Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rosemary Have You Taken Yer Meds?

BTW Hoser, how's your heart? Still on yer psycho meds, what is it Risperdal? Serious meds there, and your other meds.....nervous again???

Stupid dipshit....



Anonymous said...

Rose looks like a cadaver.

Martians Have Landed said...

Say Rose you stupid hen how did it feel to have that gun shoved in your mouth? How did that feel to have the man you so loved girl tell you on your knees your dead in a minute? Try to go back there think here for a minute the terror you were feeling when that happened? There now do us all a favor shut up for a minute and let's try a new plan here ok. The one where you slide off that blog go live your life and shut the hell up already.

You are boring the shit out of us already with all that crazy shit you write that people keep sending us Jesus fucking Christ already get a damn job and go work it. What is it 2 years & you are still fighting with all these Rob's girls "I had him last" bullshit. Listen you silly loser you were lucky you had a place for a bit to park your lazy ass it's too bad you are lacking in any kind of human qualities to realize the women you have bashed on for the last many years were just like you, TAKEN. Wait is THAT where you got that Rose is Taken nonsense??@@@@!!??? You fuckhead.

Yes we said WE cos guess what? WE ARE WE YOU STUPID WANK OFF. We've sat back now and watched & listened waiting for that little tiny brain of yours to kick on in. You talk to much you stupid twat. Clue in the stuff on these blogs, here it comes, is gonna get YOU in trouble. Let us repeat that. Everything YOU are authoring is shall we say? Taken down for later? *smirk* Would it surprise you to learn (well who are we kidding of course it would surprise you to learn) that all the women YOU have a-t-t-a-c-k-e-d aren't even here anymore? Do you know how easily lead down the prim ROSE path you go? *snicker* EASILY? Here you are attacking poor Karrie, then it's Sydney then it's x,y or z. Good god you are stupid. Dumb, ridiculous. No one ever said you were not capable of great treachery being the liar you are. You are treacherous too. You have given every single friend the most dreadful sort of your disgusting shitty self and really it's all out here now. Least back in the old days you kept your crazy shit confined to some chat rooms and IM chats. You really need to re-think your plan here what is it you wish to achieve? Being the stupidest dunce on the internet? Being the best at being devious? Someone who enjoys the spotlight even if it means pretending to be someone else to beat your own self down? You will probably go down as the biggest nut on AOL. Hey maybe we'll put Princess AOL Rose on your tag. LOAOOO. You have the presence of mind to work each and every one of these people you are deceitful with and that means you are aware of what you are doing. No insanity clause is going to work here.

Ah something else smarty pants. You know that little thing called an IP number? Yours is all over each and every one of these blogs. Repeatedly. For a crazy nut like you telling people how you don't care, and advising people to live their lives, and quit living in the past well let's just say YOU should take your own advice at this point.

Rose wise up will ya. We've handed your ass back to you let's just say we can again. Pssst hint this time? It will be more then all the crazy shit you've been posting on about. You nut. Hey we gave Bloggy AOLSUCKA the head's up too. We think maybe it's time for a coo. LOAOOOOOO.

There is a real simple solution here for ya Rose. Quit it already. Everything will finally DIE down. Get it? DIE DOWN? Hey shithead? That's a promise not a threat *wink*. Now pay attention. It's time to turn the page you've had your fun and let's start something new like that wonderful life, great man, great job, great car and move it sister. Next!

Thanks Roomie 2002 for giving us this moment to speak at Rose the henjob. Get it? Henjob? LOAOOOOOOOO.

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