When I started that, I told them watch this, she will fall for it and then "bust me out" and start spewing all sorts of shit and lo and behold, YOU DID. Is that good enough english for YAH,YAH stupid badspelling "deformation of character" hick. It's almost sad how fucking dumb you are Rosemary, easy to play like a bad violin.
Yeah tell them why you really quit stalking Merry and Tammy and try telling the truth now and why you don't DARE start stalking either of them again. You say I'm lying, well prove me wrong. Also tell them why you really left Delaware and moved back to MD, except tell the truth now hoser.
YOU were asked to LEAVE the funeral by his DAD and his BROTHER. And no Rob wasn't buried and his ashes remained interred (www.dictionary.com for the big words cupcake) until they were offered to Merry to scatter and that just eats you alive doesn't it. The reason his brother's truck was used and the apartment wasn't furnished was because he wanted you to suffer like he was, and his brother agreed to help so Rob could leave you stranded with nothing and no one. And that's something you can't admit to, that's why you set him up to be killed. He didn't even spend Christmas with you and that pissed you off. You were constantly ragging on him and being vulgar and abusive towards him in front of people, like you were at Tiffany's. So you weren't allowed to go in anyone's house when he visited... there you sat fuming in the car COS no one wanted your nasty vulgar whore ass around. If you think Rob loved you, then you are delusional as usual, although that was a nice sob story for the newspaper. You got to play victim didn't you, and yeah go ahead and take me to court. You are no more a victim than you are a good mother.
Rob stayed with everyone else BUT you, doesn't that burn your ass... he spent Christmas with Merry instead of you and revealed you were blackmailing him over that $5000 you bilked your soon-to-be ex-husband John out of, hell you even stole credit card information from that Sleep Center that sued you, gee wonder why....
He spent more time away from you BECOS he hated you with a passion. He stayed at Merry's family's or Tiffany's than stay with you. All the times he said he was sleeping in the car in the snow, he wasn't, he was staying at a motel someone's cousin worked at and everyone knew that. You just HATED that he would rather drive through snow & ice to be with someone else than be with YOU. Golly gosh darn hoser, that really speaks volumes too, doesn't it? You lied to that newspaper reporter when you told him that you and Rob had been together for 9 months or so, when the reality was you only knew each other a few months, ONLY A FEW MONTHS HOSER, from August through November. You only were together with him for a few months and you lied. Then in November he was mostly staying in Delaware, Connecticut in December. And where were you? A week later he was given that apartment by Bobby to use to get you back, hell Jaime even chipped in after he heard what he wanted to do with you and even let him use his truck to bring you and all your shit to there. Just to strand you...heh now thats some funny shit.
And that night he died, the whole thing was over you not being invited to Easter dinner. Isn't that a fucking shame. You had a man killed because you weren't invited to Easter dinner because all the family on both sides thought you were a disgusting foul-mouthed trashy whore. Rob was going to Delaware for Easter and then Tiffany was going to drive him to the airport and you started screeching and stomping your feet, your usual antics and the rest is history. He told you he was going to Tiffany's parents and YOU weren't invited and you lost your mind. You should be flogged. You have a cell phone in your hand but you asked someone else to make a call to 911? You were on the phone giggling with your friends and the cops had to take your phone from you? This man allegedly stuck a gun in your face and then the next minute you are going to get dog food with him? That pathetic story just doesn't add up, and you crying victim is the biggest lie of all. You won't admit it but you going to court would mean all those questions would have to be answered and it would prove you to be the liar that you are. Be careful what you ask for Rosemary because you just might get it.... A civil wrongful death suit doesn't have the same proof statutes that a criminal case does, so you might wanna scribble that down in your whore brain.
No he wasn't a perfect human being but next to you he was a saint. Everyone knows your bullshit antics and the things you do to try and appear innocent but it's not hard to prove that you are evil, to the core. Just because Merry couldn't attend a funeral because her husband was having major surgery is understandable, especially when her family stood in her place at the funeral. YOU WERE ASKED TO LEAVE. That says a lot. You don't have any contact with the family and I know that for a fact, so all these stories about how close you are with them is laughable. Those times you swore up and down you spoke to them every day proved you wrong when you tried to call them that time and the number was changed COS they didn't want anything to do with you. So what lies are you GONNA tell next?
Come on hoser, you gotta do better than that. And you having a lawyer on standby, that's even more laughable. I'm ready at any time Rosemary, any time. You wouldn't DARE COS then you would have to reveal the truth and you couldn't stand being proved you are a liar, which you have been every point that is made. Come on Rosemary, tell the real reason you don't dare pester & stalk Merry & her son and Tammy Pelletier. And tell the real truth why you moved back out of Delware. You wouldn't know the truth if it fucked you up your ass, your favorite entry point.
