Friday, February 19, 2010

With regards to Hirst running her mouth over there on her friend's blog, CaseySucksCocks Blog

This was a comment on my  blog and I decided that it would be better as a post.

You Suck Rose said...

With regards to Hirst running her mouth over there on her friend's blog, CaseySucksCocks Blog:

Oh PLEASE Rose, this is your usual bullshit. You post anonymous to appear to be still yet another person. You fucktard. You've been doing this stupid shit for years. You are a total whack job.

This isn't about Karrie you fucking nut this is about YOU. Your guessing game to bust supposed people after you (because of all our "jealousys") is just how insane you are. You going into a chat room less then 23 hours after the DEATH of your "true love" to begin arguments with total strangers because of your insane obsession to be the center of the attention is so you. Does this really sound normal to you? Do normal people hang out on the internet all day and night harassing strangers who are not even in your real life over living their lives away from a computer? You issue out demands, threaten to "expose" people who were stupid to think trying to negotiate a peace between you and all this bullshit is again so you. Posting pictures of your enemies "busting" them out, "rat fucking" as you call it. You inbred moron. You demand people stop "stalking" you; yet you yourself go and go and go on like the Pink Energizer Bunny deeper and deeper into the most personal aspects of a person you can't stand. This isn't a compliment stupid it's your intense need to quell people who hate you because of what YOU have done.

Have you noticed something else about your shitty writing style now? Not only to you COPY other people's writing styles and expressions there is no real you anymore. Your thoughts are beginning to run on the .... stuff elongated sentences, nasty little expressions shows a thought process disjointed, rambling, almost incoherent. The bravado you use to again attack people YOU have harmed with your ugly thoughts is a falsehood you love to perpetuate. Maddy imitates the ... stuff to, like your writing style but hers is because she's so frustrated in trying to deal with a useless bitch like you Rose.

At some point lady YOU are going to have to atone. You need to quit playing victim, what you have developed into, is, a HUGE monster. Again does this sound normal for a woman who fancies herself to be such a "hot" item to be on such a smear campaign? There is no argument here the people specifically the women who were in Rob's life have their downfalls but who are you to judge?

You really are a nasty little bitch, all these supposed 23 blogs devoted to you wouldn't even exist if you were a normal person. Btw, you have nothing to keep denying about blogs you've created lady you've done so many. Quit lying about that too. You made statements in chat rooms (your favorite place) to announce your little techniques to pretend to be other people or feeding friends different versions of a story to check who is leaking information. Again does this sound like a healthy way to have a friendship? Friends don't guard themselves like that so again your concept of having a relationship is flawed, shattered to the real world lady.

You speak in the "we" business as if your a party of many instead of a solo individual making the shit up YOU make up specifically on YOUR blog A blog btw way that YOU and your big love, Rob created. A blog that YOU denied was ever your blog flying in the face of the obvious. A blog YOU have used as a personal ramming rod to libel and slander people who don't care for you. Does this stop you? Nope. If Ms. Hirst you ever are taken to court you are not going to be able to blame anyone but you stupid. You can holler all you like how all these women made you do this it's the delusional world you live in that you've done nothing to be "harassed".

You threw YOUR FRIEND, read that again you moron, YOUR FRIEND in real life under the bus....just go kill yourself already.

Nuff said are a total waste of space....and you see someone else is tired of your shit.


Sucks to be you Rose said...

Rose clue in girl you dumbass you leave a trail where ever you go so this pretense of you "not caring" is total bullshit. Got me? You run from one blog to another, you can't wait to see what has been said about you. Afterall you LOVE the attention. You LOVE how much you are HATED.

Now that is sick....

sassy said...

Really if you check back I would write under Hose and show other thing's she would say or show her lies...she imitates my style. Taking people's work is what she does best because she is brainless piece of shit. Something Pam said herself Rose hated I did.
I would not go as far as say frustrated by her....just let's say I can't see why she thinks she can do what she does and feel other's would not have same freedom of speech speak our minds too.
Funny so many have same opinion about Hoser. We each have our own style and word's .....nice thing we all can agree on is our opinion of Rose. We may not take the same road to express it or agree at times.
Maybe let's say I am getting bored of her sickness and lies and could be frustrated with that door banging open and shut and not knocking her head enough even with all around her showing what dip shit bitch she is! Damn forgot ...she does not care!
Great job here by the way!

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

Thank you very much.

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