Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gee I Wonder Who....

I wonder who it was (Rose) that made a whopping 143 visits (Rose) to my blog, Monday February 22, 2010 (Rose). Tracked you through your IP address you mindless buffoon. Notice the blog post that preceeded that day.

Rather interesting for someone who says she NEVER reads those blogs....(Rose).

Whatta fucking idiot....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

We Got Jim's Pics!!

Someone was kind enough to provide this JIM that Rosiepoop has been supposedly dating. I can understand why the poor guy dumped her ass a long time ago. As far as "spending a wonderful Valentine's Day with him", he replied "I don't know what the hell she's talking about". Did you do your usual foot stomping and screeching and the guy bailed on you huh hoser.

You are a total waste. And everyone who has seen you trying to dress like you're 20-something thinks you look absolutely ridiculous. Oh and to my "virus commentor", fuck you if my blog is so damn tired and worn out WTF are YOU still coming here to read it? NO ONE makes you come here so stay the fuck off of it. I have loads of anti-virus/scripts and nothing showed up and my machine is just fine. Maybe you ought to check out all your other emails that people have sent to you.

Fucking idiot.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We Know A Secret Of Rosie's.......

Jim dumped you quite a bit ago, so you saying you spent a lovely Valentine's Day with him is laughable. Add that to the fact that you're back in Baltimore says a ton. Speaking of fun, how's your tons of fun friend Cyndi and that ugly haggard old nasty Nanci? How's it going with that gross poodle Zeeke?

Wonder what she's doing online lately? Check for yourself:

We are laughing our asses off that your new love of your life Jim, who you met online, left your nasty ass some time ago and YOU won't even admit it. What is it that YOU do to get people to lie for you?
Tsk tsk cumcake oooops cupcake...liar liar ugly nasty ass on fire....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well She Told Me To.....The Dumbass....

Subject: Re: Couldn't Have Said It Better...A Repost From The "...
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2009, 12:46 AM

yes, please call him and ask I would love for you to contact John and come to court..........wait, we aren't going to court, well at our final hearing, yes.....................I will email you the court date or John can let you know lol.

So yes please call John. If you honestly think that John doesn't have my back are sadly mistaken, so MAKE MY DAY snookems lol   
You got it Rosemary, John is talking more than you know. He didn't give you shit anymore than you got it. So yeah sure why not. Let's post the conversation I had with John becos he DOES NOT like you at all. Or at least thats what he tells me, and I have that on undesputable record ( for the big words dear). Yeah it sure you really want court?
You sure you really want all that shit you've done over the years to come out in a courtroom settings? Anything anyone else has done will fall by the wayside when YOUR antics are brought out into the open. Like all that shit you pulled on poor Moody, who was no more a cop killer than you are, well I don't know about that, because we don't have a body count on all your victims, just 2 to date.
So PLEAAAAASE let me know the court date, or I could look it up online. John hates you dear and you know it. He was FURIOUS when his Lieutenant got that letter, it's permanently on his work jacket now, because of YOU. You WILL answer for the shit you have pulled on people and you WILL be held accountable for the shit you did to Moody. Yeah I got my hands on all that Moody shit that you & Robert Casey did, emails and all.
How about it Lynnzy dear, you ready to go down with yer buddy Rosemary? Believe me she will throw the shit on your ass quicker than you can breathe, is your freedom worth that? She has screwed over and backstabbed every best friend she has ever had, want me to name them all? You lot oughta wise up but hey you can go down with her, or obviously when shit comes to shit YOU will go down before she will. She will make sure of that. I won't reveal those of you that have contacted me and given me info about hoser, your secret is safe with me.
But hoser? Now that's a different story.......
Here is a pic of ol Rosie that shows exactly how ugly & aged with washed out sickly death pallor that she has, and here is the link from where it  came from:
Goddamn ugly isn't she, she looks like an old worn out junkie whore.

Friday, February 19, 2010

With regards to Hirst running her mouth over there on her friend's blog, CaseySucksCocks Blog

This was a comment on my  blog and I decided that it would be better as a post.

You Suck Rose said...

With regards to Hirst running her mouth over there on her friend's blog, CaseySucksCocks Blog:

Oh PLEASE Rose, this is your usual bullshit. You post anonymous to appear to be still yet another person. You fucktard. You've been doing this stupid shit for years. You are a total whack job.

This isn't about Karrie you fucking nut this is about YOU. Your guessing game to bust supposed people after you (because of all our "jealousys") is just how insane you are. You going into a chat room less then 23 hours after the DEATH of your "true love" to begin arguments with total strangers because of your insane obsession to be the center of the attention is so you. Does this really sound normal to you? Do normal people hang out on the internet all day and night harassing strangers who are not even in your real life over living their lives away from a computer? You issue out demands, threaten to "expose" people who were stupid to think trying to negotiate a peace between you and all this bullshit is again so you. Posting pictures of your enemies "busting" them out, "rat fucking" as you call it. You inbred moron. You demand people stop "stalking" you; yet you yourself go and go and go on like the Pink Energizer Bunny deeper and deeper into the most personal aspects of a person you can't stand. This isn't a compliment stupid it's your intense need to quell people who hate you because of what YOU have done.

Have you noticed something else about your shitty writing style now? Not only to you COPY other people's writing styles and expressions there is no real you anymore. Your thoughts are beginning to run on the .... stuff elongated sentences, nasty little expressions shows a thought process disjointed, rambling, almost incoherent. The bravado you use to again attack people YOU have harmed with your ugly thoughts is a falsehood you love to perpetuate. Maddy imitates the ... stuff to, like your writing style but hers is because she's so frustrated in trying to deal with a useless bitch like you Rose.

At some point lady YOU are going to have to atone. You need to quit playing victim, what you have developed into, is, a HUGE monster. Again does this sound normal for a woman who fancies herself to be such a "hot" item to be on such a smear campaign? There is no argument here the people specifically the women who were in Rob's life have their downfalls but who are you to judge?

You really are a nasty little bitch, all these supposed 23 blogs devoted to you wouldn't even exist if you were a normal person. Btw, you have nothing to keep denying about blogs you've created lady you've done so many. Quit lying about that too. You made statements in chat rooms (your favorite place) to announce your little techniques to pretend to be other people or feeding friends different versions of a story to check who is leaking information. Again does this sound like a healthy way to have a friendship? Friends don't guard themselves like that so again your concept of having a relationship is flawed, shattered to the real world lady.

You speak in the "we" business as if your a party of many instead of a solo individual making the shit up YOU make up specifically on YOUR blog A blog btw way that YOU and your big love, Rob created. A blog that YOU denied was ever your blog flying in the face of the obvious. A blog YOU have used as a personal ramming rod to libel and slander people who don't care for you. Does this stop you? Nope. If Ms. Hirst you ever are taken to court you are not going to be able to blame anyone but you stupid. You can holler all you like how all these women made you do this it's the delusional world you live in that you've done nothing to be "harassed".

You threw YOUR FRIEND, read that again you moron, YOUR FRIEND in real life under the bus....just go kill yourself already.

Nuff said are a total waste of space....and you see someone else is tired of your shit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey Rose Before You Think And Your Puny Brain Explodes...

Now pay attention. This is a guest poster here, who wished to post this, which was written while Rosemary was still married to her husband John Hirst.

Rose Hirst? Blog co-author here? With your "good friend" Mr. Robert Casey?

You really are only remarkable in your own head. Authoring this "story" on OJ is well kinda funny. It's almost YOUR STORY. Know why? See, here you have been victimizing and bullying people on AOL for a very long time. You've got used to doing it, so it feels "natural" now. You've got away with your threats and yes they are threats. Their referred to as "torts". Being the person you are and all and being crazy you don't "think" their threats. Taunting, harassing, seeking out other's identities for the purposes of causing them distress, fear and annoyance is threatening. Posting women's personal matters on this blog, your blog and on the various other multiple personality blogs YOU have created, Rose Hirst IS a form of internet stalking. That's what YOU have become, an internet stalker. That's another story. We'll delve into that on another front.

YOU are OJ at this point. You are arrogant, belittling, negative seeking and STUPID, probably a better word would be, um, a dullard? Unfortunately a lot of the people you have been harassing are about as dumb as you are so no contest. However some of us are not dumb and we have the abilities to see you for what you are and have become: a person of lowly character and no morals, a woman of low standards. A woman who would use her vagina as the end all cure to your problems. You are a sad person, a lonely one I would venture to guess but you like so many on AOL put up a good front. It's all bullshit of course the very thing YOU desire and want (like many on AOL) is empathy and kindness from strangers. Instead you have sought out hurting others for the mere pleasure of the doing of it. You have taunted so many of these girls (and I say girls for many of them are acting like they just graduated from school) telling them how "jealous" they are of you, how "hot" you are, how they are "stalking" you, how you "had to" respond, which shows the arrogance you have blossomed into. You will NEVER have friends now Rose Hirst what you will have, is looking over your shoulder possibly waiting for that person you are going to push so hard, so far that they will acceed to your taunts about coming to your home. Maybe you'll get to live, ending up in the hospital but I'm going to take a leap here and figure unless you are put out of everyone's misery this shit you've been doing is going to continue. I just don't see an end to it....

What you, Rose Hirst have received, is the repulsion of a mass gathering of total strangers who have united in their hatred of your online activities to let you know you *may* get a civil lawsuit handed in your big mouth. I'll grant you it won't do a thing to you except bury the rest of your useless nothing existence in a Judgment hanging over your head. But imagine? YOU sitting in a court room as the DEFENDANT? Pleading your pitiful case how, ..."they made me all do it, I had to do it" as your defense. Yah that is definately an "LOL"

I hope that people do bug your stupid dolt of a husband at his work place, for (1) it will bother him to realize that your internet activities are causing HIM stress and (2) YOU are actually all the things that he no doubts has heard 'rumored' but has never believed and here is the real kicker, 'coz he loves a whoring tramp ass like you and can not bring himself to believe a fucking liar like you could actually be BETRAYING his dumb ass, once again. How pathetic, your husband, a man who has probably worked hard all of his life has ended up with a vampire (that term has been used about you quite a bit) like you. He must really love you and be stupid over you that's the only thing anyone can gather by a guy who keeps taking a TRAMP and BETRAYER like you, back. Really when you think about it what man who has any testicles would actually drive his whoring wife to another man's funeral? Or worse have another AOL dude move in their house and sleep with his wife right in their martial bed? Deputy Hirst like you Rose Hirst needs counseling to come to understand his addiction to a useless human being like you...

That too, is another story.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Some News For Rosemary....

From Time Magazine February 15, 2010 issue currently on stands:
Page 15:

70% - Percentage of U.S. human-resources officers who say they have rejected job applicants for inappropriate material in online social-networking profiles.

Hmmmm Rosemary, funny that should come out... can you imagine what employers would think if they found ALLLLLL those beloved blogs of yours, and those devoted to you when they see your resume? I am guessing you wouldn't include those you were fired from and sued by, right rosiepoop?

Wasn't it YOU that dared US to show this stuff to your employers? "BRING IT ON" I think you said? Maybe we won't have to. YOU will do it to YOURSELF you dolt. Geez yer a dumb  fucking hick.

BTW that fake baby you're trying to have with this awesome fake boyfriend Jim? Maybe you oughta tell him that you can't get pregnant in your ass, since that is your favorite target hole during sex, we're told.

Fuck you Rosemary.... Oh Lynnzy? You're next on our list, you nasty heiffer you. Wait until you see what we do with YOU, maybe we'll even drag Markypoo into it too. Ohhh we can see the insults and threats now. But better watch those threats, remember everything you do is seen heard and taken down.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rosemary Have You Taken Yer Meds?

BTW Hoser, how's your heart? Still on yer psycho meds, what is it Risperdal? Serious meds there, and your other meds.....nervous again???

Stupid dipshit....


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ummm Rosemary....

You keep telling me that I am a faceless piece of shit that won't reveal who I am and that makes me a lying two-faced cunt, I believe the words were. At least your current "stalkers" have the balls to come at me under their real name, you thunder with your "pissflaps", as you put it.

Well Rosiepoop, if you say that, then how come your current marylandersover35 website is hidden under domainsbyporoxy, which means they hide your identity for a fee. Saying you have stalkers is laughable because all we would have to do is show them the exact website they are hiding the owner's information for. Then that would prove it all huh hoser. Maybe we should go ahead and show them what they are hiding....

I'm sure you will find some bullshit reason to come back at me and say I am an upset Sydney (who isn't even real, remember folks, for those keeping score), or start again with this droopy eyed Karrie shit, which if you knew her then you would know she doesn't have a droopy eye. This is some shit dreamed up by Rosemary to intimidate, stalk and make fun of people, like crackhead methface Leigh? And yes Lynnzy we know you are a complete fatass and should follow your ho-ho trail to Jenny Craig. Maybe they can help you loose that wide load on your lower body. I dunno about that ugly fat round twinkie face but good luck to yah!

Rose, well, it looks like your boobs are depressed, with them always looking down at the floor. I would be too if I were on your body, matter-of-fact, I would be downright suicidal if I were anywhere on your body. I have been told by guys who have been whacked out of their head to have sex with you and they all told me that your pussy stank and you always wanted it in the ass, and after screwing you they saw why, it's about the only tight thing left on you, well for now that is. BTW Rosemary, since you like it in the ass so much, when you fart do you make a sound or is it just a whoosh of air....(snickering).
Just curious...

BWAHAHAHAAAAAA fuck you hosemary. Why is it only on YOUR blog they say you are sexy and want to have sex with you? It's a downright shame when you have to go on your own blog to compliment yourself or say you're sexy or even pretty. Damn shame hoser.... NOT!!!! hahahahahahahaaaaaaa...


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hey Rosiepoop...

Yer sure lookin nervous. Whatsa matter pumpkin, pissed cos you can't find out who I am? No one you can bully or  threaten to find out my identity? For someone who doesn't read these blogs and doesn't care and has such a bitchin life, you sure prove yourself the bigass liar of the year.

Your line by line rebuttal says it all. If you didn't really care about all this shit you would shut your ugly fucking methed out mouth. Be careful what you ask for meathead you might just get it. You begging us to check out your lies and such might come true. Then what would you do when you're proved to be a lying sack of shit, as usual? Nope still not Karrie and still not Sydney, but since you carry the  intelligence of a blade of grass, you don't get it.

I know you can't comprehend beyond color of crayons so I am gonna help your retarded ass out:

1) YOU are dumb as a rock.
2) Even drag queens can tell you're a guy.
3) Your own dumbfuckness denies you from understanding a single truth.
4) You sometimes suffer from aphasia, very obvious at times.
5) Even when you've been proved wrong you just keep on lying, making it whatever reality you are thinking of at the time.

BTW we got a picture of Jim, so up yers Rosenhosenstein....hahahahahahaha