then.
So she's just another Bonnie sucking up the state dole.
February 23, 2011 4:11 AM
Got an old story for you Old Roomie, seems it's all surfacing again...on Moody.
Well then fire away. Go ahead and send it to me and I will publish it. Poor Moody, they can't even leave her alone in death...
The word seems to be that Ms. Tammy Woods is being investigated by the New York Police Department, possibly her whole department for her misuse of police activities starting with what Woods did to Leslie Monroe aka Moody. You hear this bitch Woods is now a dog rescuer? What bet do you make she's never mentioned the dirty shit she's done to people she don't like?
Rose actively sent all this cop killer rumor stuff around with the thinking if she ever got called in on it, she'd just plead insanity that she didn't know the rumor was false. Hence why Rose changed her pitch in the chat room claiming that Moody was not a cop killer. Rose's favorite thing to do on Moody was to state how Rose knew she hadn't tried to have Woods killed but Rose being the Drama Queen she is, couldn't help but take a free ride on spreading the gossip around on Moody, that she "knew Moody threatened Tammy and Tammy's son". We got hold of an IM where Moody informed Ho Ho the whole thing was made up to discredit her and run her off of AOL and cause Moody all kinds of problems with these turds calling her at her business. Imagine a bunch of grown adults acting like they were playing High School games on a Friday night!
Yes, you heard it Rose thought she was pretty cool spreading that little lie about the chat rooms and in IM's, why anyone ever listened to Rose is another matter. Another thing Rose was fond of doing was telling people how she stood up for Moody was the only one that called her friend. With friends like Ho Ho who needs enemies! Moody had many a friend in that chat room. That's how Moody was given Woods full name and how Moody was told to contact Woods Chief of Police about the matter, from Woods fellow cop pals. Go figure.
Course Woods was playing her shitty rumor hard, keeping the lie going having had a history of be-littling women she didn't like or who interfered with her plans. Woods would run her boyfriend's lovers by using her police position and garnering very private information by it.
See where this all ties into the stuff Rose has been doing of late to the people from the Marylander room is, Rose has a history of mocking and demeaning people who think lowly of her. Look what Rose did about her best friend, who was kind to Rose, that being Karrie. Rose really is a classless, clueless dumb hick. If Rose was any kind of a decent human being she wouldn't indulge herself in these shitty chat room games nor would she be posting private information about people who can't tolerate her shitty drama whoring self. What some of us have witnessed about Ho Ho in the last many years, is she has no shame left of herself anymore. Least when she hooked up with John Hirst she was a bit more civil and more human.
Whatever shitty rumor that's going about with her and John reconciling you can bet it's just that a rumor. We mean, what would this poor bastard want with a skank whore lying drama stirring bitch like her? She tried to extort money from the man's investment profile what does this tell you? If and we do mean if he ever took her back he'd have to have stroked out or have double dipped his IQ back to double digit to take in a shit like her. It's no doubts another rumor like that other one Ho Ho was fond of circulating about her other man that gave her so many gifts, who was that again? Here's her LOL. The bitch.
Oh where Moody and Rose split the sheets so to speak was when Rose had been leading Moody on about helping her, to defend her with Woods police people. When it came time for Rose to step up and speak with a Lieutenant/Sargent/IA Rose stepped back and turned on Moody. The dirty bitch couldn't even back her own word, the fucking liar Rose is. So Moody cut Rose loose. To hear Rose tell this story however is shaded with how Rose lol didn't want to lol turn on lol Tammy because lol Tammy was a good person and lol a good cop. Rubbish.
Sorry ran a bit long to finish our commentary:
Add in that other fuckwad Robert Casey a lowlife fat lying harassing piece of shit who jumped in on this false rumor stuff no wonder Moody is dead. Rose knew Casey would take the bait and run and all Rose would have to do is continually deny she did or said "anything" whatever "Robert does he does on his own" Uh huh. If Moody isn't dead, it's no doubts to get these asses out of her life since obviously they couldn't seem to back it off of her in the first place. Really crazy shit and they have the nerve to demean Moody about their crazy behavior? We've posted some more stuff on our blog we got feel free to go take a look.
What we've viewed over the last many years of Rose is she's a total shit head no redeeming qualities. If she wasn't flat broke we think there would be a few lawsuits lined up on her skank ass....
I am going to add this as a post with the commentor's permission. I will go check out the story on that blog and add another post. And you guys thought you KNEW Rosehoser?
Nuh uh....not yet...but you will.
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