Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hey Rosiepoo...You Have Some New "Fans"...

I was contacted by some drag queens and they left a message for you:

They told me that the drag queen I have been posting about (YOU Rosiepoo) needs to rethink your makeup, clothing style & choices, not to mention your overall looks because, as they put it, "we can tell you're a guy".

BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA now that almost made me piss my pants. Fucking shame you can't even fool drag queens, you're so goddamn ugly.

Oh yeah...one more thing... Merry was offered Rob's ashes last June to scatter. This is the guy, yanno, the one that you said was the love of your life? If you were so close to each other how come his family didn't offer YOU his ashes?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP! Looks like you were caught in another lie.... so what happened to that baby you allegedly had that you called Rob's mother begging for money for? Hmmmmm??????

Now you want to have Jim's baby... aww com'n Rosemary try to keep your stories straight. If drag queens can figure your dumbass out, what do you think reasonably intelligent people can figure out?

And you didn't get to scatter Rob's ashes......Merry did.

Fuck you Rosemary....times almost up...


Pick a roomie you will guess wrong again said...

Rosemary- You confuse being disgusted as being jealous of you. For a woman who parks herself online causing troubles to others you do really kid yourself "grow some balls" classic. As if someone has to tell you who they are to validate the shitstink you are. Obviously you have hurt many of your former friends which shows you have no redeeming qualities to feel for what you have done to them. This is why you are good friends with Robert Casey. He has no redeeming values either. Look at him in his 60s playing with people he has never even met?

I've read your shitty blog you know the one you and your beloved Rob started for spying on your chat room friends? The one you initially denied you had anything to do with? That's you Rose a person living in the past. Look how you again are willing to drag more people who have nothing to do with your miserable ugly self back up into the picture? Go ahead those people don't give a shit like you do. Drone your distorted version of what you think it's all about. Please do. For someone who says move on get a life you got a lot of nerve. You are living in the past you did for near 2 years over Rob and that mess now didn't you?

You are giving spelling instructions and grammar lessons now? From a hick like you that is sorta funny. Just sorta. This statement of your line by line rebuttal is really you:


I'll tell (notice I'm not using the "we" as if I'm a group of people like you do?) you something if and when the day comes that someone finally drags you into a court room setting some of us will provide all the proof they need to slam you into prison where you belong for a good long time. I'll use everything you just ADMITTED to, about being a bully etc etc. See you won't know who any of us are, you THINK you know and that's the laugh. Cos you are really stupid, uneducated idiot Rosemary. If you jump up in court and yell at the judge how hot you are you won't get off for insanity they'll just call you a nut under their breath. You have many who hate on you for the personal shit you have delved into it for the fuck of it. You continually justify your actions because you were attacked. This is your fantasy. You pretend a lot too Rose. It's a front, it's so good anymore (at least to your crazy self) you have your silly self convinced of it but in reality your a pathetic, little minded nobody.

Thanks Rose cupcake for all the confessional shit you dumb ass.


Roomie 2002? Sorry this got so long winded I usually am a person of short words but this has reached new lows. If Rosemary had any sense she'd take her own advice shut it move on and live this aol fantasy she's created by her ugly self and leave people be.

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

She thinks she knows everything there is to know but fact is she don't know a goddamn thing. Oh she tries to play smart and tries to play it all cool but she falls flat on her ass. She's in total denial isn't she? For someone who has repeatedly said she doesn't read the blogs she sure made a liar out of herself...AGAIN!
She knows the truth is being spoken here because its the same shit she told everyone before, but won't admit to it because she has to have the rosy life, as if...
Your ALLEGED GOOD FRIENDS have all told me the same thing, "you didn't hear this from me but she is fucking pissed off at what you're writing and the fact she can't find out who you are"
Well well now rosiepoo...those close friends of yours that wouldn't give you up...funny how those things happen...
You're a goddamn piece of shit Rosemary...yes your time is almost up and YOU will go down before any of us will, trust me on that.
But then again, you said you don't read this blog or any others. You would be surprised at what I know and who I've talked to.
dumb cunt...wash your vagina hoser

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

Um Rosie? It's kinda cute how you have to do a line by line rebuttal (www.dictionary.com for the big words dear), did you run out of original material to write?
Like your miniscule pygmy brain could come up with anything usable. If they saw how you write to other people they would see all the words that everyone has spewed to you and you just retype them and send them on. Do you have all this stuff written down, ready for that next conversation rosieposie?
GAWD yer fucking pathetic. Ever quit using that spell check? Everyone knows you're a horrendous speller. "deformation of character" anyone?

Does Rosemary really have friends said...