You are very sad Rosemary.... very sad, therapy and pills help I hear but I don't think they make the kind of pills you need. Yeah sure, first I was Karrie, then you say I am Sydney and now you say I am Karrie & Sydney in cohorts? Who the hell am I gonna be next? Karrie doesn't want anything to do with your whoring ass, Sydney is a fake period and you want us to believe anything that comes out of your mouth?
Telling me I have a droopy eye doesn't bother me COS I don't have one. Telling me I am a fake attorney doesn't bother me either COS Sydney is fake too. You're just gleefully ignorant and that is either the saddest part of it all or the funniest part, I haven't decided either.
Poor poor Rosemary....
Roomie 2002,
I gotta hand it to you! You nailed her antics cold. She is an impersonation of a human isn't she? All she is is white trash. That hole in the middle of her legs has been so important in her ugly life she's missed all that really is important. All these years she's harassed and bullied people (the list grows & grows) could have been spent on improving her self to become a better person but no not Rose M. Hirst. Her "tsk tsk" and the "lol" and the repeated use of "cupcake" and all the other stupid crap she types what is that supposed to be, funny? She imitates others never an original thought except this never ending drive to seek revenge for her perceptions of being the victim.
BTW all one has to do to "find" her dumb self is google her and there she is and that's hardly stalking. Most the shit is in her own hand too. The repeated denials she "only" had one blog was a bald face lie but to hear Rose tell it, it was the TRUTH. The deception she and Rob pulled putting her current blog together was to spy on her fellow chat room occupants. He was the brains of that outfit not her but they were both devious.
To think she has sat on that skank skinny ass of hers promoting herself off in the last 2 years as a grieving woman over the love of her life is hilarious! You know people might have felt sympathy for her if she had signed her stupid self off and did what she needed to do to move on but not Rose right back on the internet in less then 24 hours. Amazing (not in a unique way but in a scary way)
It's good you have her spot on but you just know until this crazy one is pulled into a court room and called down line by line she'll just keep up the "I have a great life" stuff. Look who she calls her best friends?
Wretched nothing little hick whore. You are so right about her Roomie, she's a liar to the core, she is living some fantasy in her head of her beautiful life, great job, great life. (gag) All this while she has persecuted other women for being real human beings. Something she's never going to be. She's a bully and by her own admissions on her latest blog that was too funny. She spews more shit out of her ugly mouth so stupid never getting to be quiet and keep it to yourself is much better then to put it all out there. GOOD EVIDENCE huh Roomie 2002?
She does need to pay but she does she any $$$$$? Maybe the next best thing would her being in prison/jail where she belongs. Writing an admission she has personally made up all the shit she has over the years now that would be something especially for those stupid fools who believed her lies. To jail for Rose and under wraps too where she does not have access to the internet.
That would KILL HER right there LMFAO.
wow hoser didn't take long to defend herself again my gosh she is a delusional idiot... shAking heAd, she must live on aol see she had tocheck her "aol" records to cite something on a blog to retort back hey hoser don't you have some classwork to do a boyfriend to get killed or something? stfu then and stay off the chats and blogs then ya dumb dumb airheaded fuck
Holy cow look at Rose go go go again:
Tangiblerose said...
WoW, you mean I can't come here and comment because I have my own blogs?
Don't you have your own blogs?
Seems like you are very offended with that one comment..........
I am a cunt that owns you
No, I stated I have my own blog that I pay for, why would I own any other blog. You know, when all of you accused his blog of being mine....dumb fucks can't even remember the shit you say.........
Syd, I am wondering why you allowed droopy to get to you and did nothing and I am wondering if Karrie's eye is still droopy and how her fat son is doing, you know the one she got knocked up with at age 15 because she was a military whore.........did she ever put her mother in a home because she couldn't stand taking care of her mother anymore?
Is she still seeing people around her house?
Paranoid at it's best lol
Monday, 25 January, 2010
TangABULLshitArtist Rose said...
Monday, 25 January, 2010
I am not Rose said...
