Ok people, help me with this one. How do you explain to a complete idiot, that without even knowing it, seem to be the dumbest fucking twit ever? Ok let's try this one last time Rosiepoop:
1) Sydney isn't real, never has been never will be. EVERYONE knows this, well except for YOU the dipshit that is.
2) Sydney was made up by a relative who, in embarassment after being outed on a blog, closed everything down. http://fraudattorney.blogspot.com/
3) The pics for Sydney was taken from pics available to all her relatives.
4) Any male contacted by Sydney never actually met her, except for one guy, well kinda. He traveled a long way to meet her and realizing she was caught, she called him and made an excuse why she couldn't meet him and sent her "friend", since he came all that way. SURPRISE! It was our dipshit Meloney Hope that met him, which he was nice but later lamented she was fat and ugly. So that kinda lets you know this Jason that Rose is continuously harping on that Karrie was allegedly stalking her about, NEVER met her NEVER had sex with her.
5) How the hell do you stalk someone who doesn't even exist?
6) Rose is jealous no one stalks her.
Kinda see the pattern here? If no one comes over and comments on her blog she starts getting upset and even will post things in a manner like other people will write on other blogs so it will seem like they are posting over and over about her and what a piece of shit she is. Ever notice that? Think she doesn't do that? You should have seen the shit she sent to our fake not real Sydney. She repeats everything that anyone has slung at ther stupid ugly unintelligent ass, word for word.
She thinks she got the one up on our fake Sydney , but I hate to tell you this dumbfuck, you can't get one up on someone who doesn't even exist. You're so up on digging shit up on people why don't you pull one of your AOL detective stints and hunt her down? Ohh thats right, you can't because Delaware has VERY STRICT ANTI-STALKING LAWS. Awww what's wrong Posiepoop, frustrated?
Yes your day in court will be in the very near future, and you are talking nine kinds of shit to look like you're a tough betty online, which if anyone knows anything about you they know you're not. That girl you said you beat to a bloody pulp and left her lying on the ground then pressed assault charges against her? I have spoken to that girl and even saw the photos taken by the police and she didn't have any mark on her, YOU however were covered in bruises blood & marks. She said you were whining like a little bitch with a skinned knee and when the cops showed up, you started whining and whining and the rest is history. YOU GOT YOUR ASS BEAT TO THE GROUND. OMFG Rosie you kill me with your bullshit. People I have talked to say anytime you are involved in a physical fight you wuss out and start crying. Most of the time you have a physical fight because you run your nasty mouth.
Now you've become this online badass because you have bullied your way up there. YOU ARE NOT A BADASS. If I walked up to you and started beating the shit out of you or got in your face and started to kick your ass you would go down like a limp clown. Yeah yeah I know you are suuuuch a badass but theres a lot of us that know better. Keep talking shit Rosemary, you might get a chance in court to prove all this shit you've been boasting a about.
You guys I really don't have anything against you, but if you really want to go down with Rosemary then keep up the behaviour you have been doing, according to Rosiepoop. She will go down legally and criminally and the main question is, do you really want to go down with her? Or are you going to tell the real truth when you're on the stand, or will you perjure yourself? For her? Is she really worth losing your freedom over? OR heavy fines? You know what kind of person she is and the lies she tells, is it really worth your freedom, your cash and your identity & reputation?
I'm not afraid of you Rosemary, never have been and never will be and YOU ARE IN MY SIGHTS. I will help anyone who wants to take you to court for any reason. Keep up the betty badass routine because when shit hits the proverbial fan, YOU will STAND ALONE because I guarantee you the others will run away from you as fast as they can. They will give you up because honey, cupcake, honeybabysweetikins, YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT. Lynnzy hun run for cover quick. Zeeke, I know you're not that bad a person, especially offline but you would do well to desert her like a bad veneral disease.
Oh, and Rosemary, Sydney has never been real. How long it will take you to get that through your gross nappy haired cockeyed head remains to be seen. But all the readers (in offices) of this debacle are taking bets; you are highly favored to lose like the loser you are. You remind me of a boil; big ugly fulla nasty crap fluid skin bump that you have to get lanced to get rid of. And then it stays around for a long time when it really isn't wanted at all.
BTW, if you think she was a delusional by the shit she spews on her blogs, look at what she put on her Myspace.....we laughed loudly when we saw it. Is she that delusionally insane that she thinks we would email anyone on her myspace?
OH yeah dearie, for the big words http://www.dictionary.com/.
Ta-ta Rosemary...
Interesting. Very interesting. How the heck can she keep all this bullshit up Roomie 2002? I just don't see where the logic is in keeping the bullshit up in light of all that has surfaced unless of course Rosey is psychotic and actually believes the shit she conjurs up. It's interesting she keeps this great life she's got going vs the reality of she's a troubled old hen with a worn out pussy and a man killer. She got Rob and had him last what sort of lunatic rants on this kind of notion? What a assbot.
There are reams of court matters AGAINST the damn fool. She says she never got FIRED from the sleep place she worked? Hmmmmm....