Rosey thinks you are Sydney Esquire 2002 now, Roomie 2002. Her deductive reasoning is working overtime as usual. Get ready for the big story. She'll do another line by line rebuttal. The dumb ass spews all her personal shit for everyone to read how bright is that?

Old Roomie Jan 2002 said...

Oh I can't wait for this one. So now I'm Sydney huh... that is too goddamn funny. First I'm Karrie, now I'm Sydney? She'll never get it right, next week I will be someone else. All her friends begin with "you didn't hear this from me...." and she says her friends don't give her up? BWAHAHAHAAAAAAA....

Keep it up hoser, you are mildly entertaining, good sometimes for giggles, and you never fail to amuse. Can't bully anyone to find out who I am? Can't threaten to reveal my identity? So what was it that made you swear up and down I'm Sydney? Shit for brains? Crayon scribblings?

Yes YOUR time is coming...SOON! Keep thinking you are untouchable because we will be sitting in the courtroom giggling our asses off and offering our testimony to lock your insane nasty black widow killing whoring ass up.

Just FYI rosiepooooo, what makes you think I don't already have pics and places and things in my possession right now? Stupid fuckhead.

Lots of people are giving your shit up cupcake, whether or not you accept the fact, they are.

Very lonely where you are huh rosie...

hugs kisses and a middle finger to yah,
yer old roomie 2002

Another Chatty Roomie said...

You know another laugh (AT ROSE) is how she shut 'her' blog down for a bit supposedly because she was bored and had a rich, full life. (Contraire to Bolek's thinking that HE shut her off-he didn't of course but pssst don't tell that dumb ass) Old stupid Bob Bolek there kept taunting her like the dummy he is and well she had to bring it back.

What struck me is here is a woman going on how much of a GREAT life she has and all? Yet she has time to run from blog to blog writing her witty (gag)& shitty comments as if. She then bullies, extorts, and threatens to "expose" her enemies. Wow that's real mature. What are you Rosey, 12?

She seems to have so much time to berate others, oh but this one can "get any man". Um no. Rosey you are just looking for dick to service that large hole in your soul. The ole in & out doesn't mean he loves you, you are easy, a simpleton. Dumb as a rock hence all these dramas. There is nothing in your life it's empty, a large void. There is where all the hating comes from. Others have a life, Rosey is jealous of THAT. A Psychiatrist would really have a field day with her. After all her lying slowed down and she fessed up to how lonely she is, and how she doesn't understand why more people don't like her, he/she would have to delve into the tick of her devious behaviors. That would take some time.

Rosey really is off the charts a crazy nut like her trying to get knocked up again like she was doing with old Rob the supposed love of her life. That guy put a gun in her mouth and wanted to kill her one minute the next they are off buying dog food. Which she can not refute since the shit was all over the internet with her ugly mug (now there is a pic Roomie 2002! that's the real Rosey) Who is she kidding?

The dumb fuck whore is bored out of her head having nothing going on but being an asshole to everyone. She's fooling herself if she thinks she's going to get Mother of the Year award for her child rearing abilities. This would almost be funny if in reality it wasn't so sad, how pathetic the whore is. This Jim must really be just another dumb ass from aol who didn't do his homework when he hooked in with this loser.

Think with your dick (or in your case Rosemary your cunt) you get what you put out. Get it? Put out? LMFAO.

"She been hacked" said...

Found this, looks like someone has been had? I'll use their name and their link as mine for now ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOO:

We got her computer and her phone info.

Rose Mary Hirst

She got lots of pictures of roomies dirty pics web sites of dudes she's tried to date and all kinds of shit LOFAO.

Anonymous said...

That is a Wilmington, Delaware number. Now Delaware has strong anti-stalking laws, which may explain rosenhosenstein's limiting of her bullshit & ways of stalking people online. Oh don't worry, she wouldn't DARE bring any of us to court cos (oops sorry but to appease the 'excellent" speller Rosiepoooooo), because that would bring in all the bullshit she has done for a loooong time. She would have to face up to her blogs, especially the marylandersover35 one, and have all sorts of bad things brought up about her that she would rather not let anyone hear, much less a judge or jury, it would then be public record. OMG Rosiepooo could NOT bear any more public records of herself.

Anonymous said...

hey hoser since ur so up on spell checking how bout policing all those damn dots you use after words on your blog that you do so damn often
like that
or that ya stupid witch

Roomie 2 said...

Bob you stupid asshole stay focused who gives a shit if Rosemary uses dots or whatever. She's a bully. She's a stalker. STAY ON THAT "ya" ignorant dumb hick. No wonder she's got a leg up on you Bob. You are dumb as a damn rock.

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