From Time Magazine February 15, 2010 issue currently on stands:
Page 15:
70% - Percentage of U.S. human-resources officers who say they have rejected job applicants for inappropriate material in online social-networking profiles.
Hmmmm Rosemary, funny that should come out... can you imagine what employers would think if they found ALLLLLL those beloved blogs of yours, and those devoted to you when they see your resume? I am guessing you wouldn't include those you were fired from and sued by, right rosiepoop?
Wasn't it YOU that dared US to show this stuff to your employers? "BRING IT ON" I think you said? Maybe we won't have to. YOU will do it to YOURSELF you dolt. Geez yer a dumb fucking hick.
BTW that fake baby you're trying to have with this awesome fake boyfriend Jim? Maybe you oughta tell him that you can't get pregnant in your ass, since that is your favorite target hole during sex, we're told.
Fuck you Rosemary.... Oh Lynnzy? You're next on our list, you nasty heiffer you. Wait until you see what we do with YOU, maybe we'll even drag Markypoo into it too. Ohhh we can see the insults and threats now. But better watch those threats, remember everything you do is seen heard and taken down.
How old is hosebag? She looks too old to be getting pregnant. I figured close to 50.
Hey grabbed this from Robert Casey Sucks Cocks blog -snicker- CaseySucksCocks LMFAO:
This is Robert Casey's blog said...
Tangible Rose said...
LOL.......can you at least give me the password to the blog lol goober and at least stay on as a writer
It's amazing to have such stupid haters, that they actually believe anything that goes up on this blog lol
Yes, Rose that's right it *really* is amazing how your tiny little brain works. See you got it thinking you *know* WHO Roomie 2002 is?
How could you? You can't even remember the passwords to your own blog(s) you stupid ass as evidence by you are back to using your shitty screen name to pen your little nastygrams on this here blog and all the other blogs YOU RUN TOO OVER AND OVER; dumb as a rock. See it's that kind of mentality here of being led around by that pointed nose of yours to how stupid you really are, let alone to...deduce... who is who here. Here's a thought, stupid, now pay attention. Quit guessing, fess up to your own sins for a change then here is the even funnier part? GO GET A LIFE you been SUCKING OFF on everyone elses.
Take that statement you just made up there dummy, about how dumb everyone else is for being led around and apply a little brain power. Hint notice I said a little brain power? LMFAO.
You drag people into your delusions and paranoia over what? Who had Rob's dick last? You and your friend Robert Casey here as "Berni" are two of the Three Stooges. Add Zeeke and there you go that's The Three Stooges! Ya dumb ass you really are stupid as a rock cos ain't telling WHO IS/ARE Roomie 2002 that would kill the suspense.......
Rosethehose still thinks I am Karrie. BWAHAHAHAAA....
Let the dumbfuck think I am Karrie, it helps me move around easier. Same shit different year huh Rosemary? Like you said I didn't know you in 2002 but keep thinking I am Karrie yah dumbfuck. Merry didn't say I was Karrie I spoke to her and showed her the IM and she knows she didn't say I was Karrie. But go for it hosehead, Karrie can sue you just as easily too. Internet laws have changed and I will gleefully follow your trial.
Rosemary you stupid piece of scum, you DO NOT know who I am and when I finally reveal who I am you will NEVER see it coming.
God GOOD you are a dumb fucking cunt.
Old Roomie 2002
hey rose anyone can sue anyone in a civil court these days for anything so you saying you can sue for making you lose your job, well you might have a few to answer for too. maybe you should stuff that in your anal cavity like you like it so much you dirty whore.
I see the Uglymarylanders blogger is going through the same shit I am. Is hoser and everyone else saying you are one person one minute then swearing to god you're someone else the next time? Funny as hell isn't it? She's swearing up and down that I am Karrie. I think thats funny as her pic, she's harassing someone who is completely innocent. I say go for it Rosemary, YOU can be SUED IN A CIVIL SUIT as well you dumbfuck.
The Albino Idiot is her new nickname.
I got a I'm Karrie too. Also a Bob, Paul, Mandy, and Mary. If you know who any of those people are, let me know who they are so I can at least know who I am supposed to be!
Hell I don't know probably the new shithead chatters in her beloved can't live without chat room. I have been accused, by Rosemarypooperhead nonetheless, several times of being different people. Oh well she will keep guessing then, she hasn't gotten it right yet I doubt she will ever get it right. She will get a clue when she's finally in court after violating a Cease and Desist order. Yeah that's right Rosiepoop, you will never see it coming. Yah yah yah we all know yer gonna sue us for everything...we get it. But you have to get who I am right first, and you lack the brain power and intelligence to do that. ( for the big words dear).
Gonna sue me for "Deformation of Character" yet? stupid shit...
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