Then WHY would they file suit against her and WIN if they had no problems with her, according to Rose of course:
Greater Washington Sleep Disorder Center
Status Date: 07/30/2007
Filing Date: 05/15/2007
Amount: $3,600
Last Activity Date: 02/13/2008
Had to chuckle at this profile/blog: http://www.blogger.com/profile/07065903850660624907
Rose M. Hirst
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Zodiac Year: Horse
Industry: Tourism
Occupation: Take a ride on me
Location: Where I can lay my head : Where I can screw my brains out : United States
About Me
A Screwball
Favorite Movies
Are you kidding me I want screwing
Favorite Music
while screwing
Favorite Books
Me read a book come on I want a big one
My Blogs Team Members
Someone wrote this to another when this piece of shit group got on her over a man...shows they even play thier games with so called friends:
katt,all i can say is just laugh at them for all you dumbasses for ur info Rob is very much real i have met him,hes a really cool guy,but katt this just goes to show you who the better person is,and that's you,you friggin people who come on here with your fake names who dont even have the dirty balls to say what they have to say on the name we all know you on is pathetic lol seems to me some people just cant get over you being happy,hmm wonder who this could be seems only just less then a handful of people ,why dont yas all grow up and live ur own lifes ,they cant help it katt they want what you have,poor pathetic losers,i mean really,we all know who it the few people are it can be do you think we are stupid ,you all need to look in the mirrors at ur faces,cause lets face it none of yas should be judging anyone,on looks or their lifes,makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with your own lifes that you need to mess in someone elses lol think about that will yas,katt we know who it is or can be and all i can say is look at their life,aol and online all day all nite pretty pathetic lol love ya kitt katt oxoxoxox see you Wednesday nite oxoxoxoxo
The people that were cutting Kat down was Nanci and Lynnzy so Cathi you better watch the ones you call sister's ...if they will do it to Kat than they have no issue doing it to other's.
Awww ....look at Rose myspace...shes so mad! you stompin those feet of your's Hose...tsk tsk!
Hose is that not what you do email people out of the blue and whin "I am the victim in all this"
Hey you called me back when I left you alone soooooo I guess we will have to see who spits on who's grave first.
By the way I have no interest in people that say they hate.... "LIARS, CHEATS, THEIVES, AND BACKSTABBING 2 FACED PEOPLE WHO CLAIM THEY LOVE YOU.. "
When they themselves carry some of these traits and hang with a hoser's as Rose that is all these.
Are my feelings hurt over losing someone like this? Not at all after I read for myself the crap she tried to back peddle on. What's even more funny instead of checking what the truth was she did her famous scream and yell (which Lynnz says she doesn't do)in room before finding out fact's (normal).LMAO..It's become a joke among many of us! In time as she say's "BECAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY AND WISH UPON OTHERS FOR IT JUST MIGHT COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THE ARSE AND LEAVE YOU STANDING ALL ALONE...IT'S AMAZING TO ME HOW SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY I DIDN'T DO ANY WRONG'S BUT PLAY THE EVIL GAMES THAT THEY CREATE IN THERE OWN MIND... IT AMAZES ME WHEN SOME SAY I HEARD THINGS FROM MANY PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT WAS SAID BUT BACK PEDDLE WHEN ASK A POINT BLANK QUESTION... AND THEY SAY THEY DON'T LIE BUT ALL THE MORE ARE THE BIGGEST OF ALL LIARS. Boy you must really hate yourself beause this is what you do! Give it time it will bite you.
Hey at least I had the courage to call you on it in person and not in a chat room to impress your loser friends and boy did you peddle.... maybe you should ask someone for a log of the last two days and see I never even brought up your name...I am in no need of desperate people in my life so go with your trash!
So you need to really practice what you preach.
You know I really think we have a much of Bi polar people here that act one way one minute and than PUFF act wacked out the next.
No wonder they get along so well. Like a friend says Birds of a feather flock together!
How come the in and out you pull with your fit's is funny to all us and when I did it I was aww Mad ...NOT! I just wanted to try it! OH... now you can say I blogged you!
Also for people that warned me I am so sorry I didn't take you serious and defended this loser to you all and you may say anything you like to me now cause I believe you!!
See I am big enough to admit I was wrong about her and they were right.
Hose Myspace :
43 / Female
Baltimore, Maryland, US
Last Login: 1/28/2010
Now did she not say she was proud to live in Delawere! Like WTF!
Check out last log in....Hose do you NOT want people to know how proud of Delawere you are or will it show people that know you that you are lying? Are you scared..hiding behind your lie's!
Or is the Bi polar confussing you and you don't know where you are?
You afraid Jim will know your still obsessed with dead dick and his past!
Now as I see it I have gone in chat room without you there and you have been running in after me...do you not know how to share space? Please rememeber chat rooms are public and open to all and if you and your gones of loser's want private can make a private room or just hit the iggy and don't pay attention to me.
If you are sooo over things why you worried about little old me around?
Said you were over it and moved on ..seems NOT. I am still a topic in your life. I will believe you soon as I am not a topic of interest to you anymore. Or is it one of your other personalities that can't get over me?
Now go run.....call on fact that because I am so a topic with Zeekypo and you that your feelings are hurt that I responed back and you can't handle it because even though you keep it up your the victim!!!!
Could you possibly speak the english language so that your viewing audience could understand what you are saying?
The last three posts I have made on this bog or the last three comments on this particular post you are commenting on? Got to be specific here, if it's me you can't understand then I will try to make it clearer. If it's the comments hey buddy I don't make 'em I just approve them. And you wouldn't want me to post anything by Rose COS everything is "fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck ratfuck cunt LOL LOL LOL LMAO LMAOOOOOOOOOO ..........
Oh no, I could tell those last 3 commenters were not you Roomie 2002, they just made no sense so either it's one of Bob's group or someone else who hates Rosey.
Well I have found that posts that are in that form are people who have a lot of crap to say to someone and are trying to say it all at once. It gets a little jumbled like that but nonetheless they get it all out. Now when you look at Rosiepoop's posts they are all "LMAOOOOOOOOOO" or like I said before "fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck cunt piss flaps ratfuck fuckity fuck fuck" and that infamous "..................".
You would do yourself good to refrain from reading anything on her blog unless you like nasty trailor park trash lying conniving thieving backstabbing black widow whore that will do anything to make her self look innocent.
It's rather disgusting if you ask me (and about a hundred other readers that have contacted me).
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