So Jim kicked you out and took back your brand new car and now you're living back with Ashley? Awww, what happened to that wonderful life with that wonderful man who bought you a new car and was paying all your bills, hmmmmm???
So, if you're now living with Ashley again, does this mean that yer gonna jump right back in the blogging business? All those lies, drama, half-truths and constantly getting the wrong person and/or picture?
Golly gosh darn hoser, and I thought you were on a righteous path, above all this lying cheating backstabbing and the such beneath you. So lemme guess, yer gonna tell Ashley that you will be a fulltime babysitter and grandma so she can go to work party & whatever else she wants to do while you sit at home online, not working or being a decent productive member of society.
Still can't get it right huh Rosemary?? Poor poor pitiful Rosenhosenstein, maybe you can go get TANF or food stamps, yanno all that public assistance that you cut sooo many people down for? What a sight, Rosemary standing in the checkout lane with her handy FOOD STAMP CARD in her grubby dirty scab infested hand, using your tax dollars to buy herself food. Whatta hoot...
So, lemme get this straight... Jim took back the NEW CAR he BOUGHT FOR YOU after KICKING YOU OUT. So what happened to the car that you bought with the money (you said about $3,000) from the divorce settlement with John? Yanno hoser, the divorce hearing you said got pushed through the courts in two weeks...
One of these days you will pull yer head outta yer ass, although I doubt it will be any time soon. One can only hope that Ashley will tire of your bullshit and kick yer ass to the curb and preserve her family, WITHOUT YOUR INTERFERENCE. I was passed along info from a reliable source that most of her problems are YOU, if you just left her the hell alone, all her problems would pretty much cease.
That's a sad thing yanno Rosemary... but well deserved in your case. I know who could verify things and show everyone you are a lying sack of shit.
Such a sad story....
With much love, or maybe not (snicker),
Yer old roomie,
Funny really funny. When is this dumb ass going to hit rock bottom and fly off into space where the rest of us never have to know about her crazy ass anymore?
Let's see she probably got the arguments goin when he wanted her offline and she insisted she had to stay on. Oh the fuck was off then. Rose may get a clue some day before she dies. Don't hold your breath. What a dumb ass. So her new boy toy threw her ugly ass out? How did you find this all out Roomie2002? Was she bemoaning it in a chat chat room? Or did her dear friends give her up? LMFAO.
Sorry I can't tell you how I found out but I bet Rosenhosenstein knows huh Rosie...
I told you your friends are not who you think they are, ya stupid twat. Anything that happens to you I will find out.
It's not like I purposely go out and hunt down information on you, your "close trustworthy friends" are the ones that come to me with your shit.
Tsk tsk Rosemary...keep on running your mouth, yer time is coming REAL SOON.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA tag yer it hoser...
Yer old roomie,
LOL Probably both It seems ...If there really was a "new man" why would he bother to buy her a SUV so soon...Hell I wouldnt buy my woman...if i was a man a car unless i was married to her...He either figured out that shes a stalking harraasser, or that shes still whining to other pple about a dead Dick (rob) and cant cease to stop blogging otherpple even when they havent done anything wrong...or she just thinks theyre fat or ugly ...which is really none of her or anyoone else's buisiness..but im a bystander what do i know...All I know is she 'llnever stop digging into someone else's life unless shes been busted and put in jail or someone finally does what so many have threatened to do but never have... and thats all i have to say about that
Better watch it, poster "Rose the dumbass", Rosie might try to say you are trying to kill her and cry wolf again and call the police cos you threatened her life cos of you comment below:
Rose may get a clue some day before she dies.
She tried to say I was Karrie from this IM conversation:
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: and Karn the commenter is actually Karrie
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: karri is an old roomie who rose fucked with
Merry n kids [10:02 A.M.]: she has 2 bloags about rose shes from back in 2002
She is a complete twat isn't she? snicker...
If she tried to think her brain would explode, or what's left after her fucking everything that breathed & catching STD's, all that coke and crack she stuffed up her nose & all that alcohol.
Come on hoser, there are programs for people like you, you just don't wanna get better.
Merry Christmas to all my friends and Rosemary I hope you jump off a cliff. Now that would make my day, and everyone else.
Yer old roomie,
Post made in loser Hoser blog:
Why must people come into a chatroom and have to "one up" somebody? A frequent visitor to the MD over 35 room, claimed to have "punked" another member by saying he had pretended to be someone else in an IM, but in reality it was him. Now if you read that back, it sounds rediculous. That's because it is. As you know, you can not 100% verify who it is your are talking to. It's just a screen name or a font. Just ask all those sexual predators who think they are picking up 13 year old boys, when in reality, they are talking to the police. Claiming to have "punked" someone by pretending to be someone else is about as lame a claim (didn't mean to make a rhyme this time) as I have seen. Then to top it all off, the roommie who was supposedly punked, displayed the IM and it had just as many spelling errors as the roommie who claimed to do the punking. So who's punking who? In conclusion, all I can say about this whole conversation is "WHO CARES" Chatrooms are not real life, they are for entertainment purposes only. You can be whoever you want to be in there. Take me for instance. I was gay for 10 minutes this week. That experience would never have happened if I wasn't in a chatroom. So enjoy the internet but remember, just because someone types something, it doesn't mean it's true.
Responds here because Hoser can not handle rejection and closes her comment's:
Dear Bagel Bruce,
Have you seen where your blogging......or read it.....watched how stupid hoser is and the idiots other than who your speaking of? The games are played and learned from them. Kind of funny ones can not handle shit they have thrown at other's for year's and judgement made on people that give it back to them. Damn even one of them came in with a fake SN just to catch hoser call her a loser and reply she would be a better woman for her man. Now that was a great punk....sure won't want my man around her after that! Sure is ridiculous. Hoser has even gone so far as to bash herself in her blog to hide it was her's till everyone found out........makes you wonder full of fonts you know? Hoser and Zeekpee are wonderful at pretending to be someone else just to play their game's of entertainment here. They make fun and blog here of death...children and sexuality all the time on other's but call other's if they do it. They may be able to answer your question for you because they play these game's......Oh right they claim they are the victims because people are starting to come back at them with their own shit they pull.
Well duh on that 100% verity of whom you font with here on AOL. Even ones you call friends here cannot be a guarantee.
Hmmm......Bagel...did you check your spelling error's ? (wink)'s just font's and play......who care's. Oh...By the way you must care...seem's the BS you commented on has you posting and typing in another loser's blog of all you just made fun of another of doing.
Also as stupid....Why must people come in a chat room just to camp and log shit or want that damn blot to baby sit or control a chat room? Bagel many do live here on AOL and do take it as a life..pretty darn sorry asses. Glad we are a few that just have fun and get entertainment watching many make fools of themselves. Now are you really a Bruce or a bagel....female or male? Never know here will we!
Oh....By the way I am not "one up " on you. Just wanted make you aware of how ridiculous both sides sound and get a laugh with you. Thank's for the bagel with my coffee!
wow jim and her are doing fine ...thats great ....i guess jim doesn t mind rose talking about zeeke dick and its ok for her to do 3somes with hammy and zeeke while jim is outta town ...i am taking bets on how long the news will do live shots from roses house on a stand off situation....a domestic arguement over dogfood and jimmys gotta gun ...and ofcourse rose will call that fat fucking cunt lynnzy and talk about miscarriages in the shower and its not her fault..jim just snapped...whats really funny is that her friends don t deny or confirm him ....sound a lil fishy to you...after all rose hangs with bussiness people who sell drugs outta there store and now sit at home looking like a metlife blimp...once again pics say it all...and finially rose has friends that will desert their kids for other men and to do drugs more then bein a mother ...yep when all is said and done rose and her cheap fucking losers sit at home and play on aol have the perfect life ...lets give them cuddos long as they stay on aol 24/7 reality is safe
If this is true and hose was dumped (no big surprise)Than she has plenty of friends in Delawere (so she say's she lives) To go suck off of there...big fat nasty Nanci or kiss ass SweettSasieeFras whoever.....LMAO let them support her as she has said and fuck thier men while they are away like she so brags she has no issue doing and letting another woman pay.
Hey her words she has said many time's!
Wonder how Ashley feels having two children around to take care of if that's where Beaver mouth ran to!
Glad to hear a man got away with his life!
Awww Zeekpee is playing a woman Lilly now just to own a room and have a bolt....cute! A lot issues with ones that brag they could care less but have need to stay up all night ... want buy the blot from Alan in room.. or get fake SN to get a blot.Figures it's the Marylander's over 35 chat room loser's! Than as always judge other's for way's they themselves behave. have a life just means able to sign off and not sit on AOL worried about what other's thinks or feel and be with real people more than here on AOL.
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