Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ummm Rosemary....

You keep telling me that I am a faceless piece of shit that won't reveal who I am and that makes me a lying two-faced cunt, I believe the words were. At least your current "stalkers" have the balls to come at me under their real name, you thunder with your "pissflaps", as you put it.

Well Rosiepoop, if you say that, then how come your current marylandersover35 website is hidden under domainsbyporoxy, which means they hide your identity for a fee. Saying you have stalkers is laughable because all we would have to do is show them the exact website they are hiding the owner's information for. Then that would prove it all huh hoser. Maybe we should go ahead and show them what they are hiding....

I'm sure you will find some bullshit reason to come back at me and say I am an upset Sydney (who isn't even real, remember folks, for those keeping score), or start again with this droopy eyed Karrie shit, which if you knew her then you would know she doesn't have a droopy eye. This is some shit dreamed up by Rosemary to intimidate, stalk and make fun of people, like crackhead methface Leigh? And yes Lynnzy we know you are a complete fatass and should follow your ho-ho trail to Jenny Craig. Maybe they can help you loose that wide load on your lower body. I dunno about that ugly fat round twinkie face but good luck to yah!

Rose, well, it looks like your boobs are depressed, with them always looking down at the floor. I would be too if I were on your body, matter-of-fact, I would be downright suicidal if I were anywhere on your body. I have been told by guys who have been whacked out of their head to have sex with you and they all told me that your pussy stank and you always wanted it in the ass, and after screwing you they saw why, it's about the only tight thing left on you, well for now that is. BTW Rosemary, since you like it in the ass so much, when you fart do you make a sound or is it just a whoosh of air....(snickering).
Just curious...

BWAHAHAHAAAAAA fuck you hosemary. Why is it only on YOUR blog they say you are sexy and want to have sex with you? It's a downright shame when you have to go on your own blog to compliment yourself or say you're sexy or even pretty. Damn shame hoser.... NOT!!!! hahahahahahahaaaaaaa...



Anonymous said...

Flood Godaddy.com with emails about her site. abuse@godaddy.com They are hosting it.

Also, write / call them and tell them that the person is not following the ICANN act. She will have to list her information or the site will be cancelled.

Anonymous said...


Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

You heard the commentor, flood them with emails about her behaviour. Seems only fair that she get back what she's been handing out all these years.

Oh yeah, LOVE the blog you're doing get ahold of me sometime.

Also, if anyone knows how to get ahold of MartiansHaveLanded then let me know.

Cheers...and fuck you Rosemary,
Old Roomie 2002

Roomie 2 :-) said...

This bitch RoseyHosey has lied for so long she believes her own lies. First she didn't have any blogs. Then she's got 10. First she's not itsmesillyone@aol.com then it's her and her beloved Rob screwing around on it. First she never posts on Robert Casey's blog then it's she has the right. BTW the little ruse that Robert Casey has continued to play pretending to be Berni on not only all the regs in Marylander chat room but on Bob Bolicker is not only dumb but not very convincing. Bob continues to labor under the notion it's RoseyHosey over on R. Casey's latest shitty blog but hey Bob? Get a clue boy that IS R.Casey for the 100th time you dumb bell. What a fucking nut RoseyHosey is. What a fucking liar. She just gets worse as time passes on. A dirty skank who draws down more personal things on people to retaliate with. What a cunt. Is she really still alive? Or is this some psychotic chick that's become her. Wait RoseyHosey IS the psychotic chick LMFAO.

Roomie2002, girl, she's over on that blog running her mouth it makes no sense anymore and she says she's got a great life? Wherever does she squeeze it in hunting stalking bullying all these people she does?

GoDaddy will need some prompting they don't give a shit what kind of shitheads they let open blogs. Their known for being one of the worst domains for cleaning up shitheads. But they do have to respond especially if letter after letter stays on the one theme that RoseyHosey there is slandering people for no other reason then to be a bully.

Anonymous said...

We are here for you Roomie 2002. We have landed.


Anonymous said...

Ya'll need to Grow up!!!

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

I agree but maybe you need to convince your other favorite blog owner to grow the hell up too.

Roomie 2 :-) said...

This might make you chuckle, Roomie2002 it was stated on the Robert Casey blog after that shit stain Rose posted her crap:

Sucks to be you two said...
Rose still a loser.
Robert still a loser.

Robert fired from his job second time for harassing people online. Robert beat down by his bros. LMAO. Robert working if you want to call that in refrigeration business. Robert doing blogs pretending to be Berni slandering people.

Rose fucked one boyfriend Jay when with husband. Jay kills self. Rose fucked another boyfriend Rob gets in fight over dog food boyfriend kills self. Rose slanders people like Robert no wonder people are confused.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you two should get married an old fat ex cop fuckass to a whoring sickly looking bitch. What a country.

Anonymous said...


Rommie 2 :-) said...

God there is one after all! R. Casey closed his blog down except for "invited readers". Now that is funny. Who the fuck wants to read that shit? Good means him and Rose can talk to each other on his blog. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Shit cunt is issuing out warnings. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Um Rose? Um you left a trail dear...

Anonymous said...

ok i give what does Dong-ma mean?

Anonymous said...

It's Chinese for "understand?".

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

It's because Rosiepoop and Casey amd minions finally realized that making a duplicate blog about ol Bob Bolek was a dumbass move. If they didn't then they could be permanently blocked or had libel charges brought against them.
Buncha dumbasses aren't they?

Old Roomie too ;-) said...

Have you noticed how Rosey speaks in the "we" business? As if she is announcing she is really several people?

Anonymous said...

Say Rose you stupid hen how did it feel to have that gun shoved in your mouth? How did that feel to have the man you so loved girl tell you on your knees your dead in a minute? Try to go back there think here for a minute the terror you were feeling when that happened? There now do us all a favor shut up for a minute and let's try a new plan here ok. The one where you slide off that blog go live your life and shut the hell up already.

You are boring the shit out of us already with all that crazy shit you write that people keep sending us Jesus fucking Christ already get a damn job and go work it. What is it 2 years & you are still fighting with all these Rob's girls "I had him last" bullshit. Listen you silly loser you were lucky you had a place for a bit to park your lazy ass it's too bad you are lacking in any kind of human qualities to realize the women you have bashed on for the last many years were just like you, TAKEN. Wait is THAT where you got that Rose is Taken nonsense??@@@@!!??? You fuckhead.

Yes we said WE cos guess what? WE ARE WE YOU STUPID WANK OFF. We've sat back now and watched & listened waiting for that little tiny brain of yours to kick on in. You talk to much you stupid twat. Clue in the stuff on these blogs, here it comes, is gonna get YOU in trouble. Let us repeat that. Everything YOU are authoring is shall we say? Taken down for later? *smirk* Would it surprise you to learn (well who are we kidding of course it would surprise you to learn) that all the women YOU have a-t-t-a-c-k-e-d aren't even here anymore? Do you know how easily lead down the prim ROSE path you go? *snicker* EASILY? Here you are attacking poor Karrie, then it's Sydney then it's x,y or z. Good god you are stupid. Dumb, ridiculous. No one ever said you were not capable of great treachery being the liar you are. You are treacherous too. You have given every single friend the most dreadful sort of your disgusting shitty self and really it's all out here now. Least back in the old days you kept your crazy shit confined to some chat rooms and IM chats. You really need to re-think your plan here what is it you wish to achieve? Being the stupidest dunce on the internet? Being the best at being devious? Someone who enjoys the spotlight even if it means pretending to be someone else to beat your own self down? You will probably go down as the biggest nut on AOL. Hey maybe we'll put Princess AOL Rose on your tag. LOAOOO. You have the presence of mind to work each and every one of these people you are deceitful with and that means you are aware of what you are doing. No insanity clause is going to work here.

Ah something else smarty pants. You know that little thing called an IP number? Yours is all over each and every one of these blogs. Repeatedly. For a crazy nut like you telling people how you don't care, and advising people to live their lives, and quit living in the past well let's just say YOU should take your own advice at this point.

Rose wise up will ya. We've handed your ass back to you let's just say we can again. Pssst hint this time? It will be more then all the crazy shit you've been posting on about. You nut. Hey we gave Bloggy AOLSUCKA the head's up too. We think maybe it's time for a coo. LOAOOOOOO.

There is a real simple solution here for ya Rose. Quit it already. Everything will finally DIE down. Get it? DIE DOWN? Hey shithead? That's a promise not a threat *wink*. Now pay attention. It's time to turn the page you've had your fun and let's start something new like that wonderful life, great man, great job, great car and move it sister. Next!

Thanks Roomie 2002 for giving us this moment to speak at Rose the henjob. Get it? Henjob? LOAOOOOOOOO.

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