Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Textbook Look At Rosemary...

Had to repost.......thanks Merry & the girls......

.....A Textbook look At Rose.......................

Abuse and violence are behaviors chosen by a woman like Rose to cause physical, sexual, or emotional damage and worry or fear. Women like Rose who behave this way are often promiscuous, selfish, and narcissistic. Such a woman like Rose uses her moods, rage, and impulses to control the people around her and she is not satisfied until they have noticed her. These women choose deceit, fury, and assault to get their own way and then revels in the addicting exhilarating emotional unrest they create. These women such as Rose lie, connive, and extort. To insult and humiliate their partner, some argue and use offensive language in the presence of others including their children. Many steal or destroy their partner's possessions. These women are driven by jealousy and view others as rivals. They treat their partners as possessions and strive to isolate them from friends and family.Many abusive women falsely accuse their partners of infidelity while they have affairs. These women often abuse children or animals.( just like rose has ) . Nearly all exhibit erratic mood changes, feign illnesses or injuries, and most are practiced actresses. They are not sick; they play the triple roles of a terrorist, a tyrant, and a victim.At some point, she will falsely accuse her husband or partner of a crime. False allegations of child abuse continue to be a common feature in divorce proceedings and the courts ignore the problem. Now, the domestic violence accusation has become the woman's weapon of choice. Apart from the monetary and property gains, domestic violence is so easy to fabricate and these women crave the pleasure that comes from destroying their husband or partner. Persons who have experienced an abusive relationship often experience fear or shame or bewilderment. They have tried everything and nothing works. These people have found themselves not knowing what will happen next, riding on an emotional roller coaster that they cannot escape. Most are sad, depressed, humiliated, and just plain exhausted. Many have lost everything they had in the world and are worried about their future. However, these women have no limits. Their outrageous behavior escalates to unbelievable levels and so, no one believes the victim.When faced with the breakup of a relationship, especially a marriage, some women become vindictive, and abusive women become very dangerous. When others (friends, relatives, police, attorneys, and judges) believe her, they join in, and the frustrated husband or partner finds himself a victim of undeserved hatred, defamation, and abuse.The other dangers are that some women kill their partner, or the partner's new companion, or the children, or the relatives, or stage unsuccessful suicides. Sometimes, women fake or inflict injuries on themselves, or use an accomplice, a relative or new lover, to frame her husband or partner. The most common behaviors are pressing false criminal charges, stealing or destroying property, snatching children, and engaging in bad faith litigation.......

Remember Rose You Are Nothing and you Never will amount to anything !...

Rose this is YOU to a "T", seems I'm not the only one who knows you well. Pretty soon everyone will know who YOU are, no hiding it then. Everything has been saved.
Sucks to be YOU desperately lonely you must be, to be the way you are......

Such a sad little whore.....

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Little Ditty About Rose the Hose

Here is a ditty about Rose the hose
You might know her better as Rosemary
The woman of ill fitting ugly cheap ass clothes
And a buddy named Zeeke the fairy

Got a really chubby friend by the name of Cin-Cin
Hasn’t seen her toes in years
Ate lots and lots of greasy fattening din-din
Her sitting on you, one of your greatest fears

Then there’s Nancy the one who gives legal advice
Thinks she’s the smartest thing around
But she’s dumber than Rose and I don’t have to tell you twice
She meets Rose’s standards pound for pound

Yeah sure Rose is ugly as hell and dumb as dirt
Crappy nasty teeth and limp dirty hair
Doesn’t stop her from being a whore flirt
That someone wouldn’t fuck on a drunken dare

Her filthy mouth you can see for yourself
On a blog she hammers on night and day
With all her belongings sitting on a shelf
She sits online 24/7 and looks for prey

No one really likes her or admits to it too
She could make dead men turn in their grave
From the smell emanating from between her legs
Would make a convict hibernate in a cave

Her grasp of words isn’t too tight
And she’s dumb as a fucking rock
Cos she only comes out in the dark of night
To hunt down beer drugs & cock

See she has an obsession with the kids of a man
She had a hand in killing and we all know what
She can’t take the truth if she was hit with a van
Cos she’s a smelly boneheaded twat

She knows she was being used
But she can’t even own up to that
Always spewing trash and accusing ABUSED!
Ran over just like a doormat

Constantly googling information on people’s lives
Posting things she really should not
Hanging out trying to score dick in bar dives
Thinking she’s “all that” and “hot”

You really should get some help and meds for your delusion
Cos honey you’re way out in left field
Full of shit and denying confusion
Wearing hatred and deceit as your shield

You’ll never be anything but a piece of shit
I couldn’t be any more blunt
Aww com’n hoser don’t chuck a fit
Cos you’ll always be the über cunt!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rosemary Dear, Your Insanity Is Showing...

Gee Rose, you have really lost your mind.

I have sat back quietly, for the past few months, and watch the entire drama unfold before my eyes. You are really losing it aren’t you? You didn’t used to be this bad but your obsession has obviously driven you over the line and now you are nuttier than a fruitcake. Better be careful Rose, if someone really reads those blogs of yours they just might lock yer ass up. There is such a thing as involuntary admission, especially if that person is deemed a danger to others or themselves…or children they want to maim.

I applaud these people fighting back against you with bravado, these strong vibrant individuals you call “jealous has-beens” & “used up ex’s”. I honestly can’t see any jealousy on their part, only them wanting to make you shut up and mind your own business, which you can’t do no matter what happens. You just couldn’t shut up and keep your memories with Rob and go on with your life. You had to try and take others memories and try to smash them to bits because YOU ARE THE ONE JEALOUS OF THOSE WITH MEMORIES THEY CHERISH OF ROB. It makes one wonder if your life with him was as wonderful as you say it was.

Sure, there are 3 sides to every story: this side, that side and the cold hard facts. And I have to tell you that your version of events aren’t adding up or making sense no matter how hard you stomp your feet or scream or cuss or call everyone cunts or threaten them. And if you’re sooooo damn sexy, where are all the men who supposedly want your “sexy hot ass”. I don’t see any male worth a damn paying you ANY kind of attention whatsoever.
So what did YOU get on Valentines Day Rosemary? Where were you?
Ahhh online I bet, while I got a beautiful Open Hearts necklace with diamonds from my husband and a lovely box of chocolates and a very romantic meal, along with 2 dozen roses. I bet you sat your worthless lying scheming conniving ass online all day. Did ya get to go to Taco Bell for Valentines Rose, big day for you there huh.

I am awaiting the results of the state committee on that Stalking and Online Harassment bill to be made public. And I know for a fact that the news organizations are watching you like a hawk, making YOU into a story that starts with “You wouldn’t believe that anyone would get away with something like this nowadays, but…”. Yeah, your 15 seconds of fame and you’re branded the online stalker that got a law passed because she showed how insanely jealous she was and how her pedophile ways exposed her for what she was; a deranged jealous mentally unstable lunatic who tried to scheme and lie her way out of anything, like shit slides offa anything… like YOU.

You disgust me and make my skin crawl, any thought of physically coming into contact with you makes me sick to my stomach, including any of my children coming into contact with you. The things that have come out of your mouth and the things you have blogged make me wonder exactly where the human race is going, when someone as gross and disgusting as YOU is allowed to roam free. Geez, I would even give the Somali pirates more humane treatment than I would YOU. YOU are the kind of domestic terrorism that the government is trying to prevent. Slowly but surely you and your blogs are making their way up the government and law enforcement food chain, wonder what will happen when it reaches the White House? I know for a fact that shit like yours would be addressed right away with Obama’s administration, especially for all the stalking you are doing.

Funny how you wouldn’t show up for your court date on the protective order, was there something you were scared of? Maybe it was because the exact people you were trying to get in trouble had enough to show just cause that YOU NEEDED TO BE LOCKED UP. That judge would have been presented with evidence that you filed a false claim and that would have been that, your bullshit would have been over because the next time you tried to file a claim you would have been told, uh no I don’t think so. And since you didn’t show up this time, the next time you try to pull this bullshit it won’t go as smoothly but you’re so goddamn dumb you can’t figure that one out. You utterly amaze me hosehead, did you patent stupidity or is it just that natural for you?

And you got a lotta nerve talking about all those women, or the “girls” as they are affectionately known. You used to be a fat slob, like some of your friends, until you started stuffing things up your nose and such, but it still shows that you are chubby. Your tits look like they’re depressed to be on your body, with what they’re looking down all the time, even when slung up in a bra. You have NO business talking about how much any of them weigh, they have children, some less than 5 years of age. Your last child was Ashley, so what’s YOUR FUCKIN EXCUSE?

Your jealousy and hatred is ugly Rosemary, just like YOU. And it seems your daughter is following in your footsteps, boy I bet you’re REAL proud of that huh hoser. One could argue that Ashley doesn’t know any better because she was brought up in this shit, the only example she had was YOU, so that says a lot. A lot of us are praying that she takes her baby and gets the hell away from you before she loses that precious child because of your bullshit. Ashley I have nothing against you child, but you really need to get away from your self-destructive mother. I know this is the only life you have ever known but you can better yourself. Plenty of other people have had worse circumstances and they have bettered themselves and gone on the have healthy productive lives. Don’t let your mother be your undoing, get some help now and stay the hell away from your crazy ass psycho mother.

Rosemary, get it through your thick ass skull that these people aren’t backing down. Move on and go about your business and leave them be. I know you want to get fucked as much as possible, so why don’t you take your deluded self and go to some dating website or dating chats and go find a man, preferable not on AOL. Is it really gonna take you going to jail or being locked up in a mental institution to make you understand that?

Remember, in jail and in the loony bin they don’t let you online…..

Yer old roomie “2002”