Dear anonymous friend......Rose has to have everything explained to her......She doesn't get that it was her who kept all the lying going about only having one blog. Rose has stated over and over she didn't need to run to Robert's blog to state her "own" opinion but indeed it has been her. She's even pretended to be a third, fourth, fifth person beating her own self up so she could plead how "everyone" was "after" her or snicker "stalking" her. LOL. Rose has forgotten like she forgets her password to her many blogs that she's actually authored about 7 of them. She had the password to Robert's former blogs until he cut her off for being such a two faced bitch. Oh gosh there's a switch......Rob and Rose had the ItsMeSillyOne@aol.com account along with the GoDaddy blog she currently swings her shitty stories from.....Rose dear the day you get a half working brain you might actually get taken seriously. All you got is shitheads for friends Billy Zeeke suck ass and Robert fag fucker.....dear if you were not a complete unmitigated liar full time you might be taken seriously sometimes when you spoke instead of being dismissed off as a jealous nut case. This wishful adulation you carry in your head LOL....3,2,1 times up. You launch into all this personal shit about Karrie here Rose. You sound like a girl of 10 who keeps taking her gutter self to new lows.....Here is a real thought for you-you silly cow....just imagine if none of these women you keep dragging in your delusional shit on all these blogs about, was actually doing the shit YOU keep accusing them of doing? LOL. Um that would make you a crazy paranoid nut wouldn't it? LOL and LOL you stupid cunt. Tsk tsk cupcake your backups are slimming down it's just you Robert and Billy. Why aren't you still being a bad ass to Merry and her son? Why aren't you trashing Tammy? Um, could it be you shot your ugly mouth off on the phone making threats to them and it was RECORDED? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOL
What is up with her usage of the word 'rat fuck'? Rose uses it a lot. What a fucking assclown. Jesus, Rose rambles and spews so much drama. She doesn't get it does she. All this would go away if she'd shut her fucking mouth already and move it along. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU ROSE.
Say....what about the folk's telephone number once and for all so people could carefully call and get the truth. You know the truth Rose Hirst is circulating how well liked she is with them? Wouldn't THAT be....funny to hear them say x,y,z how they hate her skank ass lol. This word game....Rose is playing is one she's been playing...many years. She hasn't changed not one bit. The snide crap she comes up with, the plots, the schemes, the "busting you" bit, the rebuttals line by line who is she, Nancy Drew?!!!?!!!? dot dot dot...dot dot dot.
Rose has 'never backstabbed a friend' whatta fucking liar. There she goes again playin victim. The lying cunt.
Anonymous said...
I never stalked fat Merry......she stalked me over jealousy. Yes please tell all of us the real reason why and with PROOF.
Who the fuck is Tammy? Is it the one who got used by Jonny and stalked him like a fucking moron, along with any other women he talked to? As far as Merry is concerned........when her real pictures came out, she became the laughing stock in the chat room...........those pictures gave me total closure on what a fat, lying pig she really is.............again, she didn't get Rob's ashes.
That is so funny...........even Mindy had to laugh......your real reasons are absolutely hysterical................it's almost pathetic and you haven't showed any real reasons as of yet............
January 25, 2010 9:37 PM
Well Bob your case would be better if instead of resorting to these boy school antics "ya" pull, you actually did something you've threatened "ya" gonna do for the last 18 months. This has made Rose more full of herself the crap shit you keep promising "ya" are gonna do to her. You see this don't you? All those months of what "ya" were gonna do over & over. All YOUR LIES the first one being YOU had her blog shut down. The second being you had Robert Casey's blog shut down. I could go on about the other things YOU HAVE LIED about but it's not my point to beat you up here (well it is sorta) You have some reality problems Bob & you anger easily & you're not the brightest bulb. Rose & Robert have gotten the upper hand on you for you shoot your mouth off LIKE ROSE & tell EVERYTHING, witness this last anonymous response you inclined yourself to run over here to post. Yes Rose IS reading this blog along with all the other shitty blogs. She can't help herself she's a sick person, Bob what's your excuse? Getting back for what she's done to you with the help of her good buddys Zeeke and Robert (who persists in pretending to be a roomie "Bernie")? Remember Bob YOU are the one who keeps digging up misinformation which compels all three of those twits to blog you more.
If...and I mean if you had played your cards right you could have actually nailed Rose instead you ran over there took pics (blurry no less) of her shitty mobile home (gag, her mansion she's told all of us she's had all these years) & got YOURSELF in a world of trouble. YOU ARE LUCKY the pig herself didn't follow through on all her promises, but then she wouldn't want to get herself in a courtroom to answer to her shitty self. So you lucked out there brother. But. You are giving her everything she ever wanted: A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N
Now, Roomie 2002 here is a person you should converse with she could give you pointers. If you notice she gets mad & she gives Rose a good bit of her anger but she doesn't run off at the mouth like YOU DO Bob. You Bob come off unfortunately like an illiterate hick with all that bullshit you put out there. You also do something way worse then Rose, you bring people that have nothing to do with your shitty crap between you & Rose into this. Oh I'll grant you Rose is good for pulling others into her shit but you ALLOW stuff that has no meaning in this fight with her.
Some of us told you long ago Bob to leave it, work it a different avenue. Remember what you posted? That you knew but that Rose got you so angry you remember that Bob? Look what's happened now? We (that's several of us including myself) gave you the head's up on how to deal here, you wouldn't have any of that. Do yourself a favor & keep this in mind. EVERYTHING you are putting out there can be used AGAINST you. Clean that blog up quick since after this post you won't have a plausible defense if it stays. Rose is in a good deal of trouble she's putting on a good front that is what she's always been about you ought to know this Bob you were married to her friend, yes? Rose has become full of herself now with fools like you running away at the mouth instead of quietly working behind the scenes. She's also left some very damning informations on her blog so again since it's out there in the public for all to view she's going to have NO DEFENSE.
......Like you Bob many of us know her in real life so she can't buffalo us like she can some of these fools here on these blogs with what a great life she has. Some of us actually had some fun with her until she turned into this snake you see before you these days. She actually can be a nice person when we were out & all. She's flawed no doubts but this bravado of being a tough cunt here online is just that a front. She's very hurt inside but over the years she lets it all out there we all know her story now it's been put here by her and she's become less hurt by all the negative press. She feeds off of it now. No person has that good of a life who proclaims she's going to be on aol forever. No one has a great life who spends her days & nites putting people down for the fuck of it. Her constant need for attention be it negative has given her a great deal of satisfaction. Look at all the people this crazy nut has pissed off & all the blogs devoted to HER? She loves it. A normal person would be humilated and roll away. Keep this in mind Bob when you keep these shitty comments coming, least Roomie 2002 has Rose spot on notice how Rose has taken to rebuttaling her LINE by LINE? If Rose was this woman she proclaims to be not caring & moving on & not living in the past as she rambles then why would Rose care what Roomie 2002, me or you has to say right?
If what I've read is true it sounds like YOU personally pissed off your good friend Merry & Maddie. Shame on you they were your best defense.
Hopefully Merry isn't another aol bullshitter & she really does proceed full force vs Rose Hirst on that business of the phone threats. You noticed how Rose even defends her actions on that front with a lot of lol'ing and dismissing her actions off as funny AND here is the important part Bob, IF...IF...she's hauled into court so will be others. Did you notice that Bob? She sees her time for some kind of court action is in her near future but the dirty thing is going to try to take others DOWN WITH HER.
That's Rose. A coward. A bully. A slimeball. You lay low now Bob & keep yourself tuned in with Roomie 2002 here she seems to have it going on & Rose is feeling the heat don't you kid yourself she's not.
Pssst you did know Robert has another blog about you right Bob? Click on my name up there or go to the following, you'll see it.
Have a nice day.
Yes I went and saw that ridiculous blog and it shows that Rosiepoo and her cohorts are at it again. Comment after comment of how "gorgeous and intelligent" Rose is. Gaaaaagggg ugh.
It's like she's trying to convince herself and everyone else, exactly that. Since when does someone who IS pretty AND intelligent have to post comment after comment about it? It's like she's desperately screeching at the top of her lungs that she's the best of everything, looks & personality too, which she is ugly as fuck (remember the last time I saw a mouth like hers it had a hook in it) and possesses ZERO personality. I don't know anyone who is beautiful and smart that has to say it over and over or comment on a blog that they are, which shows exactly how desperate she is.
They even posted a "comment" by the fake as ever Sydney. I keep trying to tell her that Sydney is a fake, a figment of her dull listless imagination and doesn't exist. Yet, she insists on and on. It KINDA shows you, not only is she dumber than a goddamn clod of dirt like Meloney Hope, but she lives in a delusional world. Matter of fact, in her own words, "Oh right.. Delusion is a mental Illness". Says it all, doesn't it.
She knows how to use spell check now but she still lack immensely in grammar (the same thing she blasted me for right kids?). Notice this sample of her words, "We have all revamp to get this blog up adn running...". A REAAAAL brain surgeon there HUH.
It's not worth even checking out because its the same shit different blog, like the last one they rambled on an on about Bob. I don't know you that well Bob but you and I need to sit and talk about how to take Rosenhosenstein down, word by word.
And be forewarned, they drone on and on endlessly about how gorgeous rich and intelligent Rosieposiepoop is, and before long you'll be rolling your eyes right into the back of your head. A sampling of her crap: "THE HOTTEST WOMAN ON AOL AND ROSE WAS RUNNER UP GOD I WISH I HAD A PECKER". Um, I think if you really looked underneath hoser's lame out of style skirts you probably would find a percker. Maybe thats why all the guys are pissed and wanted to kill her, they found her pecker.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA... now thats some funny shit. Rosemary is really a man and she got caught with her pecker. Well that would explain everything, especially since she can't tell the difference between a fake person and a real one.
Blow it out your ass Rosemary.
Yer old Roomie 2002
BTW, a cousin did pretend to be Sydney but Sydney doesn't even exist ya stupid shit. Bring it on Rosemary YAH slimy ass trailor park trash whore. GOTCHA!
It's not just her commenting Roomie 2002, it's her bud Robert there doing it too. They egg each other on. You add Bob who isn't too bright running his mouth at Rose and not knowing all the players on board you got a 3 ring circus. Usually what happens is no one comes over there. To amuse himself Robert then starts posting like a crazed asshole. Rose comes along to do the bit about being hot & gorgeous. Actually it is a laugh here she is the big timer (in her head) has all these blogs but Rose has to run to still yet all these other blogs to get the word out.
Really astounding arrogance when you think about it. Rose keeps forgetting this notion too there are others who have witnessed her crazy shit over the years. In the past most would just move on and forgive but Rose has pushed it way farther in the last many years. Rose just delves deeper & deeper I can't imagine anyone who has had a dose of her nasty bully shit would let her back in. Conclusion her being "hot" "gorgeous" and everyone being "jealous" of her is all in her own little mind. Maybe she can dazzle some jailbirds with that notion when her ass lands in jail for being such a skank lowlife lying harassing bully. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA
Roomie 2002,
Any clues what happened in this matter? Rose was using still yet another yahoo account pretending to be the lost love of her life to harass all the following. Rose also used a classic technique to include herself so as to appear to be the VICTIM:
I received email from an email account called robmagnifico@yahoo.com. This name is a misspelling of my grandson's father, who is now deceased after being killed in a standoff with police in Lynn, MA on March 17, 2008. This email was sent to solely to harass several of us who were related or friends of his.
I have already contacted the library and their response is that the email was sent from the Baltimore County Public Library in Parkville, MD. Therefore, we know that someone used a Baltimore County Maryland Library in order to send the mail, but obviously from a Yahoo email account. They will turn over all their information based on a court order which I am obtaining.
I want to know what Yahoo can do about this?? This is not the first time my family has received email from a fake (as in pretending to be someone else) email address. It is a big concern because we fear for the safety of my grandson and my daughter.
Thank you,
Return-Path:mail to:robmagnifico@yahoo.com Received: from rly-md09.mx.aol.com(rly-md09.mail.aol.com Wed, 01 Oct 2008 19:41:44 by rly-md09.mx.aol.com 000 from
Network name : UU-206-66-216
Infos : Baltimore County Public Library
Infos : Network Operations
Infos : 320 York Road
Infos : Towson
Infos : MD
Infos : 21204
Country : United States (US)
Abuse E-mail : abuse@bcpl.net
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 16:41:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rob Magnifico robmagnifico@yahoo.com
Subject: Drama queens
To: hooters4u51@aol.com, cindy32863@aol.com , dawgstorm0425@aol.com , sweetsassieefras@aol.com, a11waysanangel@aol.com,
xorosenatorxo@aol.com, <------
flashpoint@aol.com , kjemsdad@aol.com , ragingangel2002@aol.com, pantrygalj@aol.com, laff2luv2@aol.com,
itsmesiilyone@aol.com <------ we all know who this is now don't we?
Subject: Re: forwarded email and details box
Date: 10/2/2008 1:41:16 P.M.
From: fold@bcpl.net
To: Merrynkids@aol.com
CC: Flashpoint@aol.com
You are correct, the e-mail was sent from a public access computer in the Parkville Library, a branch of Baltimore County Public Library.
The e-mail headers show that it was sent via Yahoo's webmail service (YahooMailWebService). To the best of my knowledge it is not possible to send e-mail from the Yahoo webmail service with a faked "From:" address, as the "From:" address comes from the Yahoo account being used to send the e-mail. This means that even if "robmagnifico@yahoo.com" appears to be a misspelling of a deceased friend's e-mail address, it must actually be a valid account on Yahoo. It might be worthwhile to contact abuse@yahoo.com about it, if you haven't already.
That's about all I an tell you. If you and your friends want to pursue the matter, you will need to file a complaint with a law enforcement agency. As I explained during our telephone conversation, we will cooperate to the best of our ability with the police or FBI if they request information about this via a court order or subpoena.